Indianapolis Gangs

Map and Tour of Indianapolis Hoods

View and tour the streets of the Indianapolis hoods. Once known as Naptown, below is a map that breaks down the Indianapolis neighborhoods. While some of these areas might house Indianapolis gangs, like Gangster Disciples or Vice Lords, this map strictly showcases all of the hoods from the West Side and East Side, to the North Side and South Side.

Indianapolis Hoods Map Key:   Blue = West Side. Red = East Side. Gold = South Side. Green = North Side

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Breakdown of Indianapolis Hoods

As mentioned, the above map mainly shows the Indianapolis hoods of the East Side and the West Side, with smaller sections on the South Side and the North Side. Some of the areas highlighted may have once been affiliated to Indianapolis gangs like Gangster Disciples or Vice Lords, but the map only indicates the city’s neighborhoods, like  DimeLife for 10th Street, TrifeLife and GangstaVille, the separate sections of 34th Street, ThugLife in the old Parkwood complex, or Hard Part for the city’s West Side Harding Street area, all just to name a few.

The largest section of the city is the East Side. As the black community expanded over the years, the population went from the Brightwood neighborhood to expanding into Devington around Arlington Ave, and eventually stretching as far as Post Road.

On the West Side, some of the first areas were an extension of Indiana Avenue, the once heart of Indianapolis’ black community and was once one of Indiana’s most thriving communities. By the 1980s and 1990s, black flight began to occur out of the inner city West Side neighborhoods around Crown Hill and Dr. MLK Street, into communities as far Lafayette Road, from 30th to 46th.

The South Side, which is the smallest and least recognized, is made up of housing complexes around Raymond Street and others scattered throughout the South Side.  The North Side is more suburban, but with newer housing and apartment complexes many are relocating along Michigan Road, changing the makeup of the North Side.

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