St Louis Gangs
Map and Tour of St Louis Hoods
Never seen before look inside the streets of the St Louis hoods with a full breakdown through a St Louis gangs map. From the subdivisions and apartment complexes of North County, to the blocks of North City, to the projects of Downtown, to the streets of the West Side, and to the ghettos of the East St Louis, get a true understanding of the streets of St Louis.
View the sections of St. Louis gangs, old St Louis hoods that have been torn down, images of certain neighborhoods, community history, and much more representing mostly all the hoods in St Louis.
St Louis Gangs Map Key: Red = Bloods | Blue = Crips/GDs | Orange = 62 EastCoast | Gold = Rollin 60s/Vice Lords | Grey = Unknown
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St Louis Hood: Downtown
Cass Avenue was once home to several housing projects that were built during the 1940s and 1950s and replaced the neighborhoods of Mill Creek Valley and Desoto Carr. By the 1970s and 1980s, Cass Avenue was the most notorious section of the city, from drug kingpins claiming turf to project and neighborhood wars.
Downtown once included Carr Square, Cochran, Blumeyer, Pruitt-Igoe, George Vaughn, Laclede Town, and years later the O’fallon Place apartments. Pruitt Igoe, which was one of the country’s largest housing complexes, was only short lived, after building a notorious reputation that led to its demolishing during the late 1970s.
St Louis Hood: The Ville
The Ville is historic black community of St Louis, a hood of St Louis that is large enough to have sections located on both the North Side and the West Side. While once home to numerous famous musicians, athletes, entertainers and activist, people like Tina Turner and the founder of rock music Chuck Berry, the Ville has changed from the early days.
Today many sections of the Ville are vacant, especially below St. Louis Avenue, but there are still hoods like Lexington’s 41LEX and 44LEX, Ashland’s 44Ashland and 39Ashland (3940), 4200 Maffit, 442 Ville, the largest section from the 4200 to the 4400 blocks, and more
St Louis Hood: North City
The North Side has been known to be the most active side with a number of rivalries, from GStreet (5000 Geraldine) and Walnut Park Bloods to the split with the Dub of JMV and DST, or the city’s first Rollin 60s and 62 EastCoastCrips war of the OPAC and College N Carter. Almost every section of the North Side, other than parts of North Point, Penrose, and Hyde Park, are home to active St Louis gangs.
Not until the the late 1950s and early 1960s with neighborhoods like Ofallon Park and College Hill did North City begin to grow with black families moving in, continuing into the 1970s and 1980s with neighborhoods like Walnut Park and Baden, especially following the demolishing of the housing projects.
St Louis Hoods: West Side
From St. Louis City, between Natural Bridge and Delmar, to St. Louis County, hoods south of Interstate 70 and west of Kienlen Avenue, all can be considered as the West Side. Long before the arrival of the Bloods and Crips, St Louis gangs were already somewhat established with the Westside Rockers, Hardy Boys, Boys of Destruction, and many more.
By the late 1980s and the early 1990s most St Louis hoods on the West Side would become Bloods, like the Horseshoe, Hodiamont, and Wellston, while a small percentage became Crips, mainly Rollin 60s, in areas along Goodfellow, like on Wabada and on Cates. In St. Louis County, the St Louis gangs of the Bloods and Crips expanded into the hoods along Natural Bridge and Page Avenue into places like Pagedale, Hillsdale, Pine Lawn, University City, and Wellston.
Before the West Side neighborhoods became predominantly black, Taylor Boulevard was the racial dividing line with neighborhoods like the Ville and Finney Avenue being the only areas for black families to live. By the late 1950s and 1960s, black families began to move into neighborhoods along Page Blvd., like Fountain Park, Academy, and the West End, eventually making their way into St. Louis County by the 1970s and 1980s.
St Louis Hoods: South Side
The South Side has traditionally always been predominantly white, but there have been several neighborhoods that make up the original South Side hoods, before Bloods and Crips came into the city. Hoods like Gibson, Park Avenue, Grape Hill (2600 Hickory), the Dark Side, Accomac, and Peabody and the former Darst Webbe housing projects.
Beginning during the 1980s and 1990s, white families began to move from the State Streets, the 3rd District section of the South Side, located south of Gravois and east of Grand Blvd. This established hoods further south by the 1990s and 2000s. As gentrification is occurring in the original South Side hoods, the State Streets have been growing and expanding further south, almost into South St. Louis County.
St Louis Hoods: North County
Before the 1970s, black families only lived in Kinloch and Robertson until the expansion of the airport that never happen destroyed both neighborhoods, leaving only small housing projects in Kinloch.
Starting in the 1970s the black population expanded into the city of Berkeley. Then, from the 1980s to the 2000s, apartment complexes helped changed North County, with most apartments being located between Parker Road and Lucas-Hunt, as white flight to West County and St. Charles County from the lower income apartment complexes led black families to move into places Jennings, Riverview, Spanish Lake, Dellwood, Parker Road, and other surrounding areas.
The Horseshoe never claimed Crenshaw Mafia, matter of fact they didnt get along with none of them in the first place
The Info on 55BMP wrong too, they known as 10-4 or 527BMP not 55. Horseshoe and 10-4 was 2 different crowds
They don’t know the horshoe started beefin with 527 Bmp & the beam, & Arlington mob
I hope you get in. Contact with someone from ESTL . That city has its own history
You are missing 1600 Clara they are bloods on the westside
You are missing
You are missing 8200/8300 Eads Ave aka Larryland and APz on the northwest county their rivals are 819 and DUB19 they are far from them but there is bloodshed
55BMP is really called “10-4” for Bloods , BMP(BeltMaffitPalm) is the blocks they be on not the set
45 Fair is the Rollin 90 set in OPAC and is one of the first sets in OPAC to start crippin in the 80s- this is one of the last remaining Rollin 90 hoods
21 Adelaide is nothing but Rollin 60s and started in the late 80s and ealry 90s
44Bud is Rollin 60 and 19LBC and is the face of OPAC
85 Concord is not active. The only active Baden hoods are 13Stone, 700, 800, & 89BMG.
Loaf Mob/the Good is not active
45 Fair is the lst set made in OPAC. thts the reason its (24 OPAC) AdeBud, LAFA,its a reason adelaide name comes first.
adelaide started RSC in the 80s but didnt get put on by cali until mid 80s.
bring back the old st louis gangs you yn get on youtbe and copy shit yall dont know tahts why yall be confused when yall hit the pen lol ony a few crip hoods still the same an never changed they identtiy
Alot of hoods is way more inactive than this map or comments show. Think about it STL had more people back then so it had more hoods and bigger hoods, nowadays you can ride through about 5-6 blocks and see nun but grass and boarded up houses.
Be careful when a mfer say “They still active, they still out there” half the time itz straight cap
Just cause the population got smaller don’t mean the hoods and turfs got smaller. Vacant houses or not that’s still they turf. Fym…
Be Real. That just means its an inactive “turf” with nobody living in it. It doesnt matter who claims it or not.
Active hoods are communties with gangbangers and regular people living in it, like the Peabody, OPZ, Hodiamont, etc
Not places where 35 year old men drive 10-15 miles just to get hang out for one hood day per year
Yes a lot of dying hoods in STL everybody movin to the county
It’s hoods in the county too 🤣🤣🤣
I mess with this but the SKAN needs to be Green fr. They hood days is Green-themed, n***as got the green bananas tied everywhere. That’s the Skan
You took Brown Road off, that’s still a hood on 8800 Kathlyn
You didn’t add 82/83 Eads Ave APZ/Larryland. They occupy the top half of Parkside and rival the 8 and the dub, it’s bloodshed between them.
To the ones wanting skan to be green the skan OPAC and sic and others rep green but colors on this map represent Gang Affiliation , they blood and crip
County info Update
-8duece 🩸was put on by Pirus but claim their own 82uece blood gang. One of the few STL hoods to not want to rep a LA set.
-Westgate✡️ is still active and they are still gd. Last time I checked they were beefin with Melrose but that was a hot minute ago.
-Eastgate♿️had a few bloods in their ranks but it was still Crip. Six-0wes Kitchenz Dueces thirties! 702 still hangin on.
-Melrose🩸main opps is 8duece. This beef goes back to when EasyDuece(rip) was dissin them in his old rap videos. They also had static with westgate and 65.
Vinita Park
-8200/8300 LarryLand/Modgang/APz 🩸 is a younger ifgb blood set based off 8200 and 8300 block of Eads Ave based out of the North Point Apartments and the Latitude Apartments. They have a deadly beef with the C8chran/SupaSavgeSquad and their only ally DUB1-9. That area is nolongercrip.
-Parkside in Vinita is no longer active
Berkeley /Berkeley area
-8800 BullTime 🩸♿️ is the territory based off the 8800 blocks of brown road. I don’t know much about them besides their location and affiliation. 92ifgb/60crips
-8500 Face Shot Gang 🩸 is a TreeTop Piru set that beef mainly with 84BSG and 200mbg/SpinnaGang but also with 2squad and cool with Tooliegang/Bermuda74. They hood is Kathylyn and Harold drive right passed McKibbon.
Wall Street🩸♿️ is blood and 60crips
You need too update the Bissells they call the hood” 1300 island “ or the b’s that gang that controls those projects is called “1300 island boys”
If you from the East side provide more info on some of these hoods.
Thank you for updating the E/S
SouthEND/Da End clicks is ✡️KuTThroat/MikeyMob they control that section from 14th to 20th. It’s the most reputable Estl set in my opinion. They known for bodies and backdoors. The hood is called the End not DawsonManor , and 19th and central is just a street.
♿️🅱️JDS/4Nic is THE most dangerous projects in ESTL. A lot of this hood flipped crip for a fallen member Ching. They beef hard with da end,78th, the y. The rapper Lagreg from the Shields.
✡️⭐️John Robinson homes is GD and VL they close with the shields
Most these hoods mixed affiliation
✡️⭐️Haymoes /15th is GD and Vice Lords
✡️⭐️Mosley and Jefferson/ Golden Garden is GD and Vice Lords
✡️🔱 Sinai hood is off St. Louis Ave and Cleveland Ave. it’s named after the Sinai Village apartments on StLave
51minerva was created by 41Delmar one of the most vicious crip hoods in the 62vs60war. Most known 4 set
Maple Block is the SKAN. 51Skan ain’t special lol take that green off rofl OPAC was rappin green waaay before them, n it’s other hoods that do too! Skan beefs still very much the same especially the Trakcz
41Lex beef with Ville,CNC basically all 2s and oddly enough it’s bloodshed between them and 45field. They ain’t into it with Ashland or 3940(pretty sure that’s old)
The 🅱️eam is bigger than that. They control the blocks from natural bridge to Saint Louis Ave(not counting 29Bailey,IK its da beam too) the Beam was the first blood hood to war with other bloods. They were beefing with the Horseshoe in the 90s.
JVL deserve hella credit they like the last STL hood to try to stay independent from Outta Town gangs before turning bloods. Shoutout JVL Posse!
57Cates YNs go by CNG on the W/S
EstL deserve their own Star fr, there was a big Folks vs People war in ESTL with the main factions being GDs vs Vice Lords. That died down in the mid to late 2000s. Now majority of the hoods have multiple gangs that at one time were at war.
Going to add
47Greer is (rep 2z 4z & 7z) but hey clique-set are “IFGB”
430Lab was IFGB & RSC ran down to the 4200 blk of Labadie
42Maffit was IFGB & RSC
27Bacon RSC ONLY and they started 3400 Tenn Mob southside
(579 BeamTeam)
2700 Sullivan (270 MOB)
2900 Bailey (Bailey Street Hustlers)
2500 Sullivan
the Curve are IFGB, but majority of thm DONT GANGBANG, they just rep their COMMUNITY/NEIGHBORHOOD
PST | PECC goes by (PPG) and stil tied in with 24 OPAC & THE DUB/WaterTowerMafia
21Ferry has to come down tower hyde park, where you got it is where the orignal DUB was at, they were Bloods like (5) of thm
the DUB (1-9) tied in with 26 MAD, 32 PENN & 21 Stans also
37Rose originally was 8tgc
CNC originally was Ghost town Crips & HCG/ transform to ECC & KCG
the Laide (OPAC) (here is the interview of the ogs speaking (
45FAIR is where all the R90 Crips at, 45 fair was made due to there being no 45 Laide.
41KCB are IFGB & KCG
54Claxton were RSC at 1st, but not a real set. it was a clique
534 AnE are still RSC with the YGs thts moved over there, are just bloods that styed on the streets. but get along with the RSC over here.
5-4 MurderVille runs all da way to 54Beacon, its all one both just control different blocks 2z 4z & 7z alliances
56Mimika was influenced and tied to 24 OPAC
Acme Mob is GD/RTC-19LBC
Clarita is not bloods they are Renegade Vice Lords and GDs
OWP is not TVL they are also Renegade Vice Lords and GDs. Mixed affiliation like most eastside hoods
Greystones is 4ch and GD
Bridgedale is also a 4ch hood
Only crip hoods in ESTL is Waverly and JDS
You still haven’t fixed Southend that whole territory is controlled by MikeMike gang/kutthroats they are GDs. 19th and Central is Southend and it’s Gangster Disciples. I’ll say this again their territory stretch from the train tracks on baker to Wilford, it’s a larger hood than shown on this map.
Show the East side some love
45 o$g is the gib now the gib is from chouteau to hunt. Kingshighway and vandeventer. They main spot is chouteau park
Younger generation is fast money gang and valet gang
Older generation is Gangsters in black and Gibside riders
They Rollin 60s and bloods so they area shouldn’t be gold it should be berry color how you did the skan
Main Allie’s is the skan 5143. Main beef is the Dark.
MFG is 2-sep clique of homegrown “Bloods & Crips”
4200 is by McDonald Park in Tower Grove South “Crips”
4300 is on Morgan ford in BEVO neighborhood and “Bloods”
(Blk, Wht, Mex, & Boasian members)
Forest Park Southeast neighborhood is (45O$G & the GIB) is all (One) and control that whole neighborhood
45 O$G was not Gentrified. They only knock down the apartments on Kingshighway.
ShawTown Ridas aint around no more since droop got killed by that cop. but thy had no GD, only RSC then the bloods came in around the 00s. (You can black them out)
the Murdas are (IFGB & RTC/LBC) thts it
31MAG is tied in with 26 MAD & 32 AR.MAD (RSC/GD)
35HaitiMob are affiliates they hve 3 sets in total (37 BSE, 55IBlocc & 29 BrickSquad)
Texas Ave is Texas Boys they were Bloods & RTC/LBC but was a promo team.
I Blocc stretches all the way toward high 55 (they are HCG/RSC with the Bloods on the 55 side)
heavily allied with 3940 (this is luh half) real set
Eike-B goes by “Blocc Serivces Money Gang (BSMG) or 52”. Started off IFGB & GD, then merger with TnG (RSC) and heavily allied with 42 EVG/50Nerve
IBG was IFGB (this is Dayo Murda) real set
Double O (OBG) is straight IFGB & ECC now, also have 2 sides. the 40 side (MHG/OTK) is RSC & IFGB
the SWAT never moves to Keokuk
the Strip has no ties to CAVE besides (Hamkeem) who real frm CAVE, thts why ppl thinks they hve CAVE ties, but they dont. they started off as a promo team 2k. also the strip is in (Dutchtown Neighborhood) you can google and see that, (Statestreetz) is only Gravois park neighborhood.
the Sluggs started was started by (Van & Wes) who’s originally from (The Dub- JMV (RSC)
They started the clique up to box other cliques at Roosevelt high school. they dont gang bang no more just a small community located in Dutchtown Neighborhood.
the Tenn was put on by 27 BACON MOB, but no longer around, they started on 3400 Tennessee, thy only rep 3600 blk cause they was tied in with minno mob.
the CAVE was started by (1) person Chuck B (the Projekctz) they start mid 00s by (DTM) then elevated to (CAVE) late 00s. (C)ompton & AVE created by (Tay & Devo) late 00s
335ILL Mob was never a hood a clique. ppl from shaw move over here as kids and tried to start something.
the SIC (Affiliation should say “HUSTLERS” ONLY. color should be (Royal Green)
2700 Utah (NHP) – 3200 Ohio (RSC/GD)
Most members from 3200 Ohio merge with 2700 Utah to form a (Money Clique) known as 327 SIC (they drop the 7 years ago)
2700 Utah (Defunct) 3200 Ohio are the actual sets.
Ohio was branch off from Iowa (IGC) on the 3500 of (Ohio) first.
real 32 SIC members don’t real (Crips or Bloods). 32 Ohio members (OGC) rep RSC and heavily tied to OPAC, MAD & SKAN) Luh Half real set is (IBlocc – I55) and Dayo Murda (3900 IBG), is their real sets
Crips & Blood “sets-cliques-gangs” (Color should be Grey) for neutral
I ain’t even trynna hate on you but some of this info flat out wrong
1. As someone who was on Oakland back in the ealry 2000s to 2024. OSG is not active. The Block is most definitely gentrified to such an extent that it’s only a handful of blacks on that street. The GiB basically control that whole community.
2. 32SIC always put money first but you can’t deny that their members rep 60 and blood. That’s just what it is.
3. The Sluggs/38 still bang. They still StripK for TY. Ifykyk.
4. 3500 Haiti Mob is the only Haiti Mob I still hear about that’s active, I ain’t sayin you wrong tho.
Everything else pretty much is right
702 EASTGATE♿️ and WESTGATE/Metcafe Park✡️ are two separate hoods.
✡️Westgate been around for 30 years and deserves to be on this map. They are mainly based out of the Parkview Place high rise apartments. You put their info on Eastgates description. They rivaled Melrose and Millar park long ago in like 2014. The younger gen goes by 6266 Metboyz. Like Eastgate they have been gentrified over the years but still active. Used to be known as 74Complex.
♿️Eastgate had a lot of 62ecc and that’s not speculation. That’s why 702 stood out because they stood together during the height of the 62vs60 war which still is fairly rare even till this day.
i can also help with ucity. im from ucity.
Eastgate also has bloods. and they do have a few 62s but the 62s from eastgate are mostly just the older generation .
Eastgate original territory was olive blvd to enright ave. until Westgate came around in the 90s.
Westgate took over westgate ave to kingsland ave and clemens ave to enright ave.
Eastgate was westgates first rival before they started ro beef with melrose and 7-5. also the gds that used to claim 6-5 didnt start westgate,
westgate was already started before 6-5 gds BUT thats where all the gds from 6-5 went if you were wondering where did all the gds from 6-5 go to.
4300 Gib (Rollin 60s Crips) turf stretch from Kingshighway to Sarah and Chouteau to hunt. Older generation was called GSR GibSideRiders, GIB (GangstersInBlack).
45 O$G is the blood side. Used to be active in the early/Mid 2000s. The gib and O$G used to beef. But now on good terms. The Gib took over they turf and now the few bloods over there is part of the newer generation called Valet gang/Fast Money Gang.
The gib historically beefed with the dark. And any Six Deuce ECC/87kitchen crip set due to the fact they was put on by OPAC.
The GIB also historically Clicked up with The SKAN (5143)
Newer Generation Valet gang/Fast Money Gang has clicked up with 70CTS and the Murdaside
Due to the drill rap scene the hit STL a few years back The GIB has sparked up a lot of Beef the younger generation Valet Gang/Fast Money Gang Beef with The 6ixx, the 4, I Blocc, The Strip, the 8, the jektz, 58 Pershing , 26 Solway, 45 Ferris
The Gib had been gentrified and a lot of bars/clubs where built on Manchester BLVD called “The Grove”
The GIB shouldn’t be gold but Burgundy
34Park (is still active, they be doing back to school giveways, turkey giveaways etc all the time, park ave just never did the beef thing, well known “Hustlers-RSC-Community” base hood. 32 Henrietta Mob was put on by 21 AGC-Laide (24 OPAC), i guess u can say park ave have (OPAC) ties.
Shaw Town is (Shawtown Ridas) they are mid 90s RSC, then around 00s the IFGB came in.
map it all into one like you did the dark, (Grey or Berry) color
the Murdas are IFGB & RTC/19LBC
35HaitiMob are west/east Africans a few Haitians, they claim RSC & IFGB (They had 3 other sets south BrickSquad, BSE & 55) tied in with SKAN (SBG)
MFG is a 2side clique of st. louis homegrown Bloods & Crips. the bloods on morgan ford the crips on tower grove south/morgan ford (Ppl south dnt look at thm as a real hood, just a group of unpopular kids turned street)
the Sluggs is correct, they dont gangbang no gang alliances no more. originally, they were RTC/19LBC & IFGB cool with certain ECC/KCG from the Villie & MVC. (turn, them Money green NOT ROYAL GREEN)
the SIC was called (COMG) before the SIC. Before tht they went by (32 Ohio Gangsta Crips “OGC”), which thy branch from 36 Iowa (IGC/IowAve). the SIC members start getting put on “RSC” from (21 AG-Laide “24 OPAC”) 90s. They share a tight alliance with SKAN (SBG) (Royal Green color). SIC was formed due to a small piru clique on you 2700 blk Utah, making the set NON-GANG RELATED, FOCUSE ON “MONEY”. 3200 – 3300 blks of Ohio, Texas, Jefferson, Iowa, California from Wyoming to Cherokee is all (SIC AREA)
only rapper from there is Triggaman (Not luh half & 55 boyz), they are from itaska
Penn N Dub / NDub were two separate cliques created lates 90s-early 00s.
(NDub (RSC/KCG) – Penn (RTC/19LBC)
NDub has ties to BMF, 44 Blue Budd (24OPAC), Blumeyers
Penn has ties to the DUB/JMV-the Bottom
NDub original name is (NBK/NSR)
Penn never made a name for itself so they merge with (NBK) to form NDubb
the CAVE was started by chuck B from the projects thy only click with SWAT. cave started mid 00s got known late 00s
the Tenn are nothing, but RSC tied into 27 BACON MOB. All members rep Blenda gang now.
the tenn & 35AceMob
you can just through they info in (Minno Mob) bio fr, thm cliques been gone over 10 years lbs. (Color Blue, because they are mainly Crips again)
3500 Dead End is 2 sides clique 3500 Bloods 3400 Crips (ONC)
IGC tied in with 3940 (since 3940 were (K-Ave) & 31 SMC)
the STANS is mainly RTC/19LBC tied in with (31 the MAG, 26 MAD)
the SWAT move on in LIFE, thy didnt have nothing to do with the strip
Double O are IFGB, RSC few ECC is how it started but now they are IFGB & ECC Mainly. they rep 2z4z7z
the Strip are (IFGB & very few RSC)
I Blocc are HCG – RSC heavy allied with 3940
the Doah was put on RSC by 44 blue budd (24 OPAC)
City Update
-49Harney,49Rosalie,49Ashby(🅱️) was Neiborhood Prius and Mob Pirus back in the 80s and I’m not sure if they are active. Most likely extinct They rivaled the Crips in the plaza, Geraldine, and the gds from queens.
-54 Beacon(🅱️🟡♿️) is 62brims but some of the younger guys are Rollin 60s and they beef with 49BAD/Rellogang now.
-You are missing 47 Genevieve(🅱️) that’s KD gang and stomps gang they bloods and they beef with the 5
-5900Sblocc(🟡♿️) is on Shulte in walnut park they are part of the 6ixx. It should be added.
-Margaretta used to be Rollin 20bloods but they are most likely IFGB now
– 55 Edward Street(🎩✊🏾) on the west side was a Vice Lord and BPS set on the west but the block is completely demolished. They was tied in with the Horseshoe. This was one of the only Vice Lord and Stone territories outside of the eastside.
-26grape beefs with the Jeckts,48shreve,OPZ,CSV,27MAC,1100MS they on that.
-42PHG (🔱✡️) beefs with KRB I think they was into it with CNC a long time ago because they sided with 60s in the 62vs60 war.
-the 8 is 19lbc and Hoovers(⚪️♿️). They beef with the OPz,csv,Murphy Blair ,33Blu,49bad,JVL, 43Gib, all 62ecc/87kc, etc. they are the single most hated hood in stl hands down.
-Murphy aka MPZ(🅱️) territory is Murphy apartments and Brewery apartmens. They are 92bishops and 92ifgb.
-53Wabada(A♿️3️⃣) rivals were every surrounding blood set 52, SMG, AMG, Horseshoe, 1100hodiamont.
Imma update you on the eastside next
-First off Blacktop(🔱✡️)territory is the apartments on Lucas and Hunt. Carmel Hill, Windfall Trace, Koeneman Place, and Elta Rose apartments is all historically Blacktop territory and it’s been a BGD hood since the 80s and the second GD hood in STL with Castlepoint being the first BGD hood. This was the BGD HQ. Obviously not bgd anymore they became gds. they are active but they fell off. Some was claimin bd some years ago.
-2700 Shannon(🅱️) is based out in the Shannon Fox apartments, that’s a younger gang formed in the mid to late 2010s they 92IFGB and go by BlickBlickGang
-4Cz (🟡♿️)rival Castlepoint, Zone7, and GVC a while back.
-Forestwood is called 200MBG the click is called Spinna Gang they rival 48shreve
-Zone7(🅱️♿️)is mixed affliction 92ifgb,Rollin60,62brim,62ecc.
-11Duece (🟠♿️)rivals are the dime, Castlepoint, and GVC. They were put on by people from the tracks in the early 90s. The school district has nothing to do with their old beef, the 60vs62war started the violence between them and the other crip hoods, it was exacerbated by the skating rink being near keeven.
-CountryClub Hills was home to CCH a hood of crips,bgds/gds, and bloods. I’m not sure if they are active
-Countryside(🅱️)/Tronzone/MonMongang was at war with the Strip, Jectz and still beef with 1400 Redman better known as 2squad. They were GDs in the 90s. They had Blackmon members so did PennNpadd, bc BM was a click hated by many.
-1400Redman (🅱️🟠♿️) is a hood in the Lake better known as 2squad and Jasongang. There territory stretch from belffountan to the train tracks all the way to larimore. They beef with Zone7,countryside,Pdi,itaska,many hoods.
This where Nuski2squad from
-1100 Walker(🅱️) on Larimore is PDI This is also Tron and MonMongang. This is where the rapper Juice 23 is from they mainly rivaled 2squad and a few others
-Lakeview(🟡♿️3️⃣)on Larimore is A Rollin 60 and 83trey crip hood known as 100GANG don’t know too much bout them
-8500 Berkeley aka FaceShotGang is based off Kathlyn and Brown road all the way to Natural Bridge and beef with 84BSG they are bloods
-North and South Dade is a blood and crip hood known as 74Dade and has been more of a hustler hood.
-Wyndhurst aka w80 was a gd hood and Terwood was a crip hood
-87Westcott was the first 87kitchen hood in the county and was tied in with 54 and was one of the only pure kitchen hoods outside of the ville
Someone please do a info on St.Louis Bloods history 🅱️ they deserve one because they just as reputable as any other gang organization in the city!
Change the whole Darkside back red and just make the 4100 blocks of Lafayette, McRee, Blaine and Folsom gold (Rollin 60s crips). The dark is a big set and they mostly bloods(92 IFGb) . Only one block is crips. Do the dark how you did The 4, Opac and the JVL.
3800 – 4000 is – Taliban Mafia
4100 – 4300 is – Darkside Mafia
All together known as (McRee Town – The Dark – Darkside Assassin (DSA)
The Taliban Mafia (was IFGB/GD & 62 ECC) CNC Dudes used to stay on 4000 Blks of (Taliban Mafia)
The DARK is Hella disconnected, the 20s age range, not tied in with the 30s age range and the 30s age range is into with the OGs 40 – 50 age range.
They legit post everywhere but their hood lbs. The Dark be on Minno, Soulard, The Projekctz, Opz, The Trakcz, 54 MVC, 5/7 Westside, the Grape etc..
Only original blocks over there is 4100 – 4300, also the RSC was 1st not the IFGB.
the dark started on the 4200 side on s Vandeventer, then came down. 4200-4100 RSC/GD
3900 – 4000 IFGB/ECC
The 40 side still up, the 39 side is GONE
The 3900-4000 is the most active why you think they knocked those blocks down. 4100 was the safe haven. That’s where we used to hoop and play football at. The dark deepest set is 92 IFGB. The dark name came from the 3900 side. The dark used to be called new jack city till 3900 made a name for them self by shooting the street lights out. 3900 is the most notorious side of the dark that’s where the steppers was at. 90 percent of the dark is bloods. 4200-4300 is where the OGs at
the 39 sides were not around in the 80s, the 4300 sides started everything over to my knowledge.
39 was just the most known, but all the OGs are legit from the 4 sides not the three side.
but were pretty much saying the same thing.
Southside update:
the Tenn/the Minno/35AceMob are all one set now. (Minno Mob/Blenda Gang)
Texas Ave/the STANS are all one set
335ILL Mob/the SWAT are all one set
BotanicalBlocc/the Doah are all one set
45O$G/the GIB are all one set
IGC starts at 3600, Ends at 3200 Blk of Iowa Ave (ONLY)
the SIC is 32 SIC starts at 3200 Blk Ohio & Wyoming, Ends at the 3500 Blk of Ohio & Potomac (Color Should Be Green)
Penn N Dub / NDub is called (32 NBK/NSR) and don’t go by (NDubb) no more. (NBK/NSR or Nebraskave)
starts at 3200 Nebraska & Wyoming, Ends at Nebraska & Utah.
32Michigan starts on 3300 Blk of Michigan & Utah ends at 3200 Blk Michigan & Wyoming (MSG)
the Sluggz are Neighborhood/Community based (NOW) they dont rep no gang alliances.
FROM Wyoming /Potomac & Compton/Jefferson is the neighborhood (Tr3yTwn☘️)
New Cliques/Sets
3500 Minnesota (SD/V4GL) ECC & IFGB
3700 Tennesse (Tenn Mob) Crips & Bloods
3900 Minnesota (Minno/Jocey Blocc) Crips & Bloods
3700 Iowa/Ohio/Texas (GSO/#037) RSC & IFGB “Rap Group”
4100 Compton (YGF – FMT) IFGB “Rap Group” consist of older members from SWAT/CAVE &OBG members
4000 Oregon (MHG – OTK) Crips & Bloods
ADD: (These sets been around. Just Lowkey)
3400 Nebraska (NBC-theG) RSC put on by 21 Laide (OPAC)
2200 Chippewa (6/9 MurderMob) put on by 1300 BOD
3200 Arsenal (AR.MAD) put on by a Chi Town GD
Stop making up stuff
Who else the Skan beef wit besides the Trakcz?
anybody affiliated with the Trakcz
they cool with dam near everyone else
Metro Boomin from Spanish Lake he grew up in the sierra vista hood but he went to parkway north his momma used to drop him off until they started to move their when he was 17 and then he moved to atl at like 20-21 for music opportunities
No he not. grew up in West County
if you going to put cliques on here, might as well put all of thm on here. lbs
Do the dark how you did Opac and the 4. You should change they whole set back red and just make 4100 Lafayette, McRee, Blaine and Folsom gold. They set is mostly bloods.
false information
Orr weathers is Renegade Vice Lords and GDs. They started off as a GD hood only but they tore down some of the high rises, ppl from other gangs moved
South end is bigger than the projects that whole area is GD from the train tracks to Wilford Ave 19th and central is not lords its just another street in the EnD hood cmon
78th is Jungle Black P Stone Bloods, the blood faction of BPS from LA brought by Chicago BPS. bloodstone is a pure faction of BPS. They beef with the 4/shields, Lundymob, the Stones, and Parkside
Ogs said change Waverly they are six hood Compton Crips not Rollin 60’s
Waverly is have a little some of GD but mostly six hood Compton Crips
Put on in the 80’s by LA
3600-3900 Waverly WHC couple of 107 Hoovers gangstas Crips too they was in the landowne towers too
they still fall under the “Neighborhood Card” too.
Six Hood Compton Crips and 107 Hoovers gangstas Crips is not under no neighborhood card ain’t no rolllin 60’s over they wear orange, Yellow, blue that’s their hood colors a Crip hood since the 80’s TraSix
Missing A l o t of hoods
you are missing an OG Northside grapehood in MarkTwain that was based of Euclid and Vera avenues in Euclid Plaza Aprtments, all of the original townhomes on Vera were torn down leaving only the mid rise apartments. They went by 79Plaza.
You also took of an OG kitchen hood in Jennings called 87 Westcott. They were tied in with Wren and Oriole aka 54
You need to update Wyndhurst and Terwood. Wyndhurst/W80s/8600 was BGD/GD till their hood was torn down, most of them relocated to Frost. Terwood was Rolling 60s and was allied with BGDs and under the 8ball
39 ibg is still around they either in the dark or Keokuk st by the 5 star and the stans have a few
thts false because the dark dont even be on the dark lbs. all tht shit dead lbs.
The dark do be on the dark. They still active
ST Louis Crip History
♿️ Town was The first crip hood with them being 19 Long Beach Crips being established in 1986. The thunderkatz were in a bunch of hoods and they were legendary back in there day. Their hood got torn down 1995.
♿️The 8 was also one of the first official crip hoods with 8th being 19th Long Beach Crips and 7th being Hoover Crips. The C8chran had a 8th vs 7th war between the LBCs and Hoovers, they are United and all is 8 now.
♿️Corrections on OPAC
Adelaide is only 21 Adelaide there is nobody claiming 45Adelaide and the Laide is Rollin 60 the Rollin 90s are on 45 Fair mainly
♿️BOD is now just Rollin 60 and 1400 Blackstone is GD and Crip.
♿️ 53waBADa is not 74Hoovers they are 53Avalon Gangster Crip
♿️ 800 Baden not cool with 2s idk where that info came from
♿️ Eastgate is Rollin 60, 62ecc ,30
5300 Wanda definitely 74 Hoovers too along with avalon gangstas Crips
Nah man on they hood day it was strictly Avalons
No it not that’s 53 just represent they hood not 53 AVGC they go by 53 AGC (Arlington Gangstas Crips) because that’s the top street of 5300 cote brilliante & wabada they been 74 Hoovers and 53 avalons since 86-87 they got put on by LA they started that whole cowboys( Crips on Wabada blastin on you slobs)
All I saw was ppl reppin Avalon crip on 53day, ain’t see no hoovers
False information
STL GDN History plz update.
✡️32Michigan/Arsenal was known as 190 first and was created in the late 80s and are connected to Chicago through GD ties and family. MSG still active to this day and the only Gd set on the southside.
✡️44Lexington was Created by Hex-G in the early 90s and was known as 142 Natural Bridge and Taylor. LMG the most reputable GD set.
✡️42PHG was a lot more active back in the day, they still active. They are Insane Gangster Disciples.
✡️140/Murdaville was a GD hood based outta Acme that was mixed with 19lbc and Six-OWes. They Rollin 60s now
✡️180/Lee and Shreve was a GD hood that’s no longer active.
✡️80s/Wyndhurst was a GD apartment that is no longer active due to Wyndhurst and the Rollin 60 hood in Terwood apartments were torn down. They only do reunions the retired UFC fighter Tyron Woolley hailed from over there.
✡️Colony North was a former GD zone
✡️Blacktop and Castlepoint were the first official GDs in ST Louis that were put on by Chicago via the Missouri Gd board members. Blacktop fell off and Castlepoint is no longer gd.
Blacktop is located off HallsFerryRoad it’s from Jennings Station Road to Pickford. The first official GD set outside the East Side. They are somewhat active
-GD numbers have greatly decreased since the 2000s
✡️32Arsenal/Virginia was known as “AR.MAD – the SWAMP” first and was created in the late 80s/early 90s. They are connected to Chicago through GD ties and family.
Majority of them migrate over to MSG. MSG is still active to this day only due to their rapper {day1ss Dale]and the only Gd set on the southside. but MSG is majority GD & RSC with very few IFGB, its no more then 5 bloods lbs.
other than that, dont nobody be out there from 3200 – 3300 blocks.
I thought Dale was from tue GiB but that’s the other dude. And I kept hearing people rep AR MAD I just never new where it was
False information
Waverly is Six Hood Compton Crips not rolling 60’s crips lol they got put on by six hood in the 80’s that came from Compton
10 block ucity beef with melrose
Ik because im in 10block them melrose n****s trippin
you lying😭 melrose & 10blk always been tied in. why do yall be getting on here acting like yall from places yall not😂
The ten fell out with melrose in the 2010s
OWP is GDs and Renegade Vice Lords they are not TVLs. They have a rapper named Almighty King Malik
19th and Central is GD and is a part of The End hood. The End territory is from the Train tracks all the way to Wilford. Known as MikeyMob and Kutthroat
Gaty Ave is GD and VL
78th is supposedly Jungle Stone Bloods
Grey stones is GD, 4ch, and VL BCN is their most reputable click BCN Murda is they rapper. They rival many and are allied wit JDS/4nic
13th Boisemsnue
OWP is BGD not VLs
BGD don’t even exist anymore they are GD and RVL. There rapper is Almighty King Malik. Most ESTL hoods not just one gang
BGD doesn’t exist anymore they broke off into three different gangs
Waverly six hood Compton Crips not rolling 60’s Crips
Mimika Mob don’t rep that 6ixx stuff that’s the younger generation from LAC60, 57 Floy, Acme56 mimka mob don’t messed with them young dudes Mimika mob is really a older set nowadays not really around no more but if you being real walnut park-Baden-Mark Twain-North pointe is all the 6ixx / Zone6 / District 6 / 6th Ward
The only recognized sixx is Floy, Mimika, Era, Acme, Lucille, Harney. Of course the older generation dont rep the 6ixx, that’s the younger generation movement.
Mimika it’s owned thing Mimika Murdaa Mob & 59 Hanley are older hoods that’s not around no more floy just became a thing era is somewhat a thing and acme & Lac the only ones but they don’t messed with they younger generation because a lot of them be false claiming them sets and be causing harm to community even though they not from their they even have a dude from St Charles claiming the 6ixx and Kb sixx lived on era but he was from 10 Dub really he lived them ways not Walnut park 7100 Garesche is 7100 Wolfway and WolfGang
Don’t matter the young generation claims the sixx and they run they section from acme, goodfellow, floy,
Mimika, Era, Lucille, Shulte. Of course a good portion of the 6ixx don’t like all the beef they been getting involved in but that changes nothing
nah thts cap, manmansix from acme lbs. The older guys from the whole 6 dont rocc with the beef the younger guys got going on, but thy still rock withem tho.
They don’t rock with them and what you mean the beef the same beef that them older hood started I know a lot of Mimika they don’t messed with Floy even 5700 Sac don’t either they don’t messed with that movement the whole 6 is big everybody wasn’t never cool at all
Now you just talking. The younger generation is active now, the 6ixx is repped by all the younger members over there. So dead it
Aye cuzx the SIC, Penn N Dub / NDub, IGC is not active. majority of them moved on with life. They all rep Tr3yTwn from Wyoming/Potomac & Compton/Jefferson. Your map super outdate and got hella cliques on here thts not around.
utah/michigan is the only set active somewhat due Day1ss Dale the rapper other then that only 3400 Nebraska & cherokee be actually thumping. go through thm other bloccs its dry.
I be sitting at the park listing to thm guys tlk.
Stop it you the Nebraska dude you make up fake info
3400 Nebraska is fake nobody’s from the south know about that but except the velloony dude tryna make up your owned set
—The Minno, Strip, 34Itaska, 38 Keokuk, 32michigan, 70cts, Haiti Mob, Surtown, 43Gibson, Darkside, 27Mac, 34park, 1400 jecktz, and the Murdaside are all active southside hoods
— idk about 52Itaska, 32Sic, Shaw, 40doah, PennNDubb, 31mag
SurTown velloony dude stop it Them Mexican over their is civilians they don’t even be on nun at all and Haitian ain’t making no sense and 32 Sic definitely still out their and what is 52 Itaska another fake set you made uk and 32 Michigan is gone like the other nearby hoods you really be making anything up 34 park don’t even be active no more they do block party and then never come back
If this is Top foresight 5555 who made that innacurate ass map leave this map alone. Stay on Reddit and get a life gang. You even admitted you not in the streets. Stick to that bunk ahh cap rap you be doing
Acme Ave is North county not the Northside people claimed it as walnut park because it’s soo sooo closed but acme is definitely The county part ( Jennings )
Bruh check the Address, Acme is St Louis in the Walnut Park neighborhood. The next block over is the start of Jennings. It’s close to Jennings tho
Google it
Acme have St. Louis county police controlling it y’all don’t be from these areas I from acme we in north county not Jennings that’s spread us apart from Goodfellow frl y’all not from here 10 Dub & Acme mob apart of Jennings
Bruh no you not, Acme is not in Jennings therefore it ain’t north county! If you live over there go check yo address and you’ll see it say SAINT LOUIS MO not JENNINGS MO bc it’s not county
Then why county police be at acme why do acme goes into Jennings crimes some of what don’t even know y’all talking just how half of 613 Laura & Sherry half of it in the county and city
n***a the zip code is 63136 and jenn police and county patrol the area idc how close to goodfellow it is lol just like the dead ened side of laura which is walnut park but the concrete blocks is jennings
Goofy asl if you think 5600 is the county 🤨 you must be from the county or a dookie or something 😉♿
You that Nebraska velloony guy nobody knowns you, you give me all the stuff and how you type acme definitely the county if you go to our hood day you’ll see county police walking down not city police same thing how Wellston claims the westside but in north county or the county also
Are you retarded? Acme is North side stop f***in trynna convince ppl it ain’t. Stop bringing it up, you are wrong
That’s just false acme is the start of walnut park west the next street over is where Jennings start.
History Update
Peabody-Darst-Webbe-Newhouses we’re all beefin with eachother back in the day
The Darst and the Webbe’s and the newhouses was crips while the Clinton Peabody always been bloods.
The 8 was divided and had a bad war when the projects was still up between 8th street and 7th street. The war was between Hoovers and 19lbc in the end they unified and became 819.
The 8 still very much active and deep in that whole area the youngguys are SupaSavageSquad and are the most hated downtown hood and just as a hood in general becuase of all the beef and street wars they were involved in.
The 8 was heavily involved with the 62vs60 war being allied with OPAC and the DUB despite being 19 and Hoovers
30 Deep Grimmeyy lived next door to me on Dressell Ave from 2016 to 2021. He moved away right after his crew had a big shoot out amongst themselves on 7-15-21, three people shot, two bullets entered my house.
You never added 3100 UKA on the westside, that’s a OG blood hood dating back almost 40 years
53 Wabada isn’t inactive they just had their hood day this past may, they not as prominent as they used to be. They Avalons only not Hoovers
53Northland covers all of northland
21stans is 19LBC and bloods
32michigan was known as 190 back in the 90s and have been GDs ever since. Had ties with Jennings and walnut park gds
3100 union is uka
3100 UKA ( Union, Kimberly, Abner) the same set as 5400 Ashland aka AVE or NuttyBlock big blood area
dont bother bro, they update what they want to. alot of this hoods been inactive over 15 years. just be having reunions. bro need to remove some of this blk shi lbd
Why? It shows old hoods which some people would want to know
Can you tell me more about the original gangs of st.louis like the Mac and the grape?
Basically whatever is already on the map is all i know
thts the thing most of these so call hoods where legit cliques. yall got to remember these dudes was young creating gangs etc. Most them cats left they clique when it dried up and start thy own shit espically south, thts why majority of them bloccs gone. now old hoods will be the whole “Neighborhood” like the ville, JVL etc thts different or a set like the Horseposse understandable, but all these clques hell nah..
Be specific what hoods are dead?
What’s missing from the list?
nah thts wrong bro.MSG is on utah & Michigan checc day1ss video “GO” he from MSG. thy originally was on arsenal & Louisianan and went by [AR.MAD] their ties are with chi town GD and all Gds in St. Louis tbt. all GDs are connected state to state unlike other gangs lbs. thy know the BOD, Madsion, GDs to and more.
21 stand got a few bloods but thy inactive to and have been for years. but thy might pop bacc out cause they founder getting out.
32 Michigan been around since the late 90’s it’s was Crips , bloods, GD it’s never been majority gds on the southside
Update BIO on southside
St Louis Hoods: South Side
The South Side has traditionally always been predominantly white, but there have been several neighborhoods that make up the original South Side hoods, before Bloods and Crips came into the city. Hoods like Gibson, Park Avenue, Grape Street Crips, the Dark, Accomac, Shenandoah, Iowa, Arsenal [are GD before moving to Michigan street, brought down by short T from chi Town, been here since the mid 80s] and Peabody and the former Darst Webbe housing projects.
also southside hoods have nothing to do with south county spots at all.
Wellston was all Crips before they turnt into bloods too in 1993 they are rollin 60’s Crips and pirus and 62 brims and 92 ifgb they had ties to BMF too
Pine Lawn/Velda city update
— 41OWB 🔴⚫️ has two newer subsets/clicks one of them is 600 which is located on Ravenwood and the other being JumpOutGang on Cedarwood and Oakwood. That’s the shorties of 4100
—61PLO and 41OWB 🔴⚫️are allied to form 6141 and both beef with 74Myron/CDG,62Stillwell,brimside and 37pittside
—607 and 6100 🔴🟡🔵 both members in a click called Hikergang that beef with 37 and 74
— 74Myron 🟡🔵is known as Mauryland for Maury 4 and home to Chase Down Gang they main static is 48CA SMT, 3700, and 6141. Myron and Stillwell are close allies and their alliance is called 762.
— 37Pittside 🟠🔵 are rivals with 74Myron,Stillwell,Hillside,6141 and 607.
What is some of the most dangerous & reputable St.Louis hoods & gangs of all time like the ones are not meant to be fucked with give at least top 10 list
Ain’t nun all of them got hitters ain’t no top 10 list every hood set clique had hitters money Gettas hustlers drug dealers damn near
Nah some hoods more reputable than others
Top 10 hoods:
55Dipset, 49BAD, 54, DST, 44Bud, CNC, 5053, OPZ, C8chran, & Peabodys
Top Gangs:
Rollin 60s, 62Ecc, 92ifgb
Mo P one of the biggest rappers in St. Louis other than sexy redd, he from 27Mac (south side) but he fell out wit da Max. He be on 48Shreve(North City) and sometimes 55Dipset (West Side)
Millar park is 62 brims
82nd is 62 brims
702 Eastgate Harlem 30’s Crips & Rollin 60’s nhc and 62 Ecc.
6700-6900 bartmer all Crips
Melrose half bloods and Crips
6-5 Murder Blocc started off as Rollin 60’s their only 1 Gd in bay hood most of the old heads is rollin 60’s
7500 Shaftesbury is bloods
10 Block Wild Cherry is Crips and bloods
Not true 6500 had several gds don’t downplay folkz
this all cap he don’t know what he talking about
—7100 Garashce is Wolfway , them and the 6ixx are directly responsible for the breaking up of the 10dub alliance after Caleb2zz was killed, Helen/Janet became rivals with them and so did Solway as he was from 26 and they are tied in.
-10/20 is also wolfway
—5900-6000 Shulte Block in Walnut Park West is a Rollin 60 set that goes by S blocc
—5600 Goodfellow is also a Rollin 60 hood in the six, they just call it the good
—The 6ixx is known for Hothead Gang which is based off Floy, Stretchagang from the LAC, and Murdagang and Wolfgang they have many rivals
—56Janet(Jankey Ave) and Helen(the 5) are known for the click BuccemDown .
—9800 smacc team is Rollin 60s, 62ecc, and 92ifgb they mixed up and are mainly a crip set. They beef with 9700 and 48CA
—9700/D block in moline acres is bloods and they rival the 10/Castlepoint
—Castlepoint most known click is called BOG or Bounce Out Gang which post up on Royal drive. Rival Moline,GVC,48CA,4Cz,11duece
—4cornaz is mainly Rollin 60s but they also have bloods in they ranks
—200 MBG/Forestwood is known for Spinnaz which is a click from there and they rival 48CA
I know this is a lot but the streets done changed Hellas
32 sic runs from 32 ohio/texas & wyoming to 33 ohio/texas & cherokee.
the SIC
Affiliation: Rollin 60s & Piru [all the bloods from 32 Sic where from 27 utah & they were piru bloods, not 92 IFGB]
Home To: Rapper Triggaman [luh half is not from 32 sic, and the 55 boyz follow luh half [all the shit is seprate].
TBT [that was the purpose of sic] from 27 utah bpirus and 32 ohio/texas RSC merge to all about money no gangbanging. majority members dont rep piru or rsc just straight [sic about money] like the skan.
-800 BMG and 88 lane got started by the Stone in the 90s
-The Grape was put on by grapes from Adelaide back when they had gsc
-32michigan aka Double M is GDs with a few bloods that claim msg. It was formed in the 90s by GDs from Michigan Battle Creek and was known as 190 Deck
-32SIC is an OG Rollin 60 set that is still mostly a crip set previously known as 32 Ohio gangster crips (32OGC), only bloods is 27 Utah which merged with the SIC.
-Moline isn’t one hood it’s several and btw that’s not sidedoee or Ron gang. The most known hood In moline is 9700 and 9800 aka Smacc Team
That’s all I got
Yo info not right you the same 3400 Nebraska dude Adelaide never been grapes Pagedale put on the grape You can ask Big Grape from Grape hill Pagedale was one of the Mecca’s for the crips during the 80’s in Stl
OGC don’t stand for Ohio Gangstas Crips it’s stand for Ohio Gangstas Crew/Clique
You don’t even make since
Gangsta crips can’t be 60 crips
34 nebraska & cherokee start around 05. not 06 or 07. the lst set made in Tr3yTwn not[tr3 town/tray town] 2 different things. 35 acemob n 36 Tenn mob all rep [bleanda gang] now. 33 cali n 33 iowa to 36 is IGC
SWAT did not move over to Virginia, SWAT are all grown men tht move on with life.
IBG,ACEMOB,CAVE,TENNMOB,SWAT,TEXAS,BotanicalBlocc,TnG & DEAEND aint never coming back, been gone since 2015 and was all cliques. ppl gone say they was HOODS/SETS, remember HOODS/SETS last cliques dont.
HaitiMob are RSC
32 Michigan are GDS brought down by michigan state family members
32 Ohio real name is OhioGangstaCrips started by IGC. Only blodds from 32 Ohio are 27 utah and its only like 10 of thm lbs.
36 Minno mainly RSC now again. only mixed ones are 21 stans, 38 sluggs, 52 eike b, 11 Murdaside
STL GDs active and inactive
1. 32 Michigan is and always has been a GD set since the 90s and there were only two bloods that were tied in from 45oakland. I’m pretty sure they were called 190 back then. They Folks primarily.
2. 44Lex on the north started off on Taylor and was known as 142 you can take the ? Off. Now Lexington is the Main Street and it expanded to Paris, Taylor, and Newstead
3. 42PHG in O’Fallon park aka 742 was created by the same OGs that started the Lex like og hex
Blacktop in Jennings is pretty much inactive. They were major in the 90s and 2000s and were allied with the GDs from Acme(142) a while back. They also had or have Bds
Wyndhurst was GDs in the 90s and was linked with the Rollin 60 in Terwood against the dueces a block over. The UFC fighter Tryon Woodley lived there .
Acme was once known as 142 and they were GDs back then
Nun of this right
“142” “140 MurdaVille” was a click of GDs on Acme but acme always been Crips too
Wyndhurst was BGD in the 90’s
Terrwood was 60’s Crips
Tyron was talking about the 62 brims bloods in Berkeley and Kinloch they were the first blood hoods in Stl started in mid 80’s “ 62 brims “ they help put on Pinelawn
Blacktop just a click deck of GDs wasn’t never bigger then the Pirus and bloods n Crips in the area
42 PHG created 44 Lex in the 90’s they are not around no more
3200 Michigan was a Crips and blood set with 2-3 GDs over their I knew Lil Michigan from their they was stared in the 00’s
Gotten included the first gd deck in Spanish lake that allied the 8 ball with the Crips in the Countryside and the vista back in the 90’s then when ppls came more to the lake that’s when 92 ifgb came into play but it was all 8 ball in Spanish lake they got the green light by Chicago in the early 90’s G-Money allet stuff
The 10block in ucity beef with melrose now we started beefing with them about last year because they came to our hood tripping now it’s been hella fights and other shi wit dem
Bra 10 Block not even around no more it was just bloods and couple of Crips that’s it and they always been cool with melrose n millar park
Bra stfu who are you
I’m just a dude tellin you that your info is off
Hold on the
-27Mac got plenty of young dudes
-Haiti Mob dudes claim nothing but Haiti mob and Zoe Pound
-32Michigan has had hella bloods from when they were new to this present day. They had more bloods than GDs
-32 SIC is bloods now, they were crips then but they are 92ifgb now
Frl dude talking people from Double O still be over their and 3400 TMG NBC not even a real thing this dude make up hoods
32 sic stil RSC, only bloods are from 27 utah Piru. anybody claim sic and blood not legit. you have to be from 27 utah to be a piru from sic. igc create sic. 32 def not bloods, yall say tht cuzz yall see thm in red. they straight GDS. only blood from there is tone b [45] oak, Nuk & Roc they blood family every one else cap. the south aint doing no recruit especially from 32-34.
You not from the south MSG ( Michigan Street Gangstas ) is all Crips and bloods and couple of gds you don’t even know what you talking about I got homeboys from their
luh half n dayo are not from 27 utah nor 32 ohio. thm nixxas follow them, aint not bloods but 27 utah the orginal sic.
same with michigan only blood is Man man. and Tone B who is originally from [45] Oakland from 32 N-Dubb
Bra stfu “ Put on “ half of them southside hoods are not put on fytb they was started by group of ppls
More info on the southside
1.The Cave affiliation is 92ifgb they not nearly as active as they once were
2.The Tenn is blenda and tied in heavy with Minno mob which both sets us into with Darkside Jectz Strip and Cave
3. Double O is a mix of Rollin60,62ECC,Piru created by meechie a 42ville member in 05
4.32michigan was the southsides only Gd set but now they mostly bloods
5. 40 Doah has a very little presence nowadays
Southside still needs an update
1.36Penn is the old Surrtown but that is no longer the territory. 3200 Dakota is the new Surtown which is Damigo nem Generation. They click with Haiti Mob 🇭🇹 beef with KDGang and the Strip. Older generation beefed with Compton Varrio on the Eastside
2.Haiti Mob has members that only claim Haiti Mob but it also has Zoe Pound members as well
3. Sko block isn’t active it was more of a trap spot than a hood
4. The original southside hoods from the 90s include 43Gibson,Darkside,the jecktz, Murdaside,The Grape, the Mac, 34Park,40 Doah, 211Shaw, 45Oakland, and 36Iowa
5. 26Murda Mob is allegedly a GD set on the southside on Allen and Geyer avenues but I need more info on that
7.understand that the southside only has a little over 20 hoods tbh and hella clicks
Corrections to some info
northCounty hoods
– Moline Acres is 9800-9700 that’s Dblock they ain’t RonGang!9800 is all bloods they should be red‼️
-Rongang/sidedoe boys from riverview and they beef wit moline ,the 7, 1400/2squad, the 6ixx a bunch of ppl really. Bloods and crips be in the view
– Castlepoint had rollin 60s GDs and bloods but overtime bloods became the dominant gang over there
– Solway was a former blood set before the younger gen claimed 6duece
-80Wyndhurst and Terwood apartments was demolished in the late 90s and Early 2000s. That was a large gd set the ufc fighter Tyron Woodley grew up
City hoods
-48 CA is Shreve Money Team most known for the recently deceased CurryB. They beef heavy with many hoods
-Boys of Destruction was temporarily Bloods of Destruction until they flipped crip.
-430lab is a old hood
-39 Ashland is 19Hoovers
-the Cochran is 19Hoovers
85 Skam is bloods and Pirus they never been gds ever 1Luv is just a name for Jennings it’s all call 1Luv J Town
The Nerv only posts on Minerva or 4100 Del they doesn’t post on Ridge and wells that’s all bloods and still is
Semple Mob 1400/1600/1900 is KUB / KountUpBoyz still around and it’s home to rapper Kub Dee Huncho that goes by CeoDee now but they beef with the Nerv and the Skan
1900 Clara Mob Gangstas is 92 ifgb and 104 CMGB
52 Maple is apart of the Skan the Skan is 5200-5000 they used to go by the alley roamers they doesn’t beef with psg they only beef with trakcz, Ville, Amg, SMG, they are Pirus, bloods, 60’s Crips
4500 Ferris is called NHG ( NayborH45d Gangstas ) they was originally Rollin 60’s Neighborhood Crips then 92 ifgb then when grimmey duce moved their from the Blumeyer he recruited some of the dudes to be 62 Crips since they parents was duces too which form 30 Deep
Hilldale isn’t savages city 62 Brimside in Pinelawn is 62 Savage City they clicked with Big 5 too and Solway and psg they are 62 Brims put on from La they beef with 57Floy, 74Myron, 48Shreve, 10 Dub/7100 Wolfway, 59 Good, 607 hillside
607 Hillside & 6100 Pinelawn and 4100 Pinelawn beef with 62 Brimside and 37 Pitt and the pitt is the most hated hood in Pinelawn
6700 Myron & 7400 Myron is two different hoods 6700 was the whole velda village which was called VMG ( Village Mob Gangstas ) they was Edison to Myron 6700 they was all 62 brims ans 92 ifgb whike 7400 Myron was in Velda City they 60’s Crips and couple of bloods and they had 62 Crips too Back then when it was called Makc Town
3900 Double O/Obg is 62 Crips, 60’s Crips, 92 ifgb they was form in 2005-2006 by Meechie Deuce
5200 EikeB is Neighborhood Pirus and 62 brims and 92 Ifgb
3100 Magnolia is RSC/ GDs they go by TwanG World they clicked with 42 EVG
???? ????Wyndhurst in Ferguson was called the 80’s and that was a major Gangster Disciple set more so during the 90s that had many members before it was torn down and left as a vacant lot.
They was Rollin 60’s Crips & GDs 8Ball Wyndhurst record is my family label
The 80s was a known GD hood sure they most likely clicked wit Rollin 60s but they was GDs.
The Cochran is not Long Beach crips they are 19 Hoovers
19 Hoovers not even a thing they are 19th Long Beach Crips since 1986 they started around the time Laclede town was started 819 is 8st Cochran and Dub 19 and also means 8st and 19 Long Beach Crips
The 8 is Hoovers
19 Hoovers ain’t no LA based set that’s homegrown. The 8 has always been 19 hoover crips ask anybody from the Cochran and they will tell you the same
534 AnE Crips claim Rollin 50s NHC. They don’t bang 60s no more
You can’t just switch gangs like that…they’ve been 60s for decades…
Lhh go tell them that champ. & they didn’t switch gangs they stop claiming something they’re technically not & bang the 50s which is where they are located. They’re basically claiming their homegrown set & nothing else.
Thats that dude who be making up fake hoods on the other hood map he be saying weird shit to make it a hood he thought of in his head
534 is in the 50s how they switch??? ????????????????
All I’m asking is how to go to Rollin 60 to Rollin 50 without being put on? They was put on by 60s
Yes 60s did put them on but can you show me where 60th St. is in saint louis ?? No? Ok can you show me where the 50s at in stl? Yeah?! It’s that simple. They stop claiming a set thousands of miles away that’s all they doing ???? still NHC still rollin
They just claim one set now 534 which is in the 50s. What’s wrong with that? Especially when they beef with other 60 sets? What’s the point of claiming a set u beef with & a thousand miles away?? Bloods in WP claim 92Inglewood Family Gangster Blood & 49 Bad Bloods?!? How? Those are two different sets under the blood umbrella! Same with 62ECC, 83 Gangsters & the Hoovers? Why y’all claiming two different sets one homegrown & the other a thousand miles away? If you a 62 wearing orange or a Hoover wearing grey or a 83 from the 4 cool with 60s Go2 LA doing everything you was taught in STL and see if you make it back home safe!
So they Rollin 50s now bc they beef with Rollin 60s?
Lhh they 50s because that’s where they located.
Cook ave younger generation is NDA ( NevaDuccinAction) and M4 Gang for MikeyFoe who was a rapper that was upcoming in St. Louis but they beef with 58 PSG, 45 Trakcz, 4200 CB, Solway, 4800 Shreve/Ca/Ando, JVL, Frostwood, 1100 Hodiamont
They click up with 57 cates too they 60’s but mostly 83 Gangstas Crips
4000-4100 CA
M4 and Mikeyfoe are two different dead 4 members. M4 got hit on a highway and Mikey got shot trynna steal somebody car.
They dissed MikeyFoe he from 41 Del/ cook and M4 is from 41 Lex I’m alr hip they dissed MikeyFoe n Nick Foe from 41 Pst
Added info
34Itaska beef with 43Gib, the strip ,44lex, Artillery gang, 1400redman (2squad), 6ixx many more Grimmey Gang and Vetto gang hated by many
Bounce Out Gang or BOG is the younger generation of 59 Bad and terrace. They static with 48CA
The Lac static with rob from Arlington and Claxton
Acme was a hood called 140 in the 80s n the was gd folks now it’s 60s????????♿️
36Penn static with KD gang and the strip. They used to go at it with Compton varrios on the East.
140 was a click int bay hood they was gds n crips always since that hood became a hood 140 was bunch of Niggas that was gds from blacktop but they was 60’s in that time too
3600 Penn doesn’t beef with the east ik dem Sureños 13 over their
BounceOutGang isn’t just 59 Bad they are other hoods too
6000 Lac beef wit 50 ANC you right only because of a backdoor sht but they also beef with 5700 Sac for the same reason and mostly strechaGang beef wit dem and most of dem not even from that hood or the 6 or 10 Dub
Sureños 13??? There is no street gang that goes by that name Sureno 13 is a gang umbrella that has a thousand different gangs that run under the 13 for example 18th Street & MS-13 enemies but aligned in prison because they both under the 13 movement it’s just like the gds & bds they both opps in the streets but in prison aligned because they both under the folk nation alliance.
Fully Boyz/PabloGang Hood is 7th & Alton in Madison, IL the hood is Known as “Da7”
Or “700” the hood color is GREEN U rite bout all the other Shii down Khassa gang really post on 4th and Eugene btw
Bruh there is no such thing as a 74Gangster Disciple. They are GDs plain and simple but yeah ain’t no lords or bds even if they here they just live here
Goofy dude that’s what GD stand for. Gangster Disciple. Every GD is a 74Gangster Disciple because 7=G & 4=D. 74 are GDs numbers goofball.
Nobody referred to GDs as 74gds dumb niqqa! Everybody know 7-4 is their numbers lame ass boy
See this proof right here some people on here just be talking???? First your pops was from 702 now he from bartmer?
Bartmer not even a real hood so i know you lying????, nobody pointed that out so i know aint nun of yall from u city.
You replied to the other mfkas that commented westgate and you said the same thing but with different hoods????.
When smb first commented 10blk you said they wasnt real & your pops was from ucity.
10blk is a real hood they always been locked in with melrose (there bloods and crips not grape street crips)
Do yall really think its not unknown hoods in stl?
i know 1 more unknown hood thats not on the map “WestBruno” they was a blood & crip. But after half they hood got demolished for menards they fell off, its pictures of them if you dont believe me.
its pictures of 88Kathlyn & Westgate too. i follow some ppl from 88kathlyn on ig. @loadedceo @8800ariii @nanakozarttt all from 88kathyln.
You is the dude who said 8Deuce ViceLords you be tryna switch it around and act like it’s other people when it’s really you it’s NEVER been BDs in St.Louis so stop it
I never said it was vice lords or bds in stl. i said brisco place & bartmer isnt hoods all of bartmer territory on the map is melrose hood. westgate & 88kathlyn are real hoods
They also got MGB in their bios i follow them on instagram
Yeah vinita park been hot they need to update it
U dgaf but felt the need to speak on something you know nothing about?? talking about “who’s to say”? Umm how about a real reputable from the neighborhood you speaking on & not some random young dude. Or how about you speak on your neighborhood or the one you grew up in. Or just stfu since u dgaf
Yea dude be making up fake who’s then he’ll turn it on you as if you doing when it’s really him
DownTown Taliban, 30Deep, BlendaGang are all cliques with all types of guys They not just one hood
Like Taliban got guys from the Curve, Warren, 13Mad but they all hang out in the Murphy Blair, but its not just people from the Blair
30Deep got Bloods and Crips from all over West, they just happen to hang on 45Ferris but they arent all from there
Yeah they not active no mo because the Crips N Bloods made them inactive
Nah most GDs in stl flipped to crip that’s why it’s not as many GDs
44lex 42penrose Westgate and BlacktopOTF the only STL gd hoods now
49ASAP is a inactive hood with nothing but old heads talking about the old days
That shit was hot back in 2006 when the war with the Mob was ongoing. Big ass White Tees with the red bandana hanging
Now everybody dead, locked, or moved on somewhere
The curve and 34 park is more so hustle hoods they don’t really beef wit hoods they be about they money n be about they money their alot of hoods that’s like that too in Stl n their alot that isn’t
no its not blacktop and tyrell/shannon is 2 different hoods and they already in the right place
Are there any sets in St. Louis that beef with sets from east St. Louis
I think the shields was into it with 30 deep and blenda gang
It’s mostly 60s. How they 62ecc beefing with JVL and the Ville? Make it make sense, they Rollin 60s
Those are 62 eec
It’s funny cus a lot of young and sum ogs from Desoto click with CNC and be on the rose
Only cotphoods says flew instead of few. Stay on Reddit bro
On bro that dude a cop for real actin like he know hoods yo ass is internet
Hopefully dude add that and that old southside gd hood
wht old gd hood? only 1 is 32 michigan
54 crip side is 62 and kitchen only
107s colors were grey and blue . The Hoovers on the skan and cates don’t wear no oarange that duece and kitchen colors
How ironic is that because the Hoovers OG colors out in L.A. is orange to distance themselves from both Crip & Blood & out there is heavy real deal spill.
What hood is rapper Sexyy Red from obviously she’s from a Blood hood because of the red hair she claims to be from the North Side but what block does anybody know?
she from 45Retta
It was by the strip
Wyndhurst and The Gardens
Southside mostly generic when it come to affiliation. Nothing like the north and west sides
Orr weathers was always more GD than vice lord though them projects home to both
-800 Clara is Cabanne Ave to Delmar Blvd and Belt Ave to Ruth Porter Mall Park
Some parts of 800 are gentrified but they still have a presence
-31Magnolia is Louisiana Ave to Minnesota Ave and Pestalozzi St to Shenandoah Ave
-Cabana Apartments is a old Rollin60s hood that isn’t active anymore but they used to beef with Imperial Gardens back in the day.
There hood is the Cabana Club Apartments on Cabana Club Dr to the Camelot Apartments on Camshire Ct
-71Garesche is Emma Ave to Beulah Ave and Fletcher St to Jennings Station Rd
-Laurel Park is a 19LBC and Rollin60s hood in Jennings there territory is Nemnich Rd to Lucus-Hunt Rd and Ventura Dr to Vincennes Dr
Laurel Park is Eight Tray Gangster Crips
Everything else str8
I think laurel park is just cats that are from Green Valley that hang round there
I think Laurel is 8trey gangsta crip
800 Clara is Delmar Blvd to Cates Ave and Belt Ave to Ruth Porter Mall Park
31Magnolia is Louisiana Ave to Minnesota Ave and Shenandoah Ave to Pestalozzi Ave
-The Ville is MLK Dr to Cottage Ave
-46Rosalie is Euclid Ave to Shreve Ave and Lilburn Ave to W Florissant Ave
-519 PGC is Natural Bridge Ave to Ashland Ave
-Hampton Gardens is a Apartment Complex on the South side in the North Hampton neighborhood there hood is Scanlan Ave to Fyler Ave and Hampton Ave to Jasper Park. There bloods and crips
-The Jefferson Homes is a 1st district hood in the Mehlville neighborhood there hood is O’Hara St to Worth Rd and Albemarle to Sherman Ave. There bloods and crips
-Lucas Hunt Village(Apartment Complex) is a blood and crip hood. There hood is right by Lutheran North Middle/High School on Lucas Hunt Rd
You gotta be a kid. GDs was always outnumbered by Crips and bloods in stl it was more GDs hoods then it is now tho. Imperial gardens was 1 of the GD strongholds back in the 90s
How they fall off then? Why GD hoods all across the board except 44lex and Phg fall off?
It was never enough GD hoods here to compete.
damn near all the old gd hoods from the late 80s/90s are not active anymore or they switched to another affiliation.
That’s why the imperial garden GDs was able to make they sht the GD stronghold until they fell off too.
If it was 10-15 gd hoods in stl then they could at least have a lil movement or a alliance to where all the GD hoods fw each other like how the 62ECC hoods is now.
62ECC hoods is a good example of how a certain gang can be outnumbered but still be a factor they did everything right the GDs did wrong. It’s only about 12-15 62ecc hoods and all those hoods fw each other they made they self stronger when they did that.
Even with the few gd hoods left phg,44lex,Westgate,blacktop, nun of those hoods are clicked up with each other.
32 MSG southside is a GD set too, brought down from Michigan
Imperial gardens is a old ass hood from the 90s thats not active anymore they should be black.
And Westgate was started by some 6-5 ogs in the early/mid 2000s
Lies nigga my Daddy from 702Eastgate if you don’t know Blacc you not from Eastgate I been around there my whole life Metcalfe never been a hood that’s were SLU college students stay it never been GDs and over there stop making shit up you that same dude that made that other hood map with them fake ass hoods
do 702eastgate got any rappers?
Westgate is a 2005 gang just like 10BLK and 7-6 they wasn’t around in the 90s. all those hoods is mostly a bunch of little kids. Brisco Place isn’t a hood it should stay on the map tho. it was known for drugs and prostitutes back in the day.
West gate must be hella low key then. I know they was put on by ucity/pagedale GDs
Westgate was started by some GDs from 6-5
Somebody said westfgate renegade GDs bc they got into it with 6-5 GDs.
that’s cap.
all the 6-5 GDs back in the 2000s started claiming Westgate. Westgate was never renegade that’s not even no stl sht that’s some chicago sht.
They dont beef with 6-5 but they not cool either
10block was started in the mid 90s and was 1-9 Hoover crips but da 2nd generation was the ones putting on in the 2000s and a lot of em was bloods and crips from other sets that got cool with the originals. And they fuck with 70 rose, 75 rose and Eastgate
Nigga the gates use to claim 62 Crip now ask yo daddy that I’m talking mid 90s all facts
55 dipsett got 3 blocks labadie 5500 st louis ave and 5500 terry ave. Some dipset members are cool with jankey ave they beef with 4side and the 6 area. We cool with rosemob alleyboyz and 45 ferris to
I’m 32 and the 50’usw to be one big hood that ran from queens all the way to Claxton I guess younger guys broke it up into diff sections but when bloods say 50k the mean all sides
Do Rollin 30s even exist in the Lou never seen or heard of one outside of this map
Eastgate deuces and 60s was allied
1100 Hodiamont into it wit 58 Psg since when it’s always been tied in since it started idk if they beef you might have to change that
6000 Lucille Ave Crips (LAC) 5900 Emma (Emma Mob) and 5900 Harney (Harley Mob) is a part of then 6ixx.
Younger generation: Strecha Gang
They also beef with the Solway, Big 5 and 50Gst, 50 ANC
They know For wearing the LA dodgers hats the LA represent “Lucille Ave”
Also RGB is a click of 60s on Arlington and Claxton avenues not Geraldine. 50anc is plenty active 534 ain’t got them put up! 534 ain’t even they main opps The LAC and 54 are
Can’t forget the county hoods early 200s 1609 trapmob bloods the name came from an apartment complex one way In one way out like a trap this way before that 4c shit in dellwood you had the whole north winds Canfield oakmont all bloods and the houses across the road close on nemnich was bloods 1700 ratchet they need with GReen valley aka alley kats and the 50 kuz some 49 guys moved Oberon there and clicked the hoods up it use to go down at the limelight and palace trap mob was family swans a Nigga name lil EJ from 84 swans was selling herion out the apartments and had a hood on the young bloods they looked up to him and he put them on that blood talk walk and mannerism this like 03 no kap
How old are u bro ? U city is 77 Inglewood family bloods big Marcus came back from Inglewood early 90s and put Niggas on before they was 8deuve they was called 711 bloods because of the store smh learn yall history and east gate was 62 crisp on god before they was gd go ask Amy Nigga 35 and older that new shit 10 BLK a 2005 gang not even a gang fr but 65 82 east gate 75 all been around. And one more thing growing up in the 90s you never heard a 60 Crip claim neighborhood niggas in St. Louis ain’t start that neighborhood shut until jippsey hussle started rappin niggas be followers lol tbh overland had bloods there in the 80s before the horse shoe now that’s facts
82nd is not a real LA stamped hood and they never went by 7/11 bloods.
2 teens made 82nd in the 90s when they jumped off the porch & kilt some crips on grant dr so they started claiming blood
Eastgate was never 62ecc and GD. Westgate is the only GD hood in U.City
4500 Garfield (GFC) set should be Teal they bang Teal flags and they rock the Teal Florida Marlins hat with the F on it the represent “Field” they set go from Aldine to North market and from Cora to Taylor. They also beef with the Ville and Trakcz
If anything Bod was mostly Rollin 90’s Crips even they gang had the 9ixOwes in it 13/57/55 BOD
Remember when they use to go at it hard with HorseShoePosse back in the 90s when they was 104 Crenshaw Mafia Gangsta Bloods then mostly IFGB more so posted in 55Dipset hood since they houses got demolished.
Bruh they Rollin sixowe what St. Louis hood even claim Rollin ninety anymore?
Just do the 4 how you did OPAC make they whole set blue from Taylor to vandeventer and delmar to dr MLK drive and just keep 41 del and 40 cook yellow and keep 44 enright and 41 west celle blue
Why I gotta be from E Saint? You must be the dude that made that other hood map. Fake hoods and shit.
40 Cook ave go from Newstead to vandeventer and go from cook to page they got some 60z they bang blue and gold
Ain’t Cook mostly 8treys?
Hoods that’s click up
1643 (Opz/Gib)
5811 ( 58Psg/11Hoodiamont)
5143 (51Skan/Gib)
1618 (Opz/Csv)
2619 (Dub6Mad/DubJmv/Dub19)
819 (Cochran/Dub19)
4542 (45Ferris/42Ville/45Trakcz)
51 and pershing don’t click they opps.persing and 11 been rivals for years.Pershing don’t click wit Murphy Blair man wtf? They click with 26Solway.
Exactly 5826
It was
Downtown Taliban which was:
13 Mad ( 60’s Crips )
235 curve (60’s Crips/92IFGB)
14Jektz/YPG (92IFGB)
The beam (104s/BHB/Piru/92IFGB)
JVL (62ECC/92IFGB/Piru/87Kcg )
Warren Block (62Ecc/92IFGB)
The Agnes (60’s Crips)
Cochran mob (19Lbc/20LBC)
26 Mad(60’s/19Lbc)
27 bacon mob (60’s/19Lbc/30’s)
Dub JMV (20’slbc/19Lbc/60’s Crips)
Dub 19 (19Lbc/20’slbc/60’s Crips )
Going at it and they was crashing at the Vashon Vs Beaumont basketball game in 2011
The Downtown Taliban was the first click that included people many different hella hoods and gangs. Not everyone claimed DTT just select members but DTT members would get into beef and drag they whole hood into beef. They got indicted on Drugs charges and like 17 Murders.
!!FYI Rollin 20s inactive 19LBC is what they turned into.
Hanley mobile is reputable hood store in Berkeley
On bro, almost everybody in frost wood go down there
CNC was part of the O’Fallon Park Crips before the went to war with 60s they had Hoovers and Rollin 60s before they flipped 87Kitchen and 62ECC.
CNC was never part of OPAC!!
You say gd this gd that but really they no where to be found in St.Louis gd should stand for (gang defunct) because that’s what they mostly is in the city now that larry hoover wants nothing to do with the movement just face it mane St.Louis is mostly a Damu city now or what the Bloods be sayin “Damu Bity” you see all the Red on the map 2nd is Gold representing Crips also Blue as well then Orange let’s be honest ain’t no gds in St.Louis really out in the field like that nor puttin in work heavy sure they had they share of territory in East St.Louis but not as deep & reputable like them 64Wellston ????️loods & them 82nd St 8Deuce ????️loods & them Kinloch Bounty Hunters ????️loods or ever well be on the West Side because they’ll know what time it’ll be you keep mentioning these gds blocks that you hardly see on the map that’s ghost towns now because you a gd fan boy or you on they side unlike me I’m neutral I’m on neither side but I see what’s goin on in these St.Louis trenches on who really bout it & cut like that who doin all the big steppin take it to them St.Louis youngins that’s out here wid it!????
You a child typing paragraphs about nonsense. GDs still active in STL, why you think the whole city dropping rakes? You a civilian so you can’t even be considered “neutral” you just a wannabe.
N**** the only rakes people dropping is the ones to pick up leaves from they yard and no shit bird brain of course I’m a civilian that’s why I say I’m neutral because I’m not in a gang I know what’s goin on in these St.Louis streets you don’t you pullin lies out your ass sayin there’s gds when they are a non factor in the city the only St.Louis street gangs that’s really bout that life that’s active are nothing but Bloods Crips & local street cliques out here you just a stay inside type n**** giving out false information smh now go ahead keep on telling lies smh!
Folks small in number in STL but they obviously still step bc hella hoods GDK bc of 4400 Lexington (a gd hood). Plus they got other active hoods that exist…
4200phg 4800Lee Metcalfe and Blacktop. You sound from the suburbs pipe down saying all this dumb shit
Straight Cap I know niqqas up North in the Ville it be more 44Ashland niqqas in 44lex hood shit even them 42Sacamento boys got a street occupied in 44lex hood all up in they dome 44lex is house niqqas you won’t even catch them posted outside on hot summer weekend nights smh.
Hell nah boah ain’t no gds active like that 44lex damn near inactive everybody in St.Louis streets know the top opp is Rollin 60s & always was not no gds & Metcalfe & PHG is is over ran by Crips ♿️ & a couple of Bloods ????️ & what the f*** is a blacktop never heard of them see this the type of s*** I be talkin about lyin ass n****s be coming up with these fake ass hoods & be defending them smh!
44lex ain’t damn near inactive shut . Metcalfe and PHG have remained GD f*** is you talkin bout? Who tf said they was top opp? 62ECC are stl top opp not Rollin 60 mouth breathin ass luh dude. Ask any OG bout Blacktop just quit talkin.
No it’s 44Lex 42PHG and 14Blackstone
the only gd hoods is 44lex,42phg,blacktop, and westgate its other hoods that got gds but those are the only fully gd hoods
Went through ACE Mob on they hood day & seen a whole lot of red. Thought they was R60s on the 53 part of Arlington??
They are. 53-54 Arlington are R60s, Both Emerson and Claxton are gangster bloods. All three makeup 534 ACE. 60s from 53 Arlington ended up robbing some 60s from 50Gst in the early 2000’s & it’s been up ever since. Arlington 60s don’t fw no other 60s in WP which is probably why u seen dookie red but 534 Arlington is a 60 set they just don’t fw other 60s in Walnut Park
54 Claxton is bloods all day and ain’t not one young n**** or Crip in Arlington as of now or even back 10 years ago except lil Murph but correct it was ace block back in day and they beef with g street Claxton still active Emerson too Arlington dead low key but the gainway touch Claxton so n****s is out
107 Hoovers was CNC first then they went to Cali and flip to 87KCG
Yea that during the early 80’s and 1985
I seen a picture of some 1300 blackstone members wearing purple are they grape street crips or is their hood color just purple?
They defo Rollin 60 could’ve just been wearing purple
Damn St Louis got hella Blood hoods I ain’t never seen another city outside the West Coast that got so much Blood sets the ties with cities like L.A.Inglewood & San Diego runs deep to St.Louis shit I think St.Louis got way more Bloods than NYC & Atlanta put together shout out to STL though!
we dont bro, whoever makes this map using one person info making it seem like tht. bloods mainly got the westside and county thats it. city full of 62 ECC 6 RSC 19 LBC 83 etc.
Aye cuh Ian gone fake it cuh Ian wit all the police rivals typesht cuh but k-Ave needa be blue once u past the vanderventer sign cuh we 3940 rolling 60s 387 is on the Otha side keep they sht in they spot with them 3 houses nsht and maffit n lab
They really same hood
2100 Agnes Street North Side is a blood hood that was also part of the DTT
They Crips
anybody kno how long 82nd, melrose and millar park been into it?
82nd been beefing wit melrose and millar park for decades????
damn ian kno the beef was dat deep
if you want a realistic number ill probably say they been beefing for 2 decades 82nd started in the 90s
i heard 1 of the 82nd ogs say he was scared to walk thru 6-5 cause they hood was alr started before the 90s and they where the most active/known hood at the time
tht was back when 6-5 had gds
(6-5 and 82nd never had beef)
6-5 had everything back then they had bloods/crips/gds now they just rollin 60s.
the gds from 6-5 started westgate/metcalfe park in the early/mid 2000s.
in the early/mid 2000s 82nd and melrose started beefing the situation had nothing to do with millar park but millar park is allied with melrose so they started beefing with 82nd too.
this is where 82nd and 6-5 relationship started (mind you the ogs from 82nd rlly didnt have a relationship with 6-5 they wasnt beefing but they wasnt cool) 6-5 was beefing wit melrose and millar park so the young members from 82nd locked in with the young members from 6-5 and thts how 6-5 and 82nd became allies
eastgate was cool with melrose & millar park so 82nd and 6-5 had beef with them too basically every hood had to pick a side
(this is still the early/mid 2000s when everybody had to pick a side)
so the sides ended up being 82nd,metcalfe park,the valley, & 6-5 vs millar park,melrose,the ten, & heman park
sht aint change until the mid/late 2010s metcalfe park fell out with 6-5 and 82nd and the valley took metcalfe park side
and the ten and heman park had a small beef in the early 2010s tht aint get too serious but they aint never become cool again
new hoods like 7-6 millar park & parkview came around in the late 2000s early 2010s so they wasnt around for most of it
how big is 82nd?
L Town was around then too they always been allied with melrose they beef with 82nd and 6-5 too
The Ten end up being cool with metcalfe park & the valley.
the ten started beefing with melrose/millar park in the 2010s
is L Town still around?
do 82nd go by other names?
The blumeyer bigger. they set go from delmar to page and Compton the grand
They main beef is The JVL they also beef with the Cochran.
Newer generation: Obama Boyz
Affiliation: Rolling 60z, 87KCG and 62ECC
History: the original Blumeyer projects was built in 1967 and demolished from 2006-2014 and the new low rise projects where built in 2012-2013
The Blu Rollin 60 the Obama boys ain’t new click and the blu is no longer considered the projects…they beef with the 8 JVL village and opz
Obama boys is considered new if you think about it the blu been around since the 1960s
The Obama boys been around for over 10years that’s not new
Naw Trap Team is the newer click out the blu
nigga you responding to yoself stop tryna make it seem like a mfka agreeing witchu????????
you the same nigga tht said 1100 purcell was a ucity hood tht sht fake asl
metcalfe park just not a known hood like tht cause they aint as active as they used to be
and i aint call metcalfe park nun of tht sht i was responding to the niggas calling it blackgate
Wynhurst apartments was demolished in 1980’s that’s was apart of the whole airport expansion …
You right wyndhurst and terwood apartments was torn down in the 80s
can you put the affelations on Venice .
The Bissells Apartments gang is CYN (Certified Young Nigga) Then for the 59 Docia ” Its the home of rapper Ygb shaun but new genration is FullyBoyz/FULLYnem (PNF) They the MAIN ones who are acually active on 59Docia . Then you also have “Madtown” 59 They gang is “Khassa Gang” They are into with Fullynem but are cool with Ygb. The WHOLE DOCIA dont like the Bissells ???? with mutiple sets post .all sets from the east side
some of em not active
If 50Claxton is a hood when is their hood day?? Every set in St Louis has a hood day & don’t nobody celebrate on May 10th. 50 claxton never been a hood only rode the coat tail of ACE or 50G. They celebrate (if they do) 5/3 like everybody else in that section of Walnut park. That area is called the 50s but 53 is the main sets over there
Ain’t no young Niggas claiming 50Claxton. Don’t nobody post over there.
Nigga the young niggas claim RGB it’s a lil click with Claxton and Geraldine/Ruskin niggas They beefin with the LAC that’s a fact. But you can make the argument that they don’t be outside idc and it’s true that they under 5053
You must not be from St.Louis 50Claxton is a hood That’s Trouble Gang (@_.doa50)he from there yall Niggas be making up shit
SurTown beef with Cv155 on the East side bc of their ties to Surenos across the water
former and current Gd hoods
????⚫️????8600 Wyndhurst Apartments was a GD hood that got torn down in the early 2000s. It is now a field of grass to the left of Hern Ave right below suburban Ave . Should be black for being demolished/inactive.
????⚫️????Imperial garden apartments aka Garden Block right by north west plaza in St Ann was GD in the 90s pretty sure they inactive.
????⚫️????42PHG/Penrose/RedBud was started by GDs having meetings in that area. 44lex ogs helped start that set. They active.
????⚫️???? Blacktop GDs younger guys was claimin OTF and 3rd word BDs back in 2017. Fell off after the 90s and 2000s but still active.
????⚫️???? 44Lex is the most reputable STL GD hood they Rival all 2&7s, but 613,26Sol,58psg they main static. Known for BBG
????⚫️????Metcalfe Park Ucity the Met. Recently found out bout this one but I’d imagine they ain’t too crazy being so close to the loop.
-Side note the 4 off page was all GDs so was Mimika crips took over late 80s.most GDs fell off entirely
you forgot The BURG aka 7-4/7400 their hood is N Hanley Rd to Wilson ave and Drexel dr to Anrose dr
They main block/spot is the Williamsburg Square Apartments
I don’t think the burg active but you might be right.
they not active
dont nobody call it 10BLK no more its The Ten and they still active they 62 ecc
67Bartmer not a old hood they also go by AJ Gang/GBG
Heman Park should be on the map they rollin 60s they cool wit 7-6
the Brisco Place apts the only old hood in ucity thts not active anymore
ucity top hoods is 82nd, 6-5, 7-6 millar park and metcalfe park
they not rollin 60s or 30s they 62 east coast crips you got everything else right tho
50 Claxton is inactive. Don’t nobody be over there. 53 ACE Mob sent dem boys on they way. Iykyk
Claxton still got members tho so do you mean put up? Last time I heard they was beefin with Lucille
That aint true 50 Claxton still step or at least the younger generation does ReallyGetBack or RGB is a Claxton click they beef with 6000Lucille. Plus they click wit 5053 so they good Iykyk
Nobody claims 50claxton & No such thing as RGB. If so when was they established. If you say within the last year or so stfu & if you say they’re older than five years that’s cap. Who they get back on?
Actually it’s still around but I never heard of RGB
False 41 and 44 cool they ain’t got no smoke wit 39 or Labadie.
The Mac go from Victor Street to Russel and California to Jefferson.
They main block is Shenandoah and Fox park is they main spot
Younger generation: AMG and BuccOutBoyz
61 sherry bloods is 62 brims and campanella park piru
59 Garesche is still around too
The beam was 104 CMG too and 62 brims too
Blacktop was just a small click not active no more and 85 Skam never been gds always bloods Luv and 42PHG is not around no more they got wash out
Blacktop been a hood and 42 Phg still active . Cut the cap
Blacktop had over 30 members wasn’t no small click
Hell Blocc is 10 Dub Jennings not Lac or Nem
Hellblocc was Helen ave when they was 60’s in the mid 80’s they was called Hotboyz too
5900 Harney Mob
5900 Emma Mob
6000 LacSide
5600 Mimika mob
5600 acme mob
5700 Floy Mob is not the same hoods stop combining dem you just ruining the info all dem hoods started in mid 1980’s besides 5700 Floy which started in the early 2000’sn
The Docia is n North Venice bro everything else u right 59 is Madison Venice is 1900 once u cross bissells st u in the North
You honestly need to put Venice,IL as whole onna map and separate it from North Venice. It’s definitely the Trenches. It’s Very Little doh. Population only 1,800 mark the Bissells apartments aswell 1300 Klein Ave that’s located In VENICE the The north side is when you cross Bissell St from Bissell st To Rogan . If You cross cedar street you’re in Newport,IL . You cross on the other side Of State St your in Madison if that makes any since were basically in the MIDDLE of Newport,IL. Brooklyn, IL. Madison, IL. Granite City, IL and East St.Louis,IL type us in on maps you’ll c us . You’ll b amazed how small North Venice Is ????????
They GDs Bloods Vice Lords? Y’all shit be so random on the East no disrespect
Man Can you please redo “MAD TOWN59” onna east side .. The only thing that is consider “MAD TOWN59” is MADISON,IL my section is NORTH VENICE,IL
Market&Meredocia St are the main blocks NORTH VENICE isn’t Madison nor East.StLouis our colors are green and purple
Man Can you please redo “MAD TOWN” onna east side .. The only thing that is consider “MAD TOWN59” is MADISON,IL my section is NORTH VENICE,IL
Market&Meredocia St (The Doica) is a Hood n north Venice???????? can u please correct it
(The Docia)
They bloods
82nd dont go by bbg,082, or beamteam they go by “EG” (Eazyy Gang), Breezie World & 8200
Heman Park is still active they rollin 60s they hood is 7000 to 7100
vernon ave to princeton ave
and midland blvd to pennsylvania ave
the delmar apartments should still be on the map and they should be orange not blue they are 62 east coast crips
The Met is a GD hood centered around Metcalfe park they hood is 6200 to 6600 kingsland ave to eastgate ave
(they should be black)
6700 Parkview is washington ave to kingsbury ave and trinity ave to melville ave
they hood is 6600 to 6800 they are bloods and crips
who all 82nd into it with?
they hood is vernon ave to princeton ave they be in the huntley ridge apartments
67 bartmer isnt on the map right
the top of they hood is crest ave the bottom of they hood is chamberlain ave
their territory left to right is ferguson ave to kingsland ave
Murphy Park aka the 9 main territory is on Murphy park drive but also 20th Howard and mullanphy . Lesser known downtown hoods that just recently started beefing with the O
67 bartmer should be grey not black they still active. tht hood is home to AJ Gang/ GBG (Get Back Gang)
melrose and 67 bartmer is allies they go by 6770
they opps is 82nd, heman park, & 6700 parkview
They don’t bang blood or crip?
idk thts why i said they should be grey
RBG a click inna 50
JankeyAve ???? long live lamatt strechaK
How you don’t got The dark,the gib or the grape on as top south side hoods you put all state street hoods on there. You should make a star for state streets and a star for the original south side hoods. Like the Dark the Grape, Park ave, The Mac, the gib, O$G(defunct) and the Peabody.
How long 82nd and Melrose been into it?
—5900 Theodore Ave is a Rollin 60 crip hood in Walnut park right off 367
—5900Harney mobb is its separate 60 hood made in the early 90s . They was called HEL blocc Harney,Emma,Lucille.
—Helen(Big5) and Janet(jankeyave) both rollin 60 and blood blocks and one of the few crip hoods that fw 2crips and kitchens
—Sherry is 62brim they had a squad of Campanella Pirus and if you don’t believe me Kemo from the rap group hol9 was one of em.
—56 mimika is the oldest 6ixx hood being stamped since the 80s but floy popularized the 6ixx tbh
And for Mark Twain 5350 most known clicc is KMG for they deceased potna K money
702 eastgate is not tht big they hood stop at cates ave
They hood is that big y’all people just say anything
Naw 702EGC still around they younger generation be outside frl frl and metcalfe park not even real or a hood it’s all collage kids over there
you cnt be frm ucity, ucity got low,middle, & high income everywhere in ucity
but its 2 sides of ucity
1 side of ucity is the Low End(low income) & the other is the High End (high income) both sides has hoods but the high end got lofts, & has a few private streets with gates on it so you cant just drive threw them
the low end main street is olive blvd & has more low income & middle income but has some high income spreaded threw the whole side
this side has all the liquor stores/hood stores,beauty supplies,chinamens(hood chinese food restaurants, like chong wah & lams garden), & has heman park (heman park is a big park tht streches from olive to vernon)
heman park is so big its on both sides of ucity. heman park on the low end side has a baseball field, tennis court, & a recreational center on
the high end side of ucity main street is delmar blvd
this part of ucity is mostly high income
but has some middle income & low income spreaded out threw the whole side
on the high end part of heman park side it has a baseball field, basketball courts, & and a big park with a playground. they also have the parades on the high end side of heman park i seen someone have a concert there 1 time????
the high end is where all the lofts are in ucity, the delmar loop is on this side, its college students everywhere on the high end because the WashU students got apartments and lofts all over the high end & even in a few hoods. for exp its some washU lofts in metcalfe park hood look up 6300 enright ave (i called it a post office on my last comment)
(most ppl thts not frm ucity dnt know this) Ucity has a Neighborhood in it called Parkview
parkview is in the high end part of ucity and has every level of income in it (fun fact the first & only dispensary in ucity is in South Parkview)
eastgate and metcalfe park is in North Parkview
heman park is in west parkview
its 1 hood in South Parkview called MW (Monte World aka M DUB) they are a young hood like 7-6, & metcalfe park
East Parkview is the only part of Parkview tht dosent have mixed income
east parkview is just high income
east parkview ends when you get a couple streets from 58 psg hood
(this is abt my last comment)
actually i wouldnt even put eastgate in the same tier as The Ten,The Delmar Apartments, & Heman Park
all those hoods are more active than eastgate
most ppl dnt even be saying da whole thing they might just say the low, or the high
i was born and raised in ucity thts really how i know all this. its alot of ucity hoods thats not on the map ima make a list and put them all on there so they can add em
Respect ✊????
You missing 3400 GTB s/o
1200 buccmobb
1500 looney mob 6700 field gang
6500 joe boys 60 x 30 crips
23Curve crips and bloods
The Beam was the first official blood set to join the ADW alliance when the 62 and 60 kicked off
52 Paulina ain’t the only BSVs 52 ridge was blood stone villain and so is 52 Wells Mob
Tra 44 is a gd hood most of lundymobb is gangster disciples
You still missing golden garden off Alcoa drive in centeville
this cap 82nd go by eg or moe doe
Bruh at this mfs need proof bc it seem cap. I ain’t from Ucity tho
whoever made this map need to fix ucity heman park shouldnt be black its still active
fin town not even on the map
and 82nd is only bloods they dont have tvls or 4chs
and 65 young generation go by “sg” (SlattGang) not 82nd they also dnt go by 8185
82nd younger generation go by “eg” Eazyy Gang
70CTS should be yellow they Rollin 60s they click with the Gib and somewhat with the 50
Home to rappers CTS Wick, Rell Houdini and T4
T4 from the gib they click with ATS
What blocks they claim?
They already on the map perfect
4100 darkside they rollin 60 Crips they had a internal conflict with 3900 darkside. 3900,4200 and 4300 dark is 92IFGBz tho
3900 dark beef with them Haitians from 3500 Haiti Mob
Older generation is DSA (Darkside Assassins)
Younger generation is Street Marines/Darkside Mafia
3900 dark known for wearing the red Arizona Diamondbacks hat
They main spot is Tiffany Park on Spring Ave since the heart of the hood has been torn down
Darkside had a squad of GDs whatever happened to em
The dark never had GDz mostly bloods and one block claim rollin 60z
thats cap the dark had 41-43 all RSC before 39 DARK. 41 DARK was here mid 80s 39 DARK 90s. Thts why none of there ppl in there 40 or 50s. look at the other darkside 41-43 they got all old heads.
They went defunct like most gds in the city
75 and 76 is 2 different hoods but they in millar park they got different beefs and allies
61Sherry 62brims bloods and it was a squad of pirus on sherry
5900 Garesche is 92 IFBG an active blood set
49 BAD 62brim/92ifgb
50 Claxton main beef 54 and Lacside
5053 beef with Lac and the six
Since when the 50 start beefing with the sixx and the LAC? They used to click with the LAC and The TAG (Ten Dub, Acme Mob and 59 Good)
Stretchagang from the lac diss dude from the 50. I think his name was harry. Vice versa they diss stain
Since when the 50 beef with the LAC and the 6ixx?. The 50 use the click with the TAG (Ten Dub, Acme Mob and 59 good)
Yeah the Lou is mostly a Damu city aka Bity whole lotta Blood & Piru sets!
Millar park has 2 gangs in it 75 younger generation is ebe/lafamilia and 76 younger generation is 762 both hoods are in Millar park but are not allies or into with each other and have different opps and allies
EBE/Lafamilia is not a thing 762/75/76 millar park is all the same thing ain’t no different they still bloods N still got the same opps they just called 762 it’s still millar park at the end of the day
Millar park is all bloods too even the younger generation
Yeah the young generation bloods
The jecktz,Darst Webb, & the Murdas is not the south side tht is downtown
All them hoods is around the corner from Busch stadium
Who tf told them tht was the south?????????
That is the south anything south of chouteau Ave is the south side dude do yo research
That’s southside still just like opz is downtown but it’s northside. Simple
You don’t know what you talm bout them is downtown hoodz stick to being in the suburbs
You can go on mallyg Instagram he got a post where they shooting a video in murdaside and the location say downtown St Louis, you niggas thts coming from Reddit need to stay on tht mfka
The Murdas, the jecktz/the Peabody’s, & darst webbe is downtown
Ucity hood stores is the gas mart on 6700 (67th) olive blvd,
the Phillips 66 on 8300 (83rd) olive Blvd & the circle k on 7400 (74th) olive blvd
Ofallon park is the birthplace of St. Louis’s bloodiest ongoing gang war which is the 60vs62 war CNC and 44Bud was allies until A sole member Scary Terry from 44 got killed it was bad bc they was cool some of them boys was family. It’s 62east coast crip and 87kitchens vs every crip set mainly Rollin sixty crips 8treys and 19inas. That war birthed 2s n 7z alliance and ADW aka all deuces wild . The war been raging since like 1991
49 bad specifically always been bloods they started as a whole as 92s and then somebody from the rapper chingy family i believe cause chingy from there g and he flipped half of them to 62s lot of people don’t know 49 was really a hoods put together Alcott players from or redcott gangstas(rcg) and then beacon was they own set brc beacon red city beacon led by g ragg and i think Alcott was led by some nigga name boo they came together and Davison was in the middle of both blocks so they just made it dblock lot of niggas don’t know dat now a days all the young cats 20s and under bang 92 from 49 since most of the hood 92 but from my understanding only people banging 62 brim from 49 is the ogs i could be wrong
They ogs GD
I ain’t Neva met or heard of a gd from 65 and I’m from ucity
Dumbest sht I heard
Not bloods or crips? That’s rare. Could they be a gang or like vice lords?
naw they ain’t vls ion think it’s no vl hoods in stl no more. They gds they the only real gd hood in ucity Millar park got like 2 or 3 gds
StL had vl sets?
Yeah most people don’t know tht before bloods and crips came to stl vice Lords was here a few of the king pins from here in the 70s/80s where vice lords
Thts false, bloods and crips came in the late 80s and where the first gangs here but some of these niggas be lying saying they hood stamped some of these hoods is but not most if we being frl alot of stl gangs is fake la gangs
That’s false St.Louis hoods in the 60s & 70s had independent street gangs until the mid 80s first came L.A. street gangs then people & folk nation gangs it was a mixture of all four nowadays its mostly L.A. based gangs with little cliques
Alot of these blood hoods and crips hoods were vice lords in the 70s,80s,90s, actually I think one of the projects tht got knocked down back then had TVLs that’s crazy how it ain’t no more vl hoods you might see a old head thts vl but that’s rare
vice lords gds are mostly defunct now
What hood is Nelly from?
StL was full of Hoover’s at one point but I ain’t think Marcus was gangsters what happened to they GDs then?
Naw the curve don’t beef the O lol the curve is 92IFGB too but must haven’t see the Vega sills Ft 3 problems video they don’t beef sht
That don’t means they click up wit the 50 and that’s 53 too
50 and 53 the same thing
JVL was tied in wit the Village N the Jektz but it’s was a group called DramaSquad that was 16Opz, 18Village,14Jektz,JVL,The Beam back then, but then when the JVL Vs 16Opz beef started thats when the Beam Vs 14Jektz started too N btw 13Mad is Bloods N Crips they was Coo wit CN btw Nwm Cee murda “ Neen” is from thurr he was respected too but 13Mad is tied up wit 58Psg and also Mike B was a blood he was from the beam not the 13Mad the Beam , 14Jektz,18 Warren Block,Curve is all DTT
Walnut park and Jennings update
College and Switzer in Jennings was a set called 1Love they was GD from mid 90s to early 2000s .The skamm came after that and is bounty hunters n 2zn7z but they OGs that’s 30-40 was GD.
71 Garesche is a part of 10Dub and tied in with the six
There is 47 Genevieve and 52 Alcott which are two 92ifgb sets in WP
49 also historicaly had beef with 50 claxton and 57SAC .
534 was beefin with 49ASAP
Blacktop claim to have 3rd world Black Disciples amongst their ranks from what I’ve heard.
Rosalie street has 60s and gds
How did 1luv ogs allow them to become bloods? And ain’t blacktop them otf cats?
Nah 1love was GD I’m saying how they allow the youngins to claim blood . He ain’t cappin
The Strip (3900 Strip side) turf is from Arkansas to Compton and Chippewa to Osage. They call 3900 – 3800 Louisiana “The L” or L block”
Surtown is based off 3600 Pennsylvania Avenue . They beef wit another Sureno crew that is KD gang.
45oakland only on Oakland whoever told you otherwise Rudy the GIB control that whole area Acro to Gibson is Valet Gang and Fmg fast money gang plus 45dead as dust. Inactive
Fact! Surtown 13 is based off 3600 Pennsylvania Avenue and have a couple different spots where they post up now on the southside & eastside and are the only Mexican gang that’s a factor in the city. They beef with Compton Varrio 155st which is only on the eastide. 155st are surenos tho.
KD gang are not sureños! They not even a gang fr! They homie KD got smoked few years ago and they started a gang called KD gang. Just a bunch of young n****s that want a name
4300 Gib only control what’s east of Newstead everything west of newstead is blocked off by barricades, cause they gentrified that area. It’s still ppl out there that chunk 4500 Oakland they just spread out through the city.
On god everything pass them blockades gentrified. You can tell the neighborhood was changing when they store closed
1600 Mclaran / 1500 Switzer is PHG and they crips Rollin six and nines they cool with 88 and the stone
Alcoa Dr of The golden garden neighborhood in centreville has a mixed affiliation of folks vl and bloods I think
Hawthorne terrace is gd
The stones is gd vl and bloods
Fireworks also is 47ville
Wells mob was one of the first blood sets alongside the horseshoe in St. Louis and was put on in 1984 by a bloodstonevillian so they adopted that and became a BSV set. 52 Paulian ain’t the only one but you do have 52 Wells mob covered by the Nerv…
Ironic bc a lot of them dudes got the boot for trynna act like they owned them blocks look at the lacked town situation for example.
Lies that’s basically part of the Nerv everybody know that
50/51 Minerva is a crip set wells mob and ridge are blood sets. That simple
No it’s not 5200 Blocc of Wells is part of da Nerv
The End in Dawson home to Nem KUTT boys kutthroat known for violence n internal beef/back doors but nonetheless had the whole city put up. Beef heavy wit the shields n the gumpers
Them dirty 30z not just vice lords it’s GDs in dat mug to. Gert Gang also on 27th and click with 1500OWP in an alliance called 1531.
59th beef wit the Gompers n 57th
76th GD djworld in the mont and Gaty Ave also GD
Madison not one unified hood wit hoods like the Bissels 59Meredocia and 4th street
1300 stone in baden is also home to rapper Luh tori murdaa
44lex also rep 3600 Taylor they also go by Lexington Mob Gangstas aka LMG that’s Stl most infamous gd set hated by many like 58pershing,39strip,Big5 so on so forth. Ever since Bookie glocks dropped 2K every deuce and kitchen drop rakes n are gdk.
LACside StainGang Aka SG they beef wit 56Janet n Big 5 which is a shame bc 10Dub was all once United now they at war.
Lundy mob is GDN they not crippin if anything some of they membas bloods.
18th off state is GD zombie gang in 1800 by the end
The Gompers is just GD ain’t no Rvlords and the shields mostly flipped crip in honor of Ching so it’s mainly bloods and crips
It’s BDs in Cahokia in the Greens
Landowne Projects still got two high rises that has GDs and 4CH
Moline Acres home to Ron Gang/sideedoee boys they EBK . Static wit Castlepoint,Dime, the springs/7, 2squad, green alley, the view a lot more . They hated
Zone7 92ifgb
big cp we had dat beef w moline for a while dey kno was with cp x buccouts boyz
if you zoom in in 82nd its a river tht divide half they hood
the left side is active if you frm 82nd yk the bridge divide each side
its still they territory but dnt Nobody frm they hood be on the right side as much
the only active block on the right is Fullerton
(The left side of they hood always been the main blocks since 82nd started back in the late 90s they hood was started by 2 dudes)
if you coming frm olive to they hood it start on 81st where the papa johns at & it stop at 86th where the mexican restaurant & the chop shop is at the correct main blocks is 83rd & richard, 83rd & elmore , 85th & elmore , 85th & orchard, all them blocks i named dnt got any 82nd blocks they start frm 83rd and stop at 85th
The young generation(under 20) of 82nd got more opps then the older generation
The older generation only opps is melrose & millar park
The younger crowd opps is the skan, every hood in ucity,wellston,& 59bad
you da only n**** on here det said sun right bout 82nd everything right but the Fullerton thing tht block dead too now
(This da same dude) i can tell you not frm 82nd richard,orchard, & elmore always been the main blocks. 82nd started after a few crips got killed on grant in the 90s. I know the street aint 83rd but they call it tht. the street really is richard & grant or elmore & grant, orchard & grant, but all them streets addresses start wit 8300 and end with 8500 really they go to 8600 thts the 1 way street but some of them houses got demolished after they built the Costco’s and dont Nobody be on the 1 way street. Grant is a 1 way street connected to the 3 main blocks If you stay on grant yo address is 1200 some. You a know you on 83rd if yo address is 8323 richard or if yo address 8545 orchard you on 85th you niggas dnt even be frm da hoods but be saying sht sthu
Look up 8200 richard, orchard, elmore aint nun gone pop up cause they dont exist. he left kempland off the map and olive. Olive is there territory too. look up 8500 orchard, or 8527 kempland Pl, 8300 richard thts they hood. I stayed at 8427 elmore ave.
Look up 8531 olive blvd thts the chop shop and restaurant i was talking abt take olive all the way to the papa johns at 8107 olive blvd thts they territory
10blk main block is the wild cherry apartments
They not active no more he should keep them on here tho its alr black
Naw cause that’s not a hood my Pops from 702 mama from 65Ucity been in Ucity all my life never heard of em
Oh mfz definitely know bout da 10..82 & 65 cliqued up cuz dey both had smoke wit da 10
Da Joe is got BDs and the Greens is BDs in Cahokia
You a little off Da joe is mostly vice lords
Cabanne Maple boys on the westside always been a crip set and is sorta like an independent extension of 51skan
Come on now 85Skam is not 62ECC nor is 92 IFGB they are TTP/BHB bra the 62Ecc over thurr is from FloDuceHills and ain’t no bloods in FloDuceHills despite being on Collage Ave home to a lot of bloods hoods in Jennings but also 85Skam sets are
Yes there’s no 62z in the Skam strictly bloods they got pics on Facebook just type in there hood 85 SKAM
Only hood you missing is 1400-1100 NewHouse Ave Crips you can look the hood up on Facebook you got all the hoods tho no need to add more and some of these hoods not hoods like 10Blk and 82nd Don’t have ViceLords or 4Corner Hustlers that’s Chicago shit they always been bloods
Newhouses already on the map it’s right across from the jekts
1400 NewHouse Ave Crips is in Hyde Park close to DuB-19 hood on (NewHouse Avenue)there’s no Newhouse Avenue across from the Jecktz stop lying
Newhouse Ave ? Either it’s irrelevant or just flat out not a hood.
Never heard of GDz being in Jennings and they definitely not around now lets be real if you from St.Louis you don’t see no GDz in Jennings and 74Dade is Bloods the whole Dade always been bloods no 60s
GDs been in Jennings since the 90s and the blacktop set been active and official for Hellas. North and south dade is bloods and crips.
Nigga wtf is a Newhouse crip ?
Stop lying you faking like a mtf never heard of GDz being in Jennings and they definitely not there now and Dade always been bloods and NewHouseCrips is on 1400-1900 NewHouseAve just type it in on Facebook you’ll see pics mostly all these hoods on Facebook with pics or people from there just type em in to see if the hoods real
Its 1400 n 1900 but you right
BLACKTOP STUNNAS in Jennings been 7414 and was called JTown Mafia ask them Skamm niggas they was beefin with em years ago when they went by 1love. Y’all kill me with this “I ain’t neva heard” bs y’all be on but be drove asl
Blacktop territory Jennings station road off fairhaven if I’m correct n They GD but some of the young guys claim BD.
10BLK in Ucity is not a hood take that down somebody made that up it’s college students over there just cause there apartments don’t mean it’s a hood
53 Wabada got 53Avalons and 74hoovers .the battle rapper Bmagic Avalon from wabada. I wouldn’t say they inactive…slowed down but not extinct.
There’s no street in St.Louis that’s 76th stop lying
You don’t got 5600 Hiller (Hiller Mob) on the map they 92IFGB located in walnut park West. And a small set They used to beef with 6000 lac, 5600 Mimika, 5600 Acme, 5900 Good and 10/20
Facts they 92IFGBz they Defunct tho mostly OGz
5800 Pershing (PSG) turf on the map is way too little. They actually a big set. They turf is from Rosedale Ave to Laurel St and from Pershing Ave to Delmar. They got hella Beef They beef with the Opz, The 4, The 6ixx, 5700 Cates, 800 Clara, 5900 Bad, 5900 TMG, 1300 BOD, 5-1 Skan and 6400 Wellston. The click with 2600 Solway to form 5826 they got ties with 702 Eastgate, 11 Hodiamont and 5300 CMB. They one of the newer sets compared to the original west side sets.
4500 O$G (Oakland) They turf is from Cadet to Chouteau and newstead to kingshighway and O$G used to beef with The Gib back in the day
I can almost guarantee 45 Oakland is defunct and most of the ppl from that neighborhood claim 43Gib.
Gibson run that whole area TF from Arco to Gibson is Rollin 60 be real who still claim blood over there? Nobody
Darkside Lundymob is big GDN not crip
And the Shields was mostly bloods but most of them flipped to Crip in honor of Ching they biggest rivals is the End and OWP. Btw the four corner hustlers rep black not gold like vice lords.
53 wabada 74hoover crip they still put on for orange like OG hoovers.
42 lab Rollin 60
387 3940 Field Ashland 44 lex 41 lex are in the Greater Ville neighborhood which was featured in articles for having the highest body count in all of the city.
Sunvalley Apts / sun valley dr off halls ferry is Cutthroat they Grape street Crips
Sun Valley Dr. Is not a hood and definitely not Grapes the only Grapes in St.Louis is 26Grape,1200PagedAle,and Da Sko????4200 Labadie is not a hood ether stop making up shit you hella weird making up hoods you know not real
All you know is what you see on this website….truth is there are several hoods that ain’t as relevant and ppl don’t know em. Comments just need to be locked at this point too much fussing. St. Louis bs as usual
Naw bro if you really from STL you know the hoods with out the map yes there are some hoods people don’t know about but everybody from STL know Sun Valley Dr is not a hood just regular apartments with black people who live there and it’s weird asf that niggas have the time to make up a hood just to have it on the map then he said they Grape Street Crips Lhh come on bro stop it
You got the dark wrong The dark stretch from grand to vandeventer and Lafayette to Folsom the original blocks are 3900,4100,4200 and 4300 but when they tore 3900,4000 blocks down it to expanded to the 3600-3800 blocks. They main beef is the Minno but they also got static with the gib, Shawtown, 3400 Park Ave, botanical Blocc and the doah. They got ties With the Grape
2 Lawndsowne towers were torn down 2019 but two towers still up and that’s a GD hood but the surrounding area Gangsta crip and 4ch
Lundymobb is mostly Gd n bloods not crips
3600 Taylor is the heart of 44Lex and the territory go to Cora. 44Lex is the most known GD hood in St. Louis and have been folks for decades now but is dissed heavy bc of glocks n BBG bookiebakkigang.
Blacktop in Jennings is an OG GD hood I always heard about bout but tbh don’t know where lol.recently It was some dudes from there sayin they was BD but I’m certain they folks.
74bermuda also has 87Kitchens which is odd cus some them dissed Eloo B a 62 when he died.
74Bermuda/RushMob is Bloods ain’t no dam 62z from there they always been bloods
20% black 16% Hispanic. Mexican gangs not all that active in the Lou fr compared to other cities
Dub DST known for AMR (Ammunition Money Respect) and DM$ ( desoto money squad). DST also known as the top of college hill.
Dub Jmv known for CHC Clicchouse Cartel and SGE (smart grind ent)
Dub 19 known for BTE (blue team ent) CCG( closed casket gang) and them Crocc boys. 1n9ne is also reffered to as the bottom for being at the bottom of college hill.
The Beam is also known by 579
CGP and EWG don’t beef nomore we clicked up 9714 that’s why CGP is 92z N 60z cuz some n***** from EWG moved over there and started claiming CGP and EWG we always been cool had our luh problems we don’t beef nomore we don’t f*** with 3040 Rex and Wallstreet
@cgpmaine,@nerogang.cj_ is 2 n***** from CGP and EWG on instagram this is all facts you can ask them they got pics together????Niggas that’s disliking this comment don’t know what they tlm bout
Berkeley Is nicknamed berktown now
Haiti mob had smoke wit 51 a while back
3000 Texas is bloods
That’s not a hood
The MAD still active they clicked wit JMV and static wit DST cus they be dissin lil bill from the mad and 2600 has declined a lot but it ain’t dead.
50NERV is Minerva n Page the Wells ave is bloods and so is 5200 Ridge.
CNC 54 Rose n Tracks big 87KCG can’t forget the kitchens
5300 wabada ain’t Avalon’s the 53Avalons is on the west but in UCity.
Lies there’s no Avalons in Ucity only 60z 30z and Grapes as far as Crips 5200-5100 Ridge and 5200-5100 Wabada is part of 50/51 Nerv he got that side right
Wells n ridge bloods silly n**** and it’s 53 in ucity.
Lie you the same dude keep making up shit
51/50 Minerva is crip 5200 Ridge been boolin Wells Ave is them wells mob guys w/s mostly bloods
155 various are all through state park
Are there any sets that got exterminated? By war or indictment? Somebody said all of Sarah mob was dead
Berkeley and kinloch go by Slimeballnation
Yeah just check Kinloch domo instagram
For 51Skan SBYG stands for (SkanBloccYoungGunnaz)
54 Ashland aka 54AVE is an old w/s
blood hood that’s most likely a ghost set now
41lee blood hood on the north
47Carter and Marcus n/s bloods
3700 Winnebago on the south was a blood hood
4400 evans 107hoover n/s crips
The Skam was beefin wit tendub in north county
58psg is 92ifgb w/s
45 fair is all of fair ave n Adelaide aka 24opac is all of Adelaide ave
It’s confirmed 45 field put GVC on 8trey crip in north county
Riverview static wit 2squad
47 Carter and Marcus it not a hood quick making up shit 41Lee is not a hood ether
Southend is mostly GD includesDawson manor n denverside n that whole area Tudor to wilford
1800 in southend is missing which is GD
18th n Gaty is GD
Sainai Apartments is GD
Peso is all of 24th. 25th is just 25th
59th is bloods n vice lords
13th 4 Corner not VL
Chalie full of bloods and crips
Waverly known as 39th or Wavy side
700 Baden is Rollin 60 crips
Jvl was reppin 92bishop bloods
6700 Rollin 60 crip
3300 Delmar 60s
BODz was Crips n GDs under folks n locs blackstone was BOD starting ground but gds ain’t just on black stone
Original Southside politics ..Shaw, Swat, IllMob, and Cave beefin with Minno, 36Tenn, n 40DoahMob
Some real 2000s hood shit, everybody dead locked or out the way now
thts cap cave only click with SWAT only. everybody else was dicc riding because CAVE was putting work in. Double O nor did ill Mob help at all lbs.
Pagedale Field gang is six owe
Is artillery gang on here?
They ain’t in no hood
You know you in the dub when you see that white water tower
I’m from 82nd ain’t no dam TVLz on da Deuce it’s a dude on here that keep making up shit and he got different accounts that like his own comments which is him to make it seem like he know what he talking bout everybody in st.Louis know 82nd all Bloods and wtf is Snakepit
You took off golden garden that’s Alcoa Dr in Centreville which is mix affiliated
18th n bond in south end is gangster disciples
Sinia Village gangsters
Da end from Tudor to Central in south end they mostly Gangster
22nd n state gangster disciple
24th n state is peso gang they gangster disciple
25th n state is just 25th not all them other streets
Gaty ave from 12th to 18th is gangster disciple
2-7th n State is Gert Gang
59 VL n Bloods
18th n bond gd too
Chalie got outstanding bloods n crip members
Wavy side known as 39th n Landsdowne got like one more high rise left
The stones is vice lord n gangster disciple
Hawthornes is gangster
Church road in the Ville I think gangsters n lords
Owp is low end and Gompers is da 6
Lies no fucking TVL and wtf is GMB
GMB Moe Doe gator gang all them older 82nd clicks n it’s niggas from 8duece that claim VL Lordq n Rio for example
Everything on 82nd is almost correct they go by 082/081 they be in the hafner court apartments thts on 81st sometime. gmb & otv is not a thing. Older members are bloods & with a few vls/4ch and the younger members 20 and under are snakes & wear green. There not cobras tho. they go by “SG” which stands for SlattGang,
Actually i was wrong Gmb was more active around 2010-17 same with Moe Doe/MDE thts what the older generation was called.
82nd is a hood with 2 sets (SnakePit) Is A new set they’re main color is green
they’re just 8-Deuce younger generation (anyone under 20)
there territory is 81st & Olive & the Hafner Court Apartments (81st & Hafner)
to 82nd & Grant (the street connected to all the main blocks)
Also its not many vls or 4ch in 82nd its no more than 4 or 5 of them all together. None of Snakepit claim blood nor vl or 4ch there strictly snakes
Yes y’all just making up everything 82nd is all bloods 9 deuce bloods and I heard 400 TreeTopPiru too frm Lil Stl bra I never heard or saw dem wear green nor they are not 4CH/ VLs we never even had dem they just lived here but never claim or made a hood bra idk way a OTV or 082 is sounds like sun Chicago stuff never a hood went by 0 something
Facts bro I said the same thing I never heard of TVLz in St.Louis period mtfs be making up shit
Who is @82uece_rio on ig?his bio say 4ch
Naw these lil niggas might not be lying i heard its another new hood fulla kids by millar park called 762
That 762 sht. they been around or its new? Cause i aint heard of them until now.
That’s some yougin sht but 7675 Millar park always been big bloods they was large they probably had a flew Crips tho and 3 Gdz
Bruh stfu you talkin like a certain false claimin retard that always be makin up fake hoods. Ain’t you supposedly from the ville? Stfu about 82nd
I was wrong about something else i seen on reddit somebody from 82nd said 8-Deuce only had 1 Vice Lord & 1 4CH so they dnt have any vls or 4ch anymore and the person showed proof. Look up @82uece_rio on ig
You Almos Righ La Bruh It Ain No Vice lords or four corner hustlers in 8 Duce everything else Righ
Aye quit making up shit don’t no Hood in Ucity wear green it’s nun but bloods on 82nd you the same dude that keep making up shit
Its a new hood in ucity called 762uece???? i seen it on Instagram so blood prolly aint lying these young dudes be doing anything now. cant hate on em 4 making they own sht tho
Look up Lord q him n his boys Vice lords from 82 n rio that’s still alive 4CH idk y y’all act like this heresy or something? Stl been had lords they just rare asf n dats big facts .
Nuff said
Im from 82nd and i never heard of gmb
That Otv Shit Fake Too 82nd Go By EG (eazyy gang)/Moe Doe and the young niggas started they own sht and go by SG
What is gmb?
Courtis St n Broadway is 70CTS they click wit the Gib n beef wit 2z. That’s the 1st district
Darkside is 92ifgb they big BlendaK they was beefin wit the minno n have ties to the peabodys
The SIC 32ohio used to have hella crips times change tho n they big Bs no fakin
33California a Rollin 60 set that was under the OPAC alliance back in the 90s
Accomac was also under OPAC back then
I know for a fact Farlin was reppin R20 Outlaws they got a lil static with the Grape
Kinloch was hunters. N pirus
32 Sic was always bloods my boi they wear green / Red that’s they colors
Darkside and the projects ( Murdaside , The Jektz ) was the first hoods on the south side
IGC started 32 OGC [OHIO GANGSTA CRIPS] their 60z. The ppl yall think from there are not from there, they parents are they all crips. only 27 utah was bloods, thm the only bloods n the orginal SIC.
Solway is confusing they are bloods N 62Crips and 87 Kcg but they also beef wit each other home to BigBuckz and BBG ( bookie Baakie Gang ) they beefin tho all dem dudes from their BBG tyty aka bookie glockz , BigBuckzTrey,2Buckz , BigBuckzEloo and 2buckz said they kick bbg off the block and then they went to parkridge but Parkridge was already bloods from Kinloch tho
These dudes don’t know they history and it’s clearly shows
BBG Lb Slime is from Solway/JVL
Bookie Glockz or BBG tyty is from Solway/ north
Bbg Duck is from 4700 Parkside
It’s used to be Solway and BBG /Ar Gang BBG is a Solway gang but their 2 of dem BigBuckzGang and BookieBaakieGang and then You got DGRF( Duke guyz for Eva rich ) they bloods my boi he a rapper too his name is Levi Ferrari he a blood from Solway DGRF is click up wit SlideBoayz ( 64 Wellston , Dub Jmv , black Jack , Zone 7 ) and FamoGang ( zone 7 )
Solway rep 4ss 2zz 7zz
No they WAS bloods a long time ago we all know 26Sol 62z it’s no point of him putting bloods as they info wouldn’t even look right
The Newhouses use to be in the 2z4z7z alliance along wit Darst Webbe n the peabodys. Now they rivals with all 2zn7z went off the rails so to speak.they rivals with they former allies it’s sad bc all them boys was thick as thieves plus they was the only deuce hood on the south fr and they OGs still deuce n kitchen…cold game in stl
Minno Mob is bloods n crips so is the Tenn
Haiti Mob used to rival 51skan a while ago but the strip they main beef. They had a reputation for putin in work, they slowed down in the past years due to arrest n stuff.
I heard Michigan n Michigan is or was a Traveling Vice Lord set
Chippewa n Michigan *
Darst Webbe was 2z4z7z. and wasnt the only deuce hood, OBG-DoubleO is a deuce hood.
haiti mob rocc with SKAN never beef.
47 Plover & 57 SAC are notorious rivals.
Never hear nothin bout Saloma
They active
Niggas sound clueless 45Ferris used to be all 62 Neighborhood Crips back in the 90s thats why it was 45NHG cuz they was banging Neighborhood Crip Gang, beefing with Blood niggas in Pinelawn
30Deep aint even exact same as 45Ferris and that shit came way later
Lies I’m 35 yrs old and never heard of 45NHG they always been 92z and 62z from different hoods inna city who moved there they don’t even have OGz
Cuz You might be a 35 year old nobody
“They don’t have OGz” lmaooo, Damn near Every gang on the Westside got decades in this shit.
This STL gang shit didn’t start yesterday dude
The 62s on Ferris were there first.The Blood niggas came later
Them guys first enemies was Bloods
Bloods made 45 Ferris wth are you talking abt
Real spit.
Rexplex 3040 is called KillaWorld too and Home to PlexGang , KillaGang , RexplexGang they are bloods and beef wit Bermuda N Unc
Do y’all know where the Asian gangs / Bosnian gangs be at on the south side I heard Bosnian Gangs be in DogTown on the south
Damu Bloods on Darkside
92 Inglewood family gangsta bloods I think the jecktz and Darkside got the same ogs Big Soup from Inglewood family gangsta bloods in LA made the Jektz bloods but Darkside really around still
Damu is just Spanish for blood…
You mean Swahili
Nah the closest thing to Zoe’s is Haiti mob
Does St.Louis have any Barrio 18th Street’s or MS-13’s and any Hells Angels? Also do they have any Tiny Raskals or Asian Boyz gangs too?
45Ferris original name is 45NHG Neighborhood Gang, got started back in the Ninetys
Haha Sound Dumb asf, Just literally search 45NHG on any platform
Yea it do
58 and 11Hodiamont use to be kool they were callin it 1z n 8z” its still videos up wit that shit from 2009
Alton aka Atilla has A BD hood called oak wood projects 7th street is insane cripthats all I know
21st n ferry should be dark blue it has a few GDs, the og GDs came from Cabrini but it’s alway been onenina
Pennsylvania and Cherokee all the way down to Miami street is Sur Town a Sureno13 Hood they tied in with Fairmont. They rep dark blue n they had a rapper named Ese snoops
Fairmont got Surenos on 36th n maple they don’t fw cv155
I heard delor in Bevo by That one park was Latin King territory
Stans ain’t no damn 60z they they might be neighborhood Crips but they ain’t got no official put on that’s why TNG don’t fucc with them amongst other reasons. They just some regular ass Crips NOT 60z tho everybody wanna be SixOwe, Dookies, Snoovers and Trays
55BMP aka 10-4 is mainly on Maffit n Belt, Palm is empty asl
They beef with the Pershing ni**** too
I’m surprised you ain’t add no icon for the wild “60vs62” war that was started by Opac n CNC . it’s straight up 62s n 87s versus every other crip faction and it’s still being waged to this very day with no signs of stopping. For the most part dueces and kitchens are the most hated gangs in the Lou hands down which causes them to be the most United gangs in stl as they mostly all step for each other. But it also involves bloods as you got a lot that claim ADW and back up 2z n 7z but you also have an. equal amount that are 2k . They even hostile towards GDs as GDs are mostly 2k on the Lou side with 44lex being a prime example. It’s a big part of what shaped stl streets into what it is today. It was even bigger than the bloods vs crip beef in the 90s.
In East St. Louis ik it was Folks and People Nations beefin especially Vice lords and GDs. But that died out mostly now it’s just lawless and unstructured over there.
Nah you just deaf and blind if you don’t about 60s vs 62s in stl. Get real ni*** and stop tryna add fake sh*t on here lol.
Nigga no niggas frm CNC was hating nd killed Scary Terry frm the Bud that’s what cracced S*** off . It was all love at first til Cali ni**** started puttin the 60z on nd s*** went left
Your missing O84 Gang right off of Bellefontaine & Chambers next to Riverview . The only set in the Bellefontaine Neighborhors suburbs.
O84 =Only Homicide Mobb, 8 Letters in Homicide, 4 in Mob. Mostly known for Crips
Check out KBsix song 30 Dead Homies, he shouts em out. Its basically another county/ suburban clique that had a name back in the late 2000s, early 2010s like Blackmobb, HoodSquad, etc. Still out there somewhat
That’s was a click not a hood it was a city click.
It still gang s*** in Bellefontaine Neighbors though, that map make it look empty.
Bellfontaine don’t be on that not everywhere In north county got hoods and 084 gone
You just lying now and chambers only crack near halls ferry not bellfountaine Bruh you in denial
26 Unc was also Gsc and was home to Field Gang they was tie in wit Pagedale tho they beef wit Wellston and 88 Mob beef wit Ucity bloods and Wellston bloods. They called 2600 Unc Dub600 too. Wheaton Ave is known as BottomSide in 26 Unc they called Dub600 too and they are Gsc , R60’sNHC , R30’s Crips it’s still around tho been around since 1990s I even heard 1980s they tie in wit 67 Pagedale
Name one 19lbc hood that’s cool with deuces n kitchens… the 8 is the most active 19 set they at war with most 2n7 set in the city. They used to diss 19lbc and called em one nasty.
Laclede town gone
Rollin 20 damn near extinct just like Rollin 40s
1. 1400 kitchens and Dueces them boys say it all the time.
2. JVL is a 92ifgb set
3. Name one 19hood cool wit 2zn7z. The 8 beef with damn near every deuce N kitchen set in stl and that’s the most infamous 19lbc set.
The whole DUBnOPAC full of 19Lbc but they still 2K for the most part. As a matter of fact 2zn7z used to call em 1Nasty.
Rollin Twenty damn near extinct I think only DUB ogs claim that. DST big 60s
Laclede Town home to nobody. It’s just a memory now. A vacant lot
This Westside
1200 pagedale should be purple they GSCrips the rest rollin 30sn60s
1300 is called Deadend
Eastgate both rollin 30s n 60s not just 30 eastgate used to be pretty bad before they started revitalization near the loop.
82nd mostly claim home grown 82uece bloods and a few claim vice lords/4CH/TVL.
7400/Myron are Rollin60s and they do rival the Pitt…it ain’t no secret most 60s rival 62n87.
47fletcher is 92ifgb some of their members are BBG(they ain’t GD th0) I know they rival the 39strip n Solway
59TMG and 59BAD both notorious dope sets. the 60s in these hood wild n ruthless bc they surrounded and outnumbered by rival blood sets. They were even at odds with each other at times.
37 Aldine is them Street Navy boys and YNIC. They Lk(jvl) so is Bacon mob.
JVL got a nickname called just vacant lots and they also known for bumpagang
I think the MAD a ghost set nowadays
Is 700 Baden even a thing?
82uece got ppl that claim VL , ppl confused bc most ppl think the lords completely died out in the Lou when they flipped to blood. Rioduece was Solid four corner hustler.
he not talking about the rio that died. if you from 82nd you know its 2 rios the one he talking about is a 4CH
700 is Christian, pounce and thrush right off broadway
3940 is 109 Hoovers not rolling 60s or 19 just 109 Hoovers
Thought it was 19 hoovers
They 107 Hoovers originally they just put the 9 in there for 39 there’s no such thing is a 109 Hoover
Out of all North county ,Hazelwood n Florissant are in the best shape. Everywhere got clicks and gangs but I swear Florissant don’t get down like that in the slightest. Neva heard anyone call it Flotown or Hazelhood that’s gotta be some kiddy shiii. The most you gotta worry bout out there is police and the Radioactive soil burning underground.
Facts wtf is Hazelhood n***as be making up shit now
Bru the only GDz in St.Louis is PHG 44Lex and 1400 BlackStone yea some hoods use to be GDz that was a long time ago you should just put what’s the current affiliation there’s no GDz from 75Millar there are no ViceLords from 82nd yall letting these ni**** from the Eastside comment tryna turn our city into theres
GDs on 3200-3300 Michigan tht originated on arsenal and virgin in the 90s
47 Plover rivals with 10/20 Jankey boys613 N the 50
49 BAD was a Vice Lord hood they bloods now but they still bang da 5
As a matter of fact the whole Walnut Park was Lords n GDs before the mid 1980s.
50G was a GD hood. They ain’t just live there that sound dumb
59 Garshche is active they bloods used to be Lords
49 did claim lord b4 they turned blood. The bloods ain’t hit the Lou till the 80s Lords was here in the early 70s…
-57 Cates is mostly 60 but it’s had 107 Hoover crips 9-0s and 19lbcs. Cates Mob Gangstas is what they go by n have put on other hoods like BOD. Was beefin with hella bloods like 1-1 58psg
-49 BAD was a TVL hood long ago now it’s 92ifgb . N the 50 was GDN
47Plover are 92IFGB and have close ties to 49 n 54.
-The Dub DST JMV 20st used to be the water tower mafia n was a force to be reckoned wit in College Hill now it’s static and only JMV n 19 clicc up. 41pst was also in this mix and still is cool with jmv n 19. Shits sad fr
-88lane / 800 / and Minerva are rollin 60 crips but 800 got bloods too
What’s weird is that Dub 19 is click up wit the C8chran but the C8chran beefs wit Dub Jmv and
I heard the 50 made the 6ixx too and Cate Mob Gangstas or 57 Cates seem small on here but they beef wit all the bloods and was torching 1100 Hoodiamont up
And TVLs was the only Vice Lords we have
The blu still 62 Ecc too and 11MurdaSide is 62 Ecc
The Blu beef wit deuces…kinda hard to have em when you beef wit em.
Murdaside HAD them but they diss em 2 so that’s irrelevant
Do you know that Vinita Park is a RSC neighborhood since the 80s?
Tj Ruffin and Fat woods was Vice lords in Nem projects
49 used to be VL before they flipped blood but still bang the 5. The old heads still claim Lord.
50G used to be GDz
The Lords n Gangstas was in St. Louis when stl had connections to chi n Indiana during the Heroin Epidemic. A lot of GDs flipped too tho but it’s still folkz hoods in the Lou can’t say the same for Lords.
They still heavy on the East tho not a lot of ppl in the Lou know that.
DTT(Taliban) wasn’t just 13Mad it was the Curve members n others
26Mad not as active as it used to be they under the Folkz n 60z
The C8chran hella deep n probably the most hated crip set in the city
Laclede Town was the first crip hood it was 19lbc
Lastly 1300 Marcus/46 Evans was the whole hood
30Deep isn’t the same as 45Ferris. 45Ferris is the actual hood, and the 30s are a clique that choose to hang out over there. There are guys from Ferris that do not represent 30Deep at all.
30Deep is a combination of guys from different hoods like 104,55, 42Ville, and etc
-The Y GD n Bloods.
-The shields GD n crip
-Gompers is known as 450 it’s GDs n Renegade VL
-Da hole GD n blood
-22nd is Peso Gang
-Tuskegee Drive centreville apts is GD
– Hamilton terrace off Mobley in Alorton is GD
-Griff set was loc
– 78 like bloods stones or something
State Park supposedly CVL territory
Haymoes is Finesse Gang and is the quote unquote north side of estl
Yea the 8/78 are jungle stone bloods and 59 brims Comethazine is from their too
I heard he from Belleville
The Nerv and the 4 not Hoovers they gangsta Crips STL only got a few Hoover sets
The 4 was 83 Hoovers gangstas Crips and the Nerv was too then they switch to Eight Trey gangstas Crips we have a lot of Hoovers we got 52 Hoovers gangstas Crips 107 Hoovers gangstas Crips 83 Hoovers gangstas Crips 74 Hoovers gangstas Crips
Ofallon, and the Jects used to be headquarters for Saint Louis Bloods period.
Alot of folks related to eachother in one way or the other, thats why STL politiks is tricky
39STRIP Got hella good rappers LuhJoe Da Steppa , Kmurda Da Steppa , Lil N9NE pressure, BeeJay Creepa Hellas good rappers fr The Jektz and The strip beef is kindna internet beef a lot of members don’t get along and a lot of members get along wit the Da Jektz and I pretty sure 74Bermurda is 92 bishops too
False! 51 got Hoover’s…CabAnne 60 n cates not just six owe matter of fact most of the 60 hoods not just rollin 60. Look at dub n opac
I said what I said
The dub aint nevaaaa beeen 60z they was always 19th St/20th/21st Long Beach Crips this must be some new shit goin on the with misguided tiny locs smh
Surtown 13 is in fairmont city 2 and is known for beefing with Latin kings & cv 155 st. Surtown 13 is the only mexican gang that has clicks on southside & east side
Sureños been on the south side since the 90’s. 3600 Pennsylvania (Penn block) is where SurTown 13’s hood started at and had different blocks they posted up on like Indiana ave & charless st, all up & down Cherokee st and they have a click on the east side in fairmont city on black lane. They beef with Compton varrio 155 st another sureno gang. A lot of Surtown 13 members caught cases and got deported, but they still around and are known in the Mexican community. The most active Mexican gang in STL with murders under they belt
Stop capping, yall never posted all up and down Cherokee until the Mexican business start coming around in the 00s. before that nothing but Africans & Chinese ppl, it was a FLEA MARKET STRIP.
It’s ain’t no grapes st in north pointe it’s just a street called Grape tho but that 88 Lane they are Rollin60 Crips tho and yea Retta got 62 east coast Crips and I heard only Dub Dst got Ogs Rollin20Crips and 21 ferry had a gang called SPC ( ServePosseClique) back then OPAC wear Blue and Green too for Crips and money yea it’s was Hellas Crips and bloods sets they came to St. Louis in the early 1980s
Your info on the
47CB is incomplete, them dudes beef with 42Ville hard asl. N they beef wth 27Marcus
Them boyz was really makin noise about 10 years ago, they slowed down a lil bit thi
14EWG and C9G7P have both 92 bloods and rolling 60z crips, most the 60z that reside in cedar glen come from elmwood
There is not as much beef back then between 14ewg and 97cgp with both hoods having friends and foes between the two. Elmwood is not as active as back then but in cedar glen it’s ALWAYS sumthing
Them BOD guys are Rollin 60 n Rollin 90z some of them still folks too. They beef wit 55dipset,11Hodiamont, 51skan and some of em cool with 30deep.
AMR cool wit CNC I think it was 67NHC
Countryside tron/mon mon gang click they beef wit Jason gang aka 2squad. Also known to beef wit south side hoods like 32sic. Blaccmob was present all throughout the lake n Parker
Moline acres got bloods and crips
???????? Haiti Mob African immigrant gang
Kitchens were the first towear orange in the Lou they are close allies to Dueces it’s not too many blocks that you’ll find a solitary 2 hood without a 87 n vice versa
Opac mainly 60 but got 19lbcs. Former allies wit CNC before the war
The Rose also at odds with surrounding crips too
26 Mad is still GD they been folks and loccs Rollin 60 from the jump. They hood still bout it
The O cool with the Jekts
Warren Block ain’t active like that
1800 is better known as CarrSquareVillage or Hamma Gang but it’s still LooneyBlokk.
The O is definitely not cool wit the Jektz they are beefin now probably back then but 064 members mess up they relationship wit Da Jektz and now it’s like Opz vs Opz Vs Hammatown Vs LoneyBlock it’s getting crazy even Meeski money he from Opz but he apart of 064 he be dissing other Opz members who Claim ChapoEGang
4100 Oakwood is the least active section of Pine Lawn by far
The main clicks in 64Wellston is Deadend,Sosa Gang,Valle Boyz and Da Hilltop main blocks that’s active 6300 Lenox ave,Wellsmar Place,Valle Ave and E-Block/Evanston ave
Dub 19 in College hill the whole area by the water tower 19th to Randall place. They tight wit JMV n Pecc
21Ferry that whole street and its an OG crip hood 19lbc blue n grey
You took off 1300marcus it ain’t as active but it got some OLd head crips
Helen was a mixed blood n crip hood most of them hoods was mixed up popular dope set
Countryside in the Lake 2SQD opps n been beefin…everybody lol
If you ever add 70CTS courtios street near Davis they bloods…they known as wannabes tho so yeah
Dub19 click mainly wit JMV,Pecc, 8 they static with DST but not as hard as JMV. OPACC n Dubb vs CNC/Rose was the main war on north Florissant way worse den DST vs JMV n 19. They all still at odds to this day
Didn’t Dub19 used to be called Dub100
You gotta update 44lex it ain’t the only GD set
Some of OPZ is cool with the 6ixx n The 4 bruh because of family ties, n street s***
People don’t be realizing how small STL is, alot of these guys related to eachother in one way or da other so n***** in da same gang be cool with different hoods
The 6ixx beefs with Big 5 n 58Pershing too because them n***** cool with 26Solway
It used to be JVL, Projects, OPZ, Beam and CNC beefing with Cochran, The 4, 13MAD, 26MAD, Blumeyer, and the Dub. Basically Bloods n Deuces vs everybody else. Vashon High was like the blood school
Shit changed over time to where everybody for themselves, yo bestfriend today could be your worst enemy tomorrow aint no loyalty
37Aldine is actually a product of 19th Street Long Beach Crips, they OGs were cool with the Blu. Its probably the most torn down block in whole STL, its like a whole empty field with one building left lol
The Horseshoe is completely inactive bro like them hoods you got in black, you right for not taking them off because it is the most legendary hood in STL, but aint no bangin on them blocks..everybody who was supposed to be Horseshoe bangin 55Dipset
41Delmar is really the main 4 block, but gentrification is a mfer. Alotta tha 4 hang on 50Nerv too
The 6ixx gets its name from Walnut Park West being part of the “6” district, the blocks play a role too but The Floy is on 57 for example..theres n***** claiming 6ixx from the Lac, The Good because its still 6 district, shit theres 10/20 n***** repping the 6 but they from jennings lol
58Pershing was seen as weak by thier opps tho they got into it with 11Hodiamont like 8 years ago because of a 1100 dude getting killed, rite now they really ride with 26Solway n beef with alot of 26Solway opps like 57Floy
11Hodiamont known for the Garden Apartments on 1100
Wellston known for internal beefs
RoseMob, KMob, Dipset,are all cliqued up, they pretty lowkey to
GreenValley is pure 83Gangster crips
Countryside beefin with the strip and 55boys from the SIC. blaccmob extinct but was major in north county in the 90s and 2000s
CNC and Rose got 67NHCrips but most of em old heads.
44lex and 42PHG both real GD hoods, ppl confused 44lex to be Crip cus they was overshadowed by 41lex rollin 60s . PHG tight wit the OPAC n ppl thought they was crips.
21st ferry another 19LBC hood
Darkside static wit the minno so does 21Stans
DUb 19 sorta into it wit DST just not as hard as JMV.
26Madison beef wit DST bc they close allies with JMV
35CAVE aint really reputable now like it was back den, they put in hella work in th 2000s but most of thier real deal members dead…The Strip picked up where the CAVE left off
No disrespect but its innacurate to say 58Pershing is the least active Westside hood. The least active hoods are the older abandoned hoods in the Wells-Goodfellow district like 57TMob, or Horseshoe
58Pershing is known in the city for many things, but one is because they clique up with many 62 Crips
You missed out alot of info on 58Pershing honestly
Darkside one of the oldest hoods in STL period not only Southside, the area has changed for sure ,but the Dark still thure, they was known to be into it with tha Minno
Shaw used to be cliqued wit Cave n SWAT
Doah known to be close with Minno
Oakland Bloods peaked out in like 2006
43GIB cool wit tha OPZ
Its really 62s vs everyone else in STL nowadays u got ADW (All deuces wild) which is 26Solway, 54, 37Pitt , CNC, Trakcz, Ville, Ferris, n 58Pershing( even doe dey Bloods) n all em beef with 064 which is Ofallon Place, 6ixx, The4 n also Skan, 50G etc
N than You got sets like the Jectz that beef wit both, iss too crazy
CAVE known for the Red Cincinnati hats, they biggest allies was the SWAT, SWAT on 3800 Pennsylvania, they just repped Chipp/Penn
44CBF is str87 Kitchen Crips u forgot 42Wesblokc on Annie Malone n Cote Brillante
44Lex aint really deep, but they fasho beef with 26Solway n 613
Geraldine pretty much the first Rollin 60 hood in Mark Twain or Walnut Park know,dey been beefing with 54MVC way longer than they been into it with the 49BAD
– The 4 aint the same no mor Evans the most active blocc but West Celle get busy too. Delmar aint been tha same in years.. alotta the members hang on tha 50 Nerv nowdays
– Fountain Park is just the Trakcz They only got a few Bloods bt the bloods wear orange more than red. How Fountain Park Bloods when the 62 n***** main block is on Euclid??
– the Strip got started up by n***** from 35CAVE, 35CAVE isself was started by Chucky B from the Jecktz, Strip started as Bloods but its still Crips that bang Strip
– 32SIC an older state street hood,S.I.C means Strictly IN CASH
– 45Field tha first 83 crips in STL not the only, they only like 15 deep max they was known to clique with Dub 7 n beef with 49Aldine 47CB n the Ville
the strip was not started by CAVE lbs
The MinnoMob, The Stans, The SIC, 39STrip, Double 0 Are all Bloods & Crips, not just one thing or the other
35Cave is all Bloods, they were started by Bloods who moved out of the Darst Webbe Projects. They were notorious in the 2000s
Also, missing 3800 Chippewa Bloods aka 38SWAT, but aint too active at the moment
The beefs were Minno,& TennMob beefing with 32IllinoisMOB, Cave, & SWAT. That was the 2000s
Great Map but just a few details missing…
1. Most of JVL is a mix of 62Crips & 92Bloods on most blocks from James Bool , Dayton , Gamble and from the 2900 to 2700. Their main rivals are OPZ as much as it is the Blu
2. The 62ECC in Blumeyer were on the 33Bell side of Blumeyer. The Blumeyer really was a mix of a whole bunch of Crips not only Rollin 60s
3. 42Evans/42EVG is 100% the main block of the 4 & it is 83 Gangsta Crips not Bloods. Especially since 41Del fell apart
4. There are Bloods all through 55 Palm to Maffit called “104 Crenheads” aka 55BMP (BeltMaffitPalm). Thats the heart of the 104CMB Bloods territory, they share turf with 55Dipset.
5. 42PHG is 100% GDs. They were the most reputable GDs in STL until the block got past its prime. They were cliqued with OPAC, thats why some think they are Rollin 60s.
6. 39Strip is on Virginia & Keokuk near Dutchtown
7.54Beacon, 54Genevieve are 62 Crips as well as 62 Brims. They are basically connected with both 54Robin|Oriole|Wren & 49BAD
8. All 54 Blocks in Walnut Park beef with 50G & 613. Just like 49BAD
9. The entire PageDale is both Grape Street Crips &Rollin 30s.PageDale 1300 actually has 60s, 30s, & Grapes. And WaxxMobb is the 6700 Block. The 1500 Block is LooneyMob. 6700 is also called FieldGang,them guys are Rollin 30s & Grapes. Them n***** damn near a throwback hood though, I don’t know how n***** know about all that shit
10. The last Baden Gang missing is 700 Blocc Crips. Between Ponce & Baden Ave, Broadway & Hall Street
11. Crenshaw Mafia Bloods is 527BMP, but they like 10 deep nowadays. Barely can tell them apart from the Dip
39 strip with ibloc and 52xx Ike crips and bloods alll went to roosavelt
The Blumeyer don’t really got 62s like that anymore, they was basically beefing with 62 hoods anyway. It wasn’t only 62s either, all types of Crips in those projects, 107 Hoover & 19LBC. Its Rollin 6-0s now
44Blubud the first official rollin 60 hood and was allies with CNC before the death of Scary Terry which kickstarted the 60vs62 war. CNC known as the first 62 and kitchen hood but was said to have had Hoover’s first. A lot of the old school Project Housing Gangstas was from Sheridan in JVL.
C8chran definitely not a small presence. Infamous for beef/street and project wars it’s waged since the 70s. Hated throughout the city.
Called Roaches as disrespect. They one 1ne9ine Long Beach crips 819.
The Village/1800 was also known for project wars they Rivals was Pruitt Igoe n Cochran Gardens. Still pretty reputable. Tight with the Opz1600
AMR wild n known for beef with CNC n the Rose other 62 n kitchen hoods. While at the same time warring with other 60s (JMV,26MAD). I guess they really DST don’t stop trippin.
44Bud and CNC were the first crip hoods. They were allies before the 60 vs 62 war. OPAC mostly the Laide n BUD and CNC/ Rose been in a violent war for decades.
I always thought 49 BAD stopped at Emerson and Lillian and the rest past that was the 50gst. At least that’s how it was back in the mid 00s when it was the wild west
Section8 allowed blacks to move on Redman and Parker in mass. When my people moved to Spanish lake it was 90% white and changed to 70% black in less than 10 years. Places like heatherton apartments, Sierra Vista, n Countryside were first to go, people started to get killed and things changed.
Clicks like Blaccmob( started off as just some dudes on the Kirby football team) started gettin put on by Gs that moved from the city and started banging n got active.
Countryside bloods was beefin with PennNPadd crips. PNP got put on by a few 60s and was beefin with 11duece just off the strength that they was deuces and TDUB was beefin with Cha$e bloods. A lot of wannabes got a taste of that gang life and walked away with dead homies and ptsd in the burbs. SMH
Now look at the Lake, it’s wild
Parker Road still nice but done changed since I was young.
Cass had project wars Pruitt Igoe vs Carr Square and VTO. C8chran garden was wild too, them boys still wild to this day and Blumeyer wasn’t as bad as the rest tho. Darste Webbe was a jungle fr and now it’s legacy is still violent look at the low rise Clinton peabody projects…danger zone that beef with errbody. OPZ still at war with the 8 and Cass still crazy
How are u the most notorious Crip hood in Walnut Park & you borderline north county. 56Floy only recently started making noise because of them 62 from Solway. Mimika would be considered more notorious than Floy & 57Floy more notorious than 56. Walnut Park is The 6ix (6th district) & is known as Muderville Not saying Floy ain’t certified but u can’t be the most notorious Crip hood in Walnut Park if u borderline county & don’t even beef with other walnut Park hoods. U would have to give that to 54Oriole. Middle of the hood beefs with everybody & been ttg since the 90s. Just recently started hearing of Floy
13Mad territory go into Bistrol Apartments too.
23 Curve was mostly crips back in the day it’s mostly blood now tho and they cool with DTT rip Vega Sills.
21st and Ferry crips that had a few GDz onnna set, 44Lex prolly the only active Full blown GD set in the city.
8mob 19lbc n was divided when the high rises were still up. It was 7 vs 8
26Solway got hella enemies in the city and county. People diss Eloo b from the Lake all the way down to the southside. Don’t nobody respect Solway. Don’t nobody be over there. It be hella dry in they hood. Them big bucks dudes hella suspect too. Literally acting like b****** on YouTube. Park Ridge & other surrounding sets way more reputable than them dookies
39 Ashland Hoover’s too I just don’t know which faction. StL has mostly 107 hoovrz but it does have 83Hoovrz too they be on Delmar.
62ECC used to wear brown and only kitchens and Hoover’s wore orange. Now Hoover’s in stl rock silver and aren’t criminal. They ain’t straight up Crip killa …The dueces and kitchens on the other hand War with every other crip gang ecspecially with Rollin 60z. 62z n 87z only gang that don’t kill eachother in STL(not counting backdoors).
Pershing and 1100 Hodiamont used to click, it was called 1z n 8z some shit must happened in between bt damn near every Blood hood in STL beefs wit another Blood anyways especially on the West, Dipset, Wellston, Hodiamont, Pershing, hella bloodshed between them, no pun intneded !
58pershing get dissed bc its nice and tucked off from the rest of the west in the safe zone. They gets absolutely no love bc of it and they seen as soft. Plus they beef with W/S bloods(like 64w & 1100) while being CK( except for 26Solway). They catch wreck no doubt but they are the least respected west side hood.
The grape is home to one of the few 103 grape street crips hoods n known rivals of the 1Projects4. Notorious in the 90z for being Pushas n catching wreck
43gib known for clickin with 51skan and being into with many other hoods. Oakland was very active until late 2000s, its gone for the most part.
Taliban still active in 13MAD, and they still hated by damn near errbody.
Waverly in ESTL used to be home to the landsdowne project bulidings, they were high rises. demolished back in 2017-2019ish. Tvls Cvls Gdz n a few other gangs used to straight up WAR in the 80s and 90s. The gang structure collapsed entirely. Estl got so much history but no one to tell the story.
Yep you right a lot of n***** from the city moved to the county and I’m one of em I’m from CedarGlen N Spencer aka CedarGlenProjectz I moved over there when I was 10 but was originally born in 64Wellston but its a few bloods from Wellston who moved to Cedar Glen and started going to Ritenour High even a OG blood from 49BAD stayed on Cedar Glen name Country but when I moved over there it was full of kids and young niggas 10 to 18 they was already claiming bloods we don’t get alone with EWG ElmwoodGangstas they 2mins away they 60z Cripz if you really from CedarGlen you member around 2006 niggas from EWG came on CedarGlen and tried to take it over we was fighting back then we wasn’t having that shit tho
45 Oakland used to crack back when Cedric the entertainer would throw parties on the’s cool now but frfr miss the community fr and It was rough but I loved it gdm.
41 lex rollin 60z used to beef with 19hoovers from 39 Ashland. 44lex GDz and 41lex 60z have been beefing with the Ville and other 6Duece and 87kitchen hoods since the early 1990z. DTACC / the 8 is the most hated downtown hood other than the jects and the taliban. They too wild. The only Part of the Dub that’s not mostly rollin 60 is Dub19 and yeah jmv and dst still static even though the all the Dub was unified and both rollin 60z hoods. I coulda sworn 21st n ferry was GD but things could’ve changed. Damn shame but hey it’s our history frfr maybe we will go back to being brothers with a community some day.
Hathaway was called 11Duece and they beefed with the Dime and PNP. Castlepoint had rollin 60s in the 1990s and spread to the dime, they 104 bloods now tho. Countryside used to be home to blaccmob and they were into it with PennNPadd, Heatherton aptz, and TDUB catz. Rip them young dudes that died in those pointless beefs.
Yep 53Claxton & 54Claxton is Bloods but they started as RSC originally in the late 80s early 90s along with 53/54 Arlington & Emerson. 53/54Claxton was the first to turn Blood in the late 90s early 2000s. Emerson stayed RSC til late 2010s & Arlington pretty much going through the same. 534 A&E OGs are mainly RSC & because 53/54 Claxton turned blood in the late 90s most their OGs are Bloods. But TODAY I would 100% say 534 ACE M♠️B is a Blood set with RSC OGs. Idk anybody younger than 25 banging crip from ACE M♠️B and the people 25 & older are either RSC or Blood. 55 Emerson is a Blood set too but they not apart of 534 ACE M♠️B
Im from Emerson Granny Naomi is my granny (Black) is my daddy if you don’t know dem and the house on the hill you not from Emerson,Emerson started as 60z till some bloods from the west moved over there in 2009 and some n**** from Claxton had family over there too they just was cool with the 60z so we stuck together I went too Yeatman Middle with LJ/SGE Breezy da rapper who is from JMV but if you really know the LJ that had the braids at Yeatman he was banging 53Arlington/ANE-Arlington N Emerson before he was banging JMV he really started 534 ANE
39Ashland is called 3940 and it’s goes all the way to the Sullivan and Ashland behind Beaumont highschool and they don’t f*** with 387. Take Sarah mob off here all dem n***** dead