Kansas City Hoods
Map of Kansas City Gangs and Ghetto
Nicknamed Killa City, the Kansas City hoods on both sides of the state line (Missouri and Kansas) have been well known for years. With a population of blacks and Mexicans, there are a number of Kansas City gangs, like Bloods, Crips and Surenos, all throughout the Kansas City ghetto areas of Kansas City, Missouri’s East and South sides, and specific sections of Kansas City, Kansas.
Kansas City Gangs Key: Red = Bloods | Blue = Crips | Black = Unknown | Brown = Hispanic Hoods
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The Kansas City hoods of Missouri are made up of multiple sections on the East Side and the South Side. Most of the Kansas City hoods are broken down into the street numbers, Twampside for the 20s, TraSide for the 30s, and the 4Blocc for the 40s, while there smaller hoods of the Kansas City ghetto like 68th Street and 51st Street’s FOG Town. Areas like 12th Street, which was once the heart of the Kansas City ghetto, consists of the housing complexes, like Parker Square, and the city’s largest Mexican population.
Cross state lines, Kansas City, Kansas hood and urban areas are much smaller. Blocks around Quindaro Blvd, the 3rd Street Projects of Juniper Gardens, all in the Uptown are and the West Side of the city, from State Avenue to Highway 5. Kansas City, Kansas has the regions largest Mexican population, in areas like Argentine, Armourdale, and Central Avenue.
Back in the 90s there was rolling 40s and 60s chips. If I remember east side of 71 was bloods and west side was crips. West bottoms and north of Independence was Italian mob.
Back in the 90s there was rolling 40s and 60s chips. If I remember east side of 71 was bloods and west side was crips. West bottoms and north of Independence was Italian mob.
Hilltop is bloods
Blue Valley is Crips
Missing 60’s which is Rollin 60’s Crips
reading all these comments
residents really wanna call kc a friendly and inviting place lol
It is an exceptionally friendly place, actually. You’re gonna find bangers in every big city. As someone who isn’t affiliated though, I’ve never had a problem with anyone apart from the pigs and their rats. Three years ago my uncle was murdered downtown in the middle of the day in front of witnesses by a known CI and ain’t shit been done about it, or the threats and harassment. He was a middle aged man with no criminal history out shopping with his family.
What sets do they got in northeast and what block they b on and who they beef with?
Do ms13 be out in northeast/east? What blocks they be on
What blocks do esl and fmb be on in northeast/east
?????? WHAT?
Not sure about now, it’s all Mexican now. 90’s & 2000’s it was NES whiteboys. But we all went to prison. NE 500Blk
KCK, Central, 10th n Ohio. 10/9 folks (GDs and SDs). There was a lot of FL (Familia Loca) on 10th st in Central when I was young too. F13 (Florencia 13) are all through Armourdale into Central as well. There is a lot more in KCK too. 3-1 Hoover Crips (as others mentioned). In the 20’s, there’s Deuce-4 Wood block bloods (I believe they are IFGB). 7-Deuce Crips (by Sunflower). GD folks in the 50’s from 50th St. to 55th St. There’s a whole bunch more. This map missing a lot from the MO as well.
I’ve never seen GD”s no where in Kc. And for those who talk about 60’s are small fries go to the 60’s and say that. A lit of talk for someone who don’t bang. You got rollin 60’s that are crips. 68 brims that are bloods on the Southside. 57 which are bloods. 31 crips 12th st crips. 35 ghost town crips. 51 crips. Hill top amd there are so many more neighborhoods bang just as hard as LA. These peewee today are playing gangsta.why you think Kansas city got the name killa city? In the 90’s kc had the highest murder rate in the country. So don’t be fooled. Especially if your an outsider coming to kc flying a flag and ain’t about that life
Man stfu you need help bragging about senseless shaatt all of them what to be’s and who don’t have no purpose in life killing each other get the word community nowhere seek love and unity and not destruction and division
39 prospect have tray side gangster disciple and mickey corbas and bgdn vice Lords 39indana real facts 2000,
What is bgdn?
Their are not gds or mcs or vice lords in Kansas City it’s Crips and bloods but mostly about streets and bdgn I knew you was making up stuff fake gang
There is definitely gds idk bout mcs or vice lords tho and if there is any they are probably retired and just living their dad off there is way more than crips and bloods also
I’ve never seen no GD’S in KC. I was born and raised their and know just about every hood. And never once seen no GD’s.
Gds have set in Kansas City they been here for a min. If you don’t know that you fr haven’t been outside. Mfs act like gangs don’t spread out
What blocks beef with what blocks
Or what gangs beef with what gangs
3rd Street Projects is called 3-1 Bricc City or Bricc city for 3rd B 1st Street they sets are NFTP (Niggas from the projects) and they are 3-1 Hoovers gangstas Crips
When you goin add dem to the map
Recently 18th st moved into east bottoms
Anyone that is 18st moved out and if there is any in the Kansas City area they just laying low they been kicked out by other gangs
57th RDV is 5200 BloodStonevillians and their Hellas rollin 60’s NHC like in St. Louis
Nah they don’t rep Cali blocks like LA or Stl they got they own thing going on. Them Rollin 60s small fry in kc
That ain’t true FOG is nuttyblocc most these cats just kept their names
They do have cali gangs in Kansas they have surenos,60s crips, Florencia, used to have 18st not no more and ect
You sound like a real mark. You must be young. Go to the 60’s and say that see if you ain’t on the news later. Talking about stl reppin harder. How you think kc got the name killa city. Born and raise in KC and all those hoods bloods and crips there bang hard. Not like the play ones today.
Linden Hill Is bloods
I find it questionable that you are feeding into the erroneous narrative of “gangs” being just people of color….”white ” people started and perfected “gang” behavior and controlled it politically up to and including the white house, with violence and blood shed….look at your country’s history….dont change the narrative…
Bro, it says nothing about skin color these are the people who are in “gangs” that’s all. You are being racist by saying he was referring to black people. It is racism’s fault that African Americans are in the position they are today but it doesn’t change the fact that they are 12% of the pop but make up for 25% of crime including more murders and robberies. I am not saying it is African Americans fault they commit the crime but rather the position they were born in because of Jim Crow laws. I hope we can find some common ground in we are all just human beings no need to separate us further. The narrative is written already not changed.
Grandview has some areas too that aren’t official hoods but still active like the Cloverleaf Apartments, Greenfield Village and the Briarwood Apartments. Kansas City’s rapid gentrification has pushed a lot of black folks out of the city and further south into Grandview and Ruskin over the years.
Also 4Blocc is home to the Eastside 4 trey crips nd vineyard has the Eastside vineyard crips
This is one of them Dotte dudes and 3/1 Hoover Gangster Crips is the largest and most well known gang in KCK 2/2 Gangster Crips in 2nd and that’s on the Southside in Argentine Latin gangs only recently crossed Minnesota Ave. We dont beef wit them we never see them…across the water its a bigger city but its mostly Blue I dont speak on they politics but its common knowledge and as far as surrenos black hatred that shit dont fly in KC this aint LA think whatever but watch what you say
Here’s some hoods that just beef wit each other cuz of they hoods
50s vs 40s
50s vs 20s
50s vs 30s
40s vs 50s
40s vs 30s
30s vs 20s
That’s juss my understanding cuz I’m only ah luh nicca
You trippin man why do you assume there’s only black gangs in KC? KCK full of sureños (south siders) Mexican American Chicanos who run central Ave, Armourdale, Argentine and surrounding areas the blacks won’t even come out of Quindaro cus it’s that bad especially since sureños are known for their hate of blacks. There’s Traviesos 13, Florencia 13, SPV 13, Dime Block all Mexican American gangs and if you ask me the feds are more interested in them than the small poorly structured “clicks” of the blacks because the Mexicans are more organized and run gun/drug selling runs around the city. You’re missing a lot from the MO don’t forget EastSide Locotes, 12th st Sheffield, WestSide Lokitos, varrio Delincuente, Varrio pobre too.
You trippin. Yall not even like that with us so stop. Blacks are in every neighborhood and you barely got the northeast under controll. The Africans and black Americans be all through yall hoods. Yall don’t run shit north of state street in kck and east locos don’t even be in their hoods no more. Eastside crips ran their asses to northeast and to the city of independence ????????????
Dont pay any mind to that dude. He sounds like one of them wyandotte dudes. And to set it straight, E$L didn’t get ran out of nowhere. Why live in the slums of the Eastside if you got the resources to get out that mf? E$L is still in the East. I came up in a time where the East was flooded with wet and crack, Plus, E$L was the plug so stop it. I grew up in the East and it made me who i am but life there was rough and depressing there. You’d be a goddamn fool to stay there when you start getting money
Y’all ain’t in armourdale like that stop it there is no black there at all! It’s strictly a sureño hood (Florencia) and central that’s all Florencia territory! Ya never be in our hood gtfoh . Y’all might be in kcmo area yeah . But not Kansas side like that
Bro stop. Argentine is about half black half Mexican. So is Rosedale. You pulling shit outta your ass.