Atlanta Hoods
Map and Tour of the Atlanta Streets
View a full breakdown of the Atlanta hoods, from the West Side’s Bankhead to the South Side’s Cleveland Ave., to the East Side’s Decatur. View the number of sections across Georgia’s largest metropolitan area. A breakdown of Atlanta, zone by zone and side by side, from display all of the old housing projects to the exact location of your favorite rapper’s home neighborhood.
Map Key: Red = Southwest Atlanta / Zone 4 | Black = West Side / Zone 1 | Blue = South Side / Zone 3 | Green = East Side | Gold = Old Demolished Housing Projects
*Make Sure to Leave a Comment! Especially if something is missing or wrong.
Breakdown of Atlanta Hoods:
The map provided categorizes the Atlanta hoods into Zones 1, 3, 4, and 6, while also including areas outside the city in DeKalb County and Clayton County. It displays the various hoods in Atlanta, while providing insight into the background of each neighborhood.
Beginning with Zone 1, located on the West Side, this section of the city represents the neighborhoods along the long stretch of the Bankhead Highway, like Center Hill, and the former Bowen Homes and Bankhead Courts, as well section based around Simpson road and MLK.
Southwest Atlanta, also known as the SWAT, has always been a significant and infamous part of the city, despite Bankhead and West Side receiving the most attention over the years. It spans across both Zone 3 and Zone 4, and has always been recognized as one of the largest and most notorious sections of Atlanta breeding top rap artists like the Goodie Mob and Rocko.
The smallest of the zones is Zone 6, which is officially only the neighborhoods of Edgewood, Kirkwood and East Atlanta. The for the entire East Side, DeKalb County provides a representation of areas that expand from Moreland to Wesley Chapel Road, which can probably be considered as the largest section of Atlanta.
While there are a number of Atlanta hoods throughout the city, none have had an impact on the day to day lifestyles and activities of the city than the former housing projects. From the West Side’s Bowen Homes to the South Side’s Jonesboro South, and to the East Side’s East Lake, the streets of Atlanta were once almost exclusively centered around the once 30 plus housing projects, at least until they were all demolished.
With Atlanta growing, as seen in DeKalb County, the neighborhoods of Atlanta have been expanding outside of the city into places that were once labeled as suburbs and former white communities, like the North Side and the South Side’s Clayton County.
You got Jonesboro North where Jonesboro South should be; Jonesboro North was north of McWilliams and south of Constitution.
appreciate it
Same side of the road. Like this.
Anthony edwards from Oakland city and young thug from Jonesboro south
Pittsburgh Is home to homixide and 29 gang
Rich homie quan is from east Atlanta
I remember when the South Side Raskals Sur 13 set used to hang out on Buford HWY right by those Mexican nightclubs & strip malls. Sureños had a pretty decent size in Atlanta at one time. I remember sets like South Side Raskals 13, HardTimes 13, Latinos Never Stop 13, West Side Locos 13, Tiny Loco Sureños 13, Florencia 13, etc.
What gangs are operating in
Buckhead Sandy Springs area
GFG the largest white prison & street gang in Georgia, they gotten so big that they’re now spreading into South Carolina & Eastern Tennessee. Half of them gravitate towards the GDs but there’s a rumor that some of the original 7 founders were ex AB members.
The GFG might be the biggest white gang in Georgia but they are really only a big deal in majority-white counties around Georgia.
I really don’t think they have enough juice in the inner city ghettos of Atlanta or Savannah.
A lot of them get clout & respect in these country suburban towns & rural communities with majority white folks living in it. They probably respected in every trailer park lol.
Where’s Lawrenceville? Im pretty sure the Migos are from there. Quavo & Takeoff specifically, Offest moved around a lot.
Where are the bloods
They’re in Decatur
Lithonia is good suburban kids who wanna be gangsters and they always will be
So they find them selves trying to prove other wise
Thus they have a reputation bot the hood doe very nice neighborhood with alot of potential u just got bad ass kids over there
U Missed Ashview heights area. what’s all the hate for in these comments? I really dun give af what another nigha got goin…but let this be known Atlanta been blood. Chicago got the whole usa turnt on the media gang banging..that’s not a only Atlanta thing. It’s a national fake banging problem. if u think Atlanta mostly started banging in 2010s you wasn’t in the loop to say the least. I remember 2301 Godby rd off old NAT my momma use to work at the Piccadilly. There’s always been gang shit around Atlanta..dumb used to just would never know unless u was involved. Period. At least where I’m from back then.
Shout out BODY rd 2727 , 1900 Block , Bleveland ave
Free draxko
Free murda
Colllege Park, Stonehamm.. off Old Natl & Riverdale, my old stomping grounds.. late 90’s-early 00’s.. it was lovely..
Gotta add alot of section for the EASTSIDE ..stonemnt not hightlighted .. panola .. lithonia clarkston etc
1. Good job, but you didn’t add any of the former housing developments of Marietta, the Northwestern suburb of Atlanta. These are all former housing projects of Marietta:
– Lyman Homes
– Fort Hill Homes
– Boston Homes
– Clay Homes
2. In the East Atlanta section, you should add Mountain Park (red brick & blue brick) now called Manor V (former blue brick side), and Hillcrest Park apartments (former red brick side) on the 1300-1400 block of Custer Avenue.
3. In the Old 4th Ward, you should add the Wheat Street apartments that were located between Jackson and Fort Streets, from east to west, and Irwin and Old Wheat Streets from north to south. Here’s a blog that I found which goes into the history of the apartment.
4. In College Park, it looks like you forgot Red Oak, a housing project demolished some time ago.
5. This might be debatable, but from my recollection, The Bluff was historically located along Northside Drive, then westward to the English Avenue neighborhood, Vine City, and going down to the Castleberry Hill area. From what I’ve been told, crack dealers and users weren’t allowed to in The Bluff, which was where heroin addict/dealers could be found.
If I think of anything more, I’ll let you know.
Appreciate it, I make the changes
A lot of this is inaccurate. They got some right but got a lot wrong.This needs to be done over you can tell whoever did this is probably from a surrounding Era not from the City of Atlanta, d**k riding is at an all time high. S**t is sad frfr lol. Like anybody from the city know it’s only two hoods in the Thomasville Community and that’s Thomasville Heights public housing and Forest Cove section 8 housing projects (known as 4 Season but formerly Villa Monte) which is split in two sides. The side by the Feds known as (Glocc Blocc) and (Horseshoe) the side by the Elementary school which was also right across from Thomasville housing projects. The only other apartments that sat in close proximity to them Grant Park Commons now renamed Park Vista (was formerly known as Moreland Woods).
Will make the changes, thanks for letting know!
The real Atlanta natives know this city just began the fake gang banging in the 2010s Era. The real Atlanta know this was never what our image was based off of and to be honest gang banging would have never survived the old Slums of Atlanta frfr.
Yes gangbanging is a strictly Cali thing. It was never meant to go past that state line. I love how Chicago kept it all the way real and established their own thing.
Shady park is rollin 60’s Crips
OakLand City is rollin 60’s Crips
Cleveland Ave – Jack City – East Atlanta is all bloods
there aint no real gangs in Atlanta. people go by Zones. You MIGHT be in a gang. But if yo family ain’t from round here – som’n gone happen…
Yea, it goes down in Clayco… those other areas are full of white people now.. young college kids
Bowen homes and Bankhead courts were torn down years ago and you’re missing some Bankhead gangs like Glock, YC, and 2500/Etheridge
Zone 1 Westside is the most accurate:
Bankhead Rd, Bankhead Courts, Skipper Place, Dogwood, Bowen Homes, Bolton Rd, Perry Homes, Simpson Rd, Collier Heights, Overlook Atlanta, Mozley Park, Bluff, Baker Rd, Etherridge, Ashby, Herndon Homes, Chapel Rd. and Dixie Hills many more neighborhoods…..
Zone 4 Westside:
Allen Temple; Adamsville, Cascasde, Campbellton Rd. Appletree, Shamrock, Oakland City, Delmar Lane, MLK, and Ben Hill and many more neighborhoods….
Yall getting the hoods, zones, and sides mixed up and the real (old) Atlanta dont like that!
ATL Stand up!
Zone 6 E-Lake
For clayco, your missing flint river/point south pkwy, Kendrick rd, Thomas rd, Taylor rd, Conley rd, Rex rd
North Atlanta need some love too DAT WAY
Clayton county need more color in it. Old Dixie, Tara blvd, flint river/point south pkwy, Kendrick rd, Thomas rd, Taylor rd, Conley rd, Rex rd,