Tulsa Hoods
Map and Tour of Tulsa Gangs
In the second largest city of Oklahoma there has been a long association with many stereotypes, from the much street activity that occurs within the streets of the Tulsa ghetto to the various Tulsa gangs that roam the city, but there is more to this small city that has often been referred as Thug Town. Below highlights some of the most known Tulsa hoods in the city, from the North Side to South and East Tulsa.
Breakdown of Tulsa Hoods and Gangs
The heart of the streets have always been on the North Side, or in North Tulsa. This section of the city includes Tulsa hoods like Comanche Park. Once the most notorious housing project in the city, known for its constant police raids and round the clock patrols, it gained reputation during the 1980s and continued to be plagued by the streets throughout the 1990s and 2000s.
One of the busiest intersections in North Tulsa is 46th and Martin Luther King. Known for the highly popular Super Stop convenience store, the area of 46th and MLK is around the location of various Tulsa gangs. From the Neighborhood Crips of the Squeeze Team to the Hoovers or non-affiliated sets like 4800 Denver Blocc Hustle Gang (Denver and 48th Street).
Along 56th Street, between MLK and North Peoria, is several of the most infamous and most notorious Tulsa hoods, the Hoovers of Frankford Blocc and Garrison Blocc and the first hood of the Red Mob Gangsters, which is largest Blood affiliation in the state of Oklahoma.
As there are numerous housing projects scattered throughout North Tulsa, like Morningstar, Apache Manor, Towne Square, Mohawk Manor, Seminole and Whitlow, and Osage Hills, Vernon Manor was one of the most notorious, especially between the the 1980s and 2000s. Many of the projects were built during the 1960s and 1970s, but would quickly become infested with problems, from street and gang activity to poor maintenance and living conditions.
Eventually the housing projects either became sold to private investors, turned into gated communities with stricter policies, demolished, or rebuilt. They were originally constructed to provide affordable housing. However, their construction in North Tulsa led to white flight due to stereotypes and fear.
The heart of East Tulsa sits east of I-44 and north of Hwy 51. With an Hispanic population of close to 20%, the majority reside on the city’s East Side, an area that began to change by the 1980s. Home to apartments and neighborhoods along S. Garnett Road, East Tulsa is the largest section of Tulsa gangs that come from a Hispanic background.
South Tulsa’s South Peoria Ave. and 61st Street has long been recognized as one of the most dangerous and street active sections of the city. An area of low income apartment complexes has often seen the light of television cameras. The streets have been active in the area since the 1990s, as low income residents have been within the community since the 1980s, if not before.
The heart of West Tulsa is in the public housing complexes on the city’s West Side, Western Pines and Riverview Park. While there is Parkview Terrace and large presence of low income whites and white gangs, 23rd Street, primarily around Maybelle Ave. An around that has been around since the 1970s, this section is currently be gentrified with the demolishing of several complexes.
Map of Tulsa Gangs & Hoods
**The above map was Not Created by KultureVulturez.com. Click the map legend to toggle through the state of Oklahoma and view the city of Tulsa**
Tulsa, Oklahoma Related Topics:
What gangs are from east tulsa?
Thug Town n***as baby Cali s**t
How big is 33 Irish Mob Gang ☘️ in Tulsa? Someone told me Irish Mob is the most popular white gang in Oklahoma besides the UAB, especially in prisons.
IMG is the 2nd largest white gang in the state and they’re not racists at all.
They are pretty much the group to join for non-racist white guys.
Put tha new map on their that shows every city and town off Reddit bro!
send the link
Kendall Whittier area is a inaccurate
What gang is around 47th place & South Fulton Av. Asking ask a affiliated person from outta town
62 Brims
There ain’t no Brims in Tulsa. Fck Bicycle rims
So what gang is mainly around 61st & Peoria
What gang is around 51st and Yale, asking as a Crip outta state?
62 Brims on 47. 61 and Peoria got hella gangs. Hoovers, NHCs, & Bloods
There are a few gangs that have network together and are in operation on the west side of Tulsa ok between and in Easton heights and mothers of gang members who are helping cover up things I have
Where’s the map?
Where the map go
None of yall from Hoover or rolling 60s definitely not rolling 40s NHC stop saying OGs came here from cali and allowed you to bang here, ain’t nobody coming out here to give you permission, stop that bs, start ur own shit if you gon bang stop that false claiming tryna be cool.
They have been here for generations they are not new to tulsa
The 2 main white gangs in Oklahoma are the UAB & the IMG.
Both organizations are getting pretty big in both the system & the streets.
UAB & IMG are bitter enemies too so it’s been crackin’ with them in both the facilities & the streets for a hot minute.
33 Irish Mob Gang (IMG) is the main white gang in Tulsa…it started as a street gang on the West Side but it eventually became a prison gang in the OK system. I think they’re the 2nd or 3rd largest white gang in the state.
Irish mob are some skinny tweakers on the west side that steal catalytic converters.
IMG aren’t racists , most members are big into urban culture & hip hop music #facts
I’ve met some Irish Mob members in a few bars around Tulsa, a lot of them don’t like that racist stuff at all & quite a few actually used to be Bloods on the streets until they went to prison & became IMG. One of them told me they never got along with the UAB because of their different views, UAB was more about white nationalism while IMG was just for urban non-racist white guys who sticked together. There’s even some IMG members that are black & hispanic but IMG membership is still overwhelmingly full of white males. They’re allied with the Bloods in prison too.
Irish Mob been around since the 1990s, they were more of a tight-knit street gang on the west side of town that acted more family oriented with eachother than anything.
That whole neighborhood around 33rd Avenue was hot back then, it ain’t what it used to be I tell ya that.
IMG nowadays is more of a prison gang than a street gang now but they still holding down their motherland on the west side.
There’s only 1 florencia click out here and its neighborhood lokotes and we do not beef with with anybody under the SUR
SUR UP 🤘🏼🤙🏼
There’s also some Compton Varrio Tortilla Flats 13 members in Tulsa
There’s a lot of Sureño hoods in Oklahoma in general
Switch to the state wide Oklahoma map, this one is being deleted soon. I know the creator
Will do, thanks!
What NHC set are the 40’s neighborhoods on the north
4800 DBHG is a crip gang the founders are from Hoover do your homework
This is amazing the amount of detail this has I’d like to give some feedback to the person who made this through email or something but what a good job you did keep the details and stuff coming Ik hella people will love to see this it’s damn accurate