Map of the Charlotte Hoods
A map that showcases most of the Charlotte hoods, from West Charlotte to North Charlotte to the East Side, as well showcasing some of the Charlotte gangs areas. Overall, this map somewhat gives a look into the real streets of the Queen City from the old housing projects and hoods that have been torn down to brief descriptions and history about certain areas.
Charlotte Hoods Key: Blue = West Side | Green = North Side | Gold = East Side | Red = Demolish
*Make Sure to Leave a Comment, especially if something is wrong or missing.
The West Side of the map breaks down Charlotte gangs and urban areas of West Blvd., Clanton Park, Tuckaseegee, Wilmore, Beatties Ford, and a few other sections, leaving this to be one of Charlotte’s largest and most known sections in the city.
The East Side is one of the smallest regions of Charlotte, a section of the city that is home to neighborhoods like the historic Grier Town, Milton Road, Idlewild, and few other hoods. The East Side is also mostly known for a large influx of apartment complexes.
The multiple sections of Charlotte’s North Side have always been considered to be some of the most reputable hoods and Charlotte gangs areas in the city. Neighborhoods like Seigle Avenue, Hidden Valley, Druid Hills, Genesis Park and Greenville, Dillehay Courts, and Cedar Greene, and a few others account for the majority of the North Side.
While there are numerous areas still in existence, the above map also showcases some of the old and former Charlotte hoods, like Brooklyn, Piedmont Courts, Earle Village, Cherry, Dalton Village, Boulevard Homes, Tryon Hills, Fairview Homes, and Double Oaks.
You forgot north and south oakdale, they hang with sunset and beatties sometimes. The most popular hood in oakdale is hudson graham and oakdale green. Around peachtree too
On the southside you’re missing nations Ford Rd that was an active stretch back in the 90s & 00s, also Archdale Drive. You’re also missing the York Road area, not hood but has been a lower middle class neighborhood for decades that is now being demolished do to gentrification.
And he missed oakdale, not alot of gangs or hoods there but there is some
yoo make a map of Greensboro, Winston Salem, High Point or Rocky Mount
Any hoods you know of so I can start?
Do one of Durham and Greensboro Greensboro would have too many hoods to bake shit do Raleigh
What are the hoods
Camp green and ashley park is wick city
There’s a hood by Eastway Dr, an apartment hood on Arnold & roseview. Apartments around that area. A shooting happened there last night
Old concord road is called OC theres hoods that make up this country street like trailer parks apartments and more. I used to live there
Add the sugar Creek neighborhood: home to notorious areas like Reagan Dr and west sugar Creek Rd (intersection) and various low income townhomes which most are right of West craighead road, and north tryon street side.
And you have shamrock gardens east side apartments
There’s some mobile homes round rolling wheels Rd. Idk what they call it you should just call it plaza extension or sum
Apartments around Green oaks lane and eastcrest drive be calling themselves the avenue aka central Ave. I’m not federal doe
Yu Hurd of Marvin road hood? They claim east side
that’s apart of grier
da plaza has 2 more hood around it: Academy & Anderson, and Plaza terrace
Trinity Park hood – Trinity Park Apartments in Beatties Ford Trinity Area
Academy & Anderson St – Over there by The Plaza on East Side (That’s not what the hood is called it’s just the location)
I think Da Plaza is the Vista Villa Apartments but idrk
Last Sharon Lakes – Sharon Lakes Rd and the surrounding areas South East side Charlotte
Add Sharon lakes onda Southside slim