Hawaii Gangs
Map of the Hawaii Hoods
Never before seen look into the streets of the Hawaii hoods with a map that breaks down and highlights the most reputable Honolulu gangs and other street affiliations in the many neighborhoods of the island of O’ahu, in which is the heart of Hawaii gangs and street activity.
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While most of Hawaii’s islands do not have affiliations or street activity or any sort of Hawaii gangs activity, the island of O’ahu is the heart of the streets with a few Hawaii hoods in places like Waipahu, Aliamanu, Halawa, Waianae and Kalihi as Bloods, Crips and local affiliations make up for the majority of Honolulu gangs.
The main Hawaii hoods that are seen on the map are the 99 Street Halawa Mob Crips, the Parccyde Sons of Samoa Crips, Kam4 projects, the MDubbz (Mayor Wright), Palolo projects and few hoods in Waipahu like AniAni (Awoodz), Pupuole (PuTown), and Awanei (AWZ).
It is to be noted that the Hawaii hoods are not as dangerous as other communities in the U.S., especially ones on the mainland, but these hoods should be respected as certain Hawaiians and locals will try to hide these areas from the population since Hawaii is a tourist attraction.
I’ve heard of a new gang on the Westside called Shark Boyz
Westside Islanders 310 HAWAII-LONG BEACH
1000 Whitmo Vill Boyz on AheAhe St and Ehoeho St The apartments is their hood
Can anybody tell me what the situation in West Oahu is? Everyone says there’s no gangbanging in Waianae but everytime I hear of a shooting it’s almost always in Waianae or Kalihi.
Everyone know Kalihi get SOS & BG N Mayor wrights alldat but cannot find anything on westside
Its Maile Vs West makaha rn , The gangs that are beefing in Westside right now is 200 CountrySyde Crips (Maile) vs Makaha OrangeSt Crips (Westmakaha)
Stop da cap boii😂
omm bruh XD
CTC wha? Lol dem n****s be getting beat frm ESP every single time
nobody believe anything bout CTC they all oldheads who got ran out off ohai street from yungins from ESP thats in Highschool and im from palm st n**** yall not sanctioned dat n**** jacca own big homie dont even claim him lol
Where’s HardKnocc Crip Gang? Been runnin K.P.T for a while now
Helelua St in Nānākuli is blood turf. I heard ppl from there rep Westside Piru but I could be mistaken
Wahiawa always been sketchy. Back in the days Ohai St & Lakeview Circle were some of the slummiest areas in Hawaii even recognized by Dog The Bounty Hunter. Nowadays hoods like Palm St Crip, E.S.P (Eighty Six Playboys) C.T.C (Central Town Crip) & Whitmo Ville Boyz been running shit. Palm & E.S.P known to beef same with CTC & Palm
Esp n Palm St is Coo whatchu talkin bout im frm palm n we don’t even beef with CTC they literally nobody’s in wahiawa
F***in Micros🤣
Palm doesn’t rep Crip they rep cockroaches🤣🤦🏽♂️One day yall just woke up decided I wanna be crip. Talkin shit about CTC but that’s actually sanctioned. Real SOS & LBC Crips backing the set plus some GD Folk homies
Bro ctc is non factor , jacca from CTC got whipped from palm street no act now boy and ESP yunginz been running ohai and Olive Ave for a while now yall no where to be found over there lol and im from palm lmk boy
Palm street ESC/EightySixCrips , ESP/EightySixPlayboys they all cool them 2 hoods beef w CTC and they be Whoopin on CTC ass
Brah You missing Waiakamilo Road
I appreciate your forthrightness about a secretive subject in Hawaii. I think we need to add a multilayered aspect to include Hawaiian Nationalism, which includes so much ethnic pride to operate like a gang even if it is not one, and even if it is not exactly “nationalism” per se, ethnic pride which includes family and friendship ties across Oahu and the other islands that can include gangs. We also need to consider how Hawaiians on the mainland can interconnect with gangs there. An example is that a Peruvian immigrant Latino is in, or is linked to, a gang. And a Hawaiian male is also in, or linked to, a gang. It turns out the gang interconnections between the two help create a pro-immigrant, pro-minority power aspect. This aspect connects with the black and brown power movement, Marxism, antifa and some other things. The Hawaiian aspect could also connect with either Chinese or Japanese gangs, in this example, it’s more likely to be Japanese. Both males are involved in relationships with your Anglo female members. A pro-American, flag-waving Republican female family member is getting “it” from these males who manipulate and pretty much control the two Anglo females and the elderly Anglo father. Getting “it” in this scenario means a Marxist-type of revolt and a type of warfare being waged by the immigrant/minority nexus inside the Anglo home. It has all the look and feel of the warfare waged against Trump and the Republicans. You reach out to the local police and everyone is Hispanic or Latino supporting the immigrant Latino more than the Anglo calling in. This is because gang culture has taken over most of the police and federal agencies in that area, and because the Biden administration has stopped ICE from checking out, vetting, detaining or deporting those immigrants. So the Hawaii gang/national/ethnic pride thing gets mixed in with Latino immigrant/Hispanic networks on the mainland. We need a better way to check out gang connections with these two males and to have it include their relatives and friendship circles. Marxist revolt in this context has a certain meaning linked to the far left Democrat Part antifa and black/brown nationalist movement in such a way everyone with a pro-immigrant, pro-minority mindset ostracizes the non-conformist and tries to shame and disempower that person. They get everyone in the group to make a stand against the pro-American, anti-illegal immigrant type. They do this out in the public forum, but also inside this family. There can be a link yet again between the gangs and racial networks to China, Iran, and Marxist Mexicans and Latinos as well as to the far left in the Democrat party. This all means that the subjects at hand are not just “gangs” or “cartels” per se, but also must include an ideological movement that is working itself across various platforms, from the micro to the macro, from the level of the family on up through business and government. Some signs are everyone aligns to fight racism; they all say the same angry words against whites by saying they mush fight racism in them; they align in a way that completely ostracizes the non-conformist; they say the same kind of words, use the same language and ideas; they won’t dialogue in any real meaningful way; they hang up, block you, refuse your postal letters; they want you to join their club and way or exclude you; they attack your family members to get them to think and say the same things; they use public and private shaming against you; they look for dirt on you to give reason why you should not be trusted and why they should be trusted and put in charge, instead; they cooperate with corrupt police officers and federal agents. They manipulate white Americans to go along with their ways and agendas. Many Americans are ignorant of these approaches and thus are too easily manipulated. When it is happening inside your home, it can be hard to prove to anyone outside the home something like a “Marxist revolt or attack” is happening to someone. If we can realize this is a mix of gang and racial movements, it has certain repeated elements, and that it is almost like people are under a spell and don’t have their full wits about them, we might be able to coordinate against it. I think the so-called ‘spell’ in this example might be a combination of psychic and psychotronic attack which can include mesmerism and psychological driving, so hard to identify or pinpoint by normal means. However it is actually making people all join up in the same way together against someone, we can identify the outer signs as a repeated pattern.
Yall wanna talk about Gangs , In Pearl City , Oahu , we got couple , I’m one of the originals For LBF , LostBoysFamily and we bang BLOOD , also another gang we clicked up with is Lil Hamo Family , also with central side in general we clicked up a couple hoods from central (wahiawa, whitmore, mililani, waipio valley to pearl city) and that’s kalled Central Side Mob , now we not trynna klaim to be the hardest gangsters out there, we are mostly just family , we kame up together and all that we hold it down Foreva we not as big as other gangs on island but we ain’t no marks either… also LBF bloods kame from my big homie Joker a real right certified member from Denver Lane Bloods
The Mayor Wrights Bloods In Kalihi Go By B.S.B (Bad Samoan Bloods) T.S.B (Townside Bloods) and the House Of Pain
Back in the day Ewa Beach was pretty sketchy. Some parts still are but most of Ewa was rebuilt with the Ewa Gentry & Ocean Pointe Homes but Old Ewa is still nuts
Back in the day K.P.T was Sons Of Samoa & Tongan Crip Gang
Kam IV we’re East Side Piru Bloods but nowadays the younginz rep braves
Kam 4 and Palolo housing used to also have AsianCrips, Back then the main Races in these housings was Laotian and Samoan. Im Laotian and an x AsianCrips from kam4. We were able to rocc our blue flags in a blood hood cuz we all grew up together.
Crips & Bloods together😂 what is dis NYC??
ESP got Crip big Homies but all the youngins claim blood
Do you know what the set name for Palolo is? I know they mostly rep blood but I ain’t never heard of they set? Kam IV is Eastside Piru & B.G & Mayor Wrights is B.S.B Townside but what is P Valley??
Palolo Valley Bloods
Back in the 1978 the blood gang in palolo housing was call C.S.W crazy Samoan warrior 1978 and 1980s
C.S.W aka crazy Samoan warrior in the 1976 and 1980s
K.P.T reps TU’z (TokoU$O) to bring the SOS & TCG Crips into one
Da Hui was the local boyz who ran North Shore back in the day but now they all mainstream brand level
Tried to keep the disrespectful haoles out of N.S, guess they failed
All haoles now
Lakeview Circle & Ohai St was the main hoods of Wahiawa throughout the 80’s & 90’s. Had da hui scared of Exit 8
Wayyy before Palm Street ever got hood
Im frm palm st never hurd bout ctc lmfaoo only heard bout esp n shi but they only youngins beefing with other younginz in wahiawa. only ones outsi is palm fr fr
Cockroach Crip Gang down at Palm St😂🪳
F*** Palm Street N**** P.$.Killaz🔪♿️🔯
Lakeview more nuts than Palm st ngl🤷🏽♂️
and what about now in 2020’s Lakeview is full of Crackheads
All dis gang talk but none of uu fakaz like smoke with da 4. B.G’z bebbeh HOLLYWOOD PIRU
Stop smoking batu you beetlenut😂
BGK nigguh SYM runnit
I thought BG & SYM was cool w each other wtf
Murda Inc & USOMOB are the main mobs of Hawaii. Many Hawaiian & Samoan sets have ties to these larger organizations
LF, murda, and USO’s
LF, murda, and USO’s that’s it in Oahu
Where’s Lil Pinoy Bad Boy Ilocanos
Yuuppp! RIP BATA!
KALIHI. STS SATANAS GANG CHECKIN IN! There’s also some hellsyders that branched off the set out here as well..HELLSYDE HSG LA/KALIHI (STS SATANAS is all over CA..,San Diego, La Puente, Cerritos, Oxnard, Long Beach, Eagle Rock, Norwalk, San Fernando, West Covina, Chino, Chino Hills, Santa Ana, San Gabriel, El Monte, Delano, Palmdale, Antelope Valley, Vallejo,San Jose) FLIPSIDE PINOYS, TST TEMPLE STREET TRECES & BBI’s, TCG AND SOS homies in kalihi as well.. I also know the homie smoke doggy dogg from the SUR is an active trece..there’s also some AZN Crips ,MS13’s, TRGs..I funked with a few 18st/Malditos foos out here too..
… but as far as I know that’s pretty much all the homeboys that I met out here that’s ACTUALLY SANCTIONED AND HAVE BLESSINGS FROM THE LAND…..NOT LIKE 90% OF THESE BUSTER ASS BLOODS/CRIPS ON THE ISLAND..especially those lames in kam4 housing..what they call themselves? Then not so braves buster bloods, saying cuhh and blood in the same sentence on that video online 😂those rankers banging blood hard af amd throwin up random sh*t just twisting their fingers copying crip sets they seen on music videos 😂😂..I seen y’all pretendos doin nothin at all bangin the hood so hard that your big homies and OGs should’ve did a mandatory DP on all those foos…cause yall made the hood look bad! No wonder y’all get smashed out by SOS & TCGs..I promise if yall came to our neck of the woods in kalihi fake bangin that nonsense I know some activated Filipinos that would book some foos! ,run game on yall and have those lames rolled out 😂
No ack like you guys not tryna be Mexicans lol😂 KAM IV been sanctioned since the 80’s by Eastside Bompton Piru Sets. Everyone hatin on BG but none of u guys actually like pull up cuz u know u won’t leave alive💯🅱️
????????HAUULA BOYZ????????
lol north shore all haoles ,fuck outta here
Come Hauula then dammeh
Leave u out cold🤡🤘🏽
Come Hauula Homestead
Roll u up real quick😂🤘🏽
Hauula is EastSide anyways dammeh
The Projects off Waiakamilo Rd & McNeil Street in Kalihi is home to da D.M.G & Bloods
My Bros😎😤
H-Block Waimānālo Homesteads is an active area on the Eastside
Lakeview Circle EXIT 8 Wahiawa
Straight Gangstas
ESP is a OFF6RAND clique that’s not blood or Crip or even sanctioned
The only set in wahiawa is CTC 86Central town Crip/86gangster Crip who rocc wit a small faction of MO6 GD(74)
im from palm st and never heard anybody frm CTC active Only hear bout palm Street NIKU and i guess esp but they mostly youngins beefin w the other youngins.
CTC? lmfao never heard bout yall in my life, im frm palm st in wahiawa the only niccas outside is palm st and i guess Esp but they only yunginz beefing with other youngins frm wahiawa.
You should add Palm Street In Wahiawa. Been a Crip & Deuce hood for a while. Also Da Hui on the North Shore
Added Palm Street, where is Da Hui, cant find it
They not really a hood but a gang/crew of local surfers who used to fuck up a lot of people. Found at NS beaches (Ehukai/Sunset)
BBH waianae area dont reallly know there hood
I heard of a gang back in 90’s or whatever on the north shore called NSB ( North shore boys ) that went from Sunset, Haleiwa and Waialua, don’t know if it’s still active.
N.S.B is still around and is honestly more active than Da Hui nowadays but North Shore is pretty chill
Ain’t really no gang that’s just the local boys from North. Same with with saying Ewa Beach Boyz or Westside Boyz they just reppin they hood not a set
What’s BBH stand for?
Braddahz By Heart
Half of this is bogus. Lol
I feel like you should add E$P they been active in Wahiawa lately on Ohai street and Olive street they be at
Makakilo Hillside Crips should be on this list, they put in work back in the day
What work? Lol
What work? Lol
for kpt there gang name is SYM
That’s just the younginz
O.Gz from the area was S.O.S
Parccyde Sons Of Samoa Crips
Cross Suns Gang and West side islanders gang turf and hood is located at kanoa park next to tamashiro market. Austin lane, lopez lane, auld lane,lao lane and peterson lane. Palama St. Is the split between mdubb turf and Westside turf
Ohh shit, I forgot about joker& lipsy them and the WSI’s out here..WHAT UP FOO!
ALKQN set up a hood in Kahala area
Do you know where?
From Kahala to Kaimuki i believe (like hunakai st – 14th ave)
Can confirm me and my friends go to Kahala and there’s like 4-6 Mexican and Asian guys posted up there
Brah Kahala one rich neighborhood cuz no more gangs ova dere
bradda yous trippin brah
Brah.idk cuz. Gang gang cuz, but on da real Cuzn nobody should be telling the gangs business cuz no more gangs in Waianae
Sure buddy😂
Except all Murda Inc & La Familia dem🤦🏽♂️
In the 60’s-70’s Honolulu had the most neighborhoods type of gangs that fought mostly to prove who were tougher at most public dances and activities but it was strictly street fights rarely a shooting! It’s different now days, most of them can’t fight unless they have a weapon!