Toronto Hoods:
Map of the Toronto Gangs
Toronto is a city that is similar to Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York City in terms of its street activity with Bloods and Crips, despite the fact that the United States is more commonly associated with these gangs. Below is a map of the different Toronto hoods and the various Toronto gangs throughout the city that shows and breaks down the true urban communities and the streets of Canada’s largest and most diverse city.
Toronto Hoods Key: Black = Neighborhood/Unknown | Red = Bloods | Blue = Crips
*Make Sure to Leave a Comment! Especially if something is missing or wrong.
The landscape and makeup of Toronto is quite different than most American cities, as the streets and the Toronto gangs mostly reside in large housing complexes that are scattered throughout the city in sections of Scarborough, Old Toronto and the downtown areas of York and Etobicoke.
Toronto Hoods of Scarborough
The the east of Toronto’s downtown is home to several areas, including Melvern. Melvern is further divided into three sections: Wickson Trail, Tapscott, and Crow Trail. Additionally, there are other neighboring places such as Dean Park, Bay Mills and Glendower, both located near Birchmount Road.
There are also smaller sections of Danzig (D-Bloc), Galloway Road (G-Way), Orton Park (54/OPB), the Pentagon, Tuxedo Court, the Markham N Eglinton area, which is home to the likes of Cougar Court and the Markham Boyz, Gilder Blocc, G-Ridge (GordonRidge), and other areas around Eglinton Ave. and Lawrence Ave.
Toronto Hoods of Old Toronto
Old Toronto mostly consist of communities near Toronto’s downtown, expanding as far as Victoria Park on the east and the Humber River to the west.
This section of consists of some of the city’s most reputable and oldest Toronto gangs and ‘hood sections. Areas like Regent Park, Flemo Park, and Parma Court. Other neighborhoods of Old Toronto include Cataraqui Crescent, Dawes Road, Thorncliffe Park, Regent Park, Bleecker St, Esplanade, Moss Park, Alexandra Park, Pehlam Park, Parkdale and more.
Toronto Hoods of North York
North of the downtown resides the city’s largest section of hoods and Toronto gangs. This includes Jane Street, from Weston Road to Steeles Ave., with areas like Driftwood, Yellowstone, Jane and Finch, Grandravine (the Lanes), Chalkfarm, Falstaff, and Trethewey, with many being rivals of each other, making North York one of the more active areas of Toronto.
Other neighborhoods are Eglinton West, Vaughan & Oakwood, and Lawrence Heights (the Jungle). In the small section of Etobicoke, which is mainly the Rexdale neighborhood, there are areas like Jamestown and Mount Olive, Dixon Road, Mabelle Avenue, Ardwick, East and West Mall, and the Mimico area.
A lot of the hoods listed as Old Toronto aren’t in Old Toronto, they are in Old East York (Throncliffe, Dawes Road), Scarbrough (Parma Court, Cataraqui Crescent) or North York (Flemo). The only ones really in the core of the old city are Regent, Moss Park, Parkdale, Bleeker St, and Alexandra Park and most of those outside Bleeker are all rapidly being gentrified or in the process of being torn down with gentrification in mind.
Can you please add the hoods for the 905 region such as Halton, Peel, York, and Durham? Thank you. Also this map needs some updating!
man f*** all the gangs
Being in a gang – especially in 2024 is legit so stupid. Get a job and apply yourself. It ain’t that hard.
you missed LBC (lawrence black creek) Keele to black creek
MnE is blood but they are allies with some crip hoods like northside jane and finch, gilder, galloway, danzig, dawes road, and i think malvern and glendower. But they also have blood allies like CLE, ardwick, jungle, etc. And they are rivals with crips like BnE, dolly varden, i think MnL, part of block 13, and i think bay mills. And they are rivals with bloods like orton park, 400/410 McCowan, i think southside jane and finch, i think dixon, and i think victoria park. I’m not 100% sure but this is based off long research.
esp is known blkz is known flemo and shit too
They need to update the info and the gang areas.
fr like blkz is a hood and is known for being pussy esp is 3lk esp and regent both 3lk and sum niggas rep other things flemo too
Keep trying, find a better means of livelihood
Dixon also includes the 7 appartments at the roundabout on Blackfriar avenue.
They have gang related people/persons occupying the buildings at the end of Blackfriar ave? The two or three storey buildings? Wow, I lived up the road before on Blackfriar with my parents back in the late eighties.
You better not forget KBR bordered on Yonge between finch and Steeles, I saw bare 🥷s jumping fools all day my 🥷
f*** u ninja
Section 6 is mostly ni*g*s black 80%%%% and middle Eastern and white people they beef with canlish those faggots
Dont forget section dont forget the real 6
When it comes to the breakdowns Etobicoke and York are not a part of North York, they’re all separate sections within the city.
And some of the hoods from one part are also in another part. Example: Old Toronto. Flemo & Parma are also (and now mainly) North York. Cataraqui is Scarborough, Dawes & Thorncliffe are East York, Pelham is York.
There’s also other missing places on the map like KEEP block, Q Block, MNE stretches down to Markham & Kingston, and there’s still mroe missing. And for the history/details some are completely missing/empty
Remember York’s borders aren’t completely horizontal and vertical like other boroughs. Pelham is east of the go train tracks, so it’s still Old Toronto. And Pelham is south of St Clair, so not York
check the maps, York is a bit of a lobster shape, with bits far south of St Clair and extends FAR east of the tracks
For that matter, everything north of King was York at some point, given York is far older than Toronto. But when Toronto became the provincial capital, York was doomed. Death by a thousand cuts. But I do share the frustration at those that think Yonge St is the centre of the universe.
I believe most of the gangbangers on and around trethewey are bloods not crips. My electrical company was servicing buildings on martha eaton and most of the mans walking around there had red bandanas hanging from there back pockets. This was recent too. Your welcome.
Trethewey from eglinton down to Martha Eaton and up almost to Jane is HEAVY CRIP. You must’ve seen someone making a bad mistake or looking for some action.
I live in Pelham, which is bloods, I’m from Eg west crips I rock my flag. Mandem don’t bang on colors like it was the 90s then the heaviest wars were 02-06 . Summer of ’05 being in a war myself.
Judging this generational upbringing; there’s no roleplaying anymore with the bloods and crips; even the teenagers in the rougher areas knew that shit was a joke. I moved over here to live in Scarborough since I was a teenager and I was warned about thugs and crap; but some of my friends were those people rp’ing blood/crips bs. Homie nobody cares about hoods anymore unless ur dealing;
LOL this is hilarious, and look at these clowns in the comments trying to act hard XD Toronto trying to act gangster is so funny. Most of these losers have never actually held a gun, BUT if you want to act hard, pay a trip to Mexico and see if you can square up with the cartels. Even the US being much safer than it was in the 90s will clown you guys too haha
I know multiple people who were shot to death please don’t say shi like this it’s disgusting.
Bruh y is only half of flemo highlighted
Ong like be from flemo i take some offence to that
You forgot lbs. lakeshore blood syndicate from Kipling and lakeshore all the way up to humber loop by the hospital
Eelam Tiger TKR Block Susan Street Beside OP
U forgot about T block on Tobermory Dr
weston lawrence/ mt. dennis is crip territory also jungle, scarlett wood is blood territory
Scarlettwood is crip
markham and lawrence, rival orton park and thorcliffe
Genuinely speaking Greenbrae should have information on it since being around for minute just not as active
Keep Block. Kennedy and Eglinton Ave East.
Who got the drop on East and West Mall? They still active?
SS – SILVER SPRINGS NORTH SIDE CRIPS there missing on the map
The ONLY real Bloods an Crips are the OG Los Angeles gangs and people connected to them.
The rest are b**** a** fakes.
u sound like a bih
Let me educate you, Bloods and Crips or many high rank members left LA and moved to other states and created variety of sets and subsets, later on high ranked members reloacted and familly member and affilates with the high rank members spreaded throughput other hoods in diffrent states eventually reaching Jane and Finch. In shortcase, the grandfather is a gang member, the father is a gang member and so is the son.
Keep spitting da truth one of my OGs Weston & Eglinton came right from Cali…not LA, but aa banging city no less. And he basically spread the crip shit pon Weston Rd…being I grew up Clearview Heights which is half TGK and EWC…..I still spent nuff time up ok Weston, after hrs n all that.
You should label all of south saint Clair from bathurst to gunns as 512, they be bloods and kliked up
You mean St. Clair West. 512 yes is all bloods. It ain’t south tho cuz they strip runs east-west lol
I walk thru that strip wit my blue flag hanging daily. Day or night. None of dem porkchops up at dufferin or Winona ever do shit. Down @ Old Weston dey get down but that’s because it be the Pelham Park man’s.
604 is missing from north york centre
opz63 is affiliated with Vaughan Road Bloods (R1/Mob Klikk, 063)
Any1 Knows about opz063 ? They r Blood but who are they affiliated with? as in the bigger gang leader?
opz63 is in the Ossington/Bloor hood
Melita crescent
063 isn’t a real hood jus a bunch of miskeens dat share bape hoodies and don’t go outside
Eglinton East Crips is missing…
CLE Toronto is blood not crip!!!
they are kinda both with the whole set bein 10 down
~ Eglinton East Crips~
aka Eglinton East Locs ~
They control Eglinton from bayveiw and Eglinton to the
brentcliffe and Eglinton apartment buildings.
affiliated with TPK and Gway.
longtime conflict with Flemington Park bloods.
Unknown if there is any other neighborhoods they beef with.
Brentcliffe and Eglinton apartments buildings.
(eglinton east crips)
its missing.
Things have changed in that area.
Since when was CLE blood man’s like 3mf blue flagging. And Southside downmills is crip. All of vic Park is basically blood.
CLE IS Vic Park, CLE is blood, 3mfrench said out his own mouth: “I ROCK ALL RED, C.P got on blue”. Wtf are you saying? Southside Don Mills (Flemo) is more blood with some crip but def more blood
How tf u forget 400/410. McCowan n Eglinton. That’s crazy
Where’s 10Dot it’s on eddystone ave on Jane and finch
Wheres the Red Syndicate at Centennial Park?
by Centennial Park in Etobicoke?
never heard of them or anyone in that area…im from that area..
B***h “middle finger” fauck you CLE not cleavlend 4ktray ya’ll know wtf goin on 4PF we gauns
I’m apart of BnE. We claim crip styll not unknown.
what do bne rep and shi
They forgot about
Eglinton East Crips aka Eglinton East locs also
affiliated with tpk and Gway
Longtime conflict with Flemington Park bloods .
Any in Ajax area?
Ofc not
Ajax got a lot of 3Ls
bare 3LK here
bathurst steeles to finch area – and warden and steeles bamburgh circle specifically the co-op and apartment building area
Bathurst and Steeles to finch? Are we calling it lil Moscow lil Manilla or lil tel Aviv?
It appears that Rexdale , especially the 3 condo buildings on Rowntree Rd ,is home of the ******** Mafia, that is very active in the neighbourhood. They seem to know everything about everyone, included how large a bed someone sleeps in, and how, if they shoot someone, they can gain their property and possessions…they hate ********* and ****, and have their ‘silence’ treatment ,when you are around. Stop talking and mull around you, and follow you 24/7, about to prey on your possessions ,and take your life. It worries me greatly in the year 2021/22.
im frm dean park n the gangbangers all beef 54 and 44 and yes they are defo bloods they all wear red flags n stuff
Reply to Marcus: can confirm this
Wearing red flags dnt mean they blood.. I get it dey P sayin they r, but most kanadian gangs dnt have ties to the muvaland.
So did people just forget about the Amesbury/Rustic area On the main road of Lawrence ave west. From keele to black creek?
You forgot about Casper n k money’s block right by regent they some b****** but how could u forget that opp block
do you know what tf happened to CLE and glendower cause im not sure if they cool with each other or nah
I’m probably going to move out soon.
regent aint crip
North Regent is Crip and South Regent is Blood.
Don forget Silver Springs
Malvern and dean park are both crip hoods 100%
Except some dean park mans rep 10x like Parma and flemo
Dean park has no politics with malvern they both have smoke with orton park but dean park is a crip hood wit n***** who Throw 5 down
It’s also a mix of n***** who throw 10x and 44
North york/ APK (Antibes community center) is Bloods and crips that are cool with eachother, There if beef from time to time but mostly is chill. I hear one of the youngins from there stabbed some other kid like 2 times but the kid made it thru, Im from p.o (v walk) n my olders tell me they been hearing about sum new shit named “APK Boyz” they say they affiliated with alot of gangs and mafias.
Reply to mkizzzyy84
Foh lol there’s no metro housing in that part of North York, there’s some subsidized housing for old a** people but that’s it. It’s not even remotely hood. If you’re from PO you’d never ****ride such a whatless and confused block. Foh with that Y’all gangbang in school and go with your family on the , probably still get allowances and s***. Ima tell that y’all acting hard on the internet and trying to form a blood and crip mafia supergang out of a community center, and y’all ain’t spinnin no mother****** dreidels for at least 2. clown a** s*** lmao check yourself my g got your boys decked out in red and blue like f***** superman or some s*** you whack a** birds
I don’t see Complex. Are they disbanned?
Dawes Road Bloods of Dawes Road
Lol they been crip for time since when were they blood?
Since time..
Dean park isn’t blood
GDB gilder shi
I’ve heard there multiple gangs in the Bathurst steels – Bathurst finch area
Gangs are for little losers who are too scared to defend themselves all by dem selves
Its about money and survival making that money
No thats called gettng a job… thats what the rest of us do
Bathurst area used to be a gang that wore all red, not sure back than than if they were called Bloods though. I was chased by security years ago for something stoopid. These guards asked the gang if they wanted me. Maybe because I had a blue Camaro or caused trouble in their area. They didn’t do anything and I snuck into the concert anyway.
Bamburgh circle is missing it’s a smaller block off of warden steeles I grew up in between chester Le and bamburgh circle as a kid I always heard gunshots. They are definitely bloods