Birmingham Alabama Gangs

Map and Tour of the Birmingham Hoods & Streets

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Short History of Birmingham, Alabama

The story of Birmingham is similar to any other city in the south, from the days of Jim Crow and Civil Rights to the current state of poverty and street related activity that comes with it. In the beginning, the first communities for the black population were mainly Smithfield, Titusville, small parts of Pratt City and Ensley, as well a few areas on the East Side.

When blacks attempted to relocate outside of their segregated communities, many were often attacked. The building of the University of Alabama-Birmingham, construction projects of downtown area, along with the slum clearance of several neighborhoods during the 1950s and 1960s forced people into other parts of the city.

Around that time, the city ended segregation and removed the racial dividing lines. By the 1970s and 1980s, Birmingham’s black population eventually became the majority of the city. Today, the city has a population of over 200,000 people as the majority live in Birmingham’s black communities with exception to neighborhoods that are south of downtown and near the suburban cities of Mountain Brook and Homewood.

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