Tampa Bay
Map of the Tampa Hoods, St Pete Hoods, and much more
In one of Florida’s and the South’s largest metropolitan areas resides a number of Tampa hoods, St Pete hoods, and hoods throughout the metropolitan in places like Clearwater, Manatee County, and other surrounding areas. Browse through the map to view history and background descriptions, images, and much more of the streets of the Tampa, St. Petersburg, and other surrounding areas of Tampa Bay. There are not any Tampa gangs, like Bloods and Crips, but instead hoods or cliques.
Tampa Hoods Map Key: Orange = North Tampa | Dark Red = East Tampa | Blue = St Pete Hoods | Black = West Tampa
*Make sure to leave a comment, especially if something wrong and missing.*
The map above highlights the hoods and streets of the East Tampa ghetto, like College Hills, Jackson Heights, Grant Park, Ybor City, and several others. North of East Tampa, are the Tampa hoods like Sulphur Springs, Cross Busch, and Cross Fowler that account for the North Side. While West Tampa includes sections along West Main, as well Carver City, Robles Park, and Tampa Heights. To be clear, many neighborhoods are home to various cliques, not necessarily Tampa gangs.
The St Pete hoods are made up of small sections south of Interstate 175, which is known as the Midtown or South Side. What was once only a small area, would later expand throughout the years, entering areas of Childs Park, Jordan Park, Bethel Heights, Harbordale, and Lakewood.
Outside of the St Pete hoods, Pinellas County has smaller sections in the cities of Largo and Clearwater. This includes Greenwood, which is one of the oldest black communities of Pinellas County, High Point, and Largo’s Ridgecrest.
While St. Petersburg and Tampa are the most known, Tampa Bay’s Manatee County has a handful of hoods and urban sections in Palmetto’s Uptown section, Bradenton’s 9th Avenue, and various neighborhoods throughout Sarasota.
Carver city beef with 1900 in plant city one of the youngbloods was killed 01/07/23 and the person who did it from that way
BMB is a greenwood click in clearwater called baxkdoe murda boyz
Palmetto aka Jook City in Manatee County, Florida
Hoods: Newtown, Uptown, NOE, Jackson Park
**The heart of Palmetto is based around the community of Memphis**
Cliques: 0519 CrackerKeith World, HostageGang, OSG (Original Savage Gangsters), Exit 224 Youngins
Beefs: Sarasota (Amaryllis Park), 1900 Plant City, Progress Village, 2450 Meridian pointe
– OSG beefs with KPG of Robles Park & Tampa Heights, KGB of East Plant City area and SOB of West Tampa
Allied With: West Bradenton, Washington Park(1200)
– Exit 224 Youngins is allied to BMB(Baxkdoe Murda Boyz) of Greenwood in Clearwater
Home to rappers Shell$hock, Crashoutgitt Kwon, Palmetto Raheem941 & Krakka Roach352
1902 e Alabama st in plant city should be highlighted it’s a 1900 ties house to the youngbloods
Carver city beefs with highland pines and port Tampa
SOB clique of west Tampa beef with 32nd street clique JOG and Columbus court
Highland pines in Tampa beefs with st Pete hood Childs park
Take a picture of Roger Gardens
I saw someone say something about the ETK clique of kids in Tampa Heights (somewhere around the central court apartments) correct me if im wrong , but yes i agree they are dangerous they robbed and killed my dad in Orlando this weekend the clique is veryyy unknown because they originated in Orlando but some of the members moved too tampa
Yeah you are wrong about where the ETK (EJs TOP KILLERs) clique is they stay near the perrone park in TC (sweetwater farms area) in town n county because they moved from Orlando too tampa but they are pretty dangerous they arent very known because they just moved to Tampa in 2020 and started off in Tampa Heights but the ETK clique is in Town and country that is there home town and they claim K4K
so you arent wrong they are very unknown and dangerous but you are wrong about where they live they stay in the community called (TC) short for town n country they did start and originate in Orlando back in 2019 but in 2020 moved too Tampa and now stay around park called perrone park its it the sweetwater farms area of town and country and there area territory /hood is the apartments called called audubon village or (summerset village) in TC and some members also live in (captiva club apartments)
is there a way to go here and not die lol
Not a real Tampa hood knock It off yall kids lol teens*
idk if Tampa Heights “Ten4” gang is still around but there is a pretty unknown clique called ETK in Tampa Heights it’s mostly juveniles but they are sum else
Social: tik tok
Nah that’s not a real Tampa hood yall are kids. Area has no significance in our city
u forgot uptop in west tampa
Add the picture of East Bradenton and Rogers
Greenwood in Clearwater have a click called BMB (Backdoe Murda Boyz) they allied to them YN’s in Palmetto Exit 224 Youngins
Add a picture of Rogers Garden Park
Cliques in East Bradenton: GhettoStarz(Old),KTM and BackStreet
West Samoset is an old neighborhood built during the 1920s. The area is known for small own businesses. There main population are Hispanic and Black people.
DoloHK, BaybeE1500(deceased) and K4frm1500 rappers from Cross Fletcher
TFA Foe/Dmurda rapper from Jackson heights
GG Osama and RSO Amieer rappers from Sulphur Springs
SOB (West Tampa) beefs with 32nd click JOG
Add a picture of East Bradenton and Bradenton Village
Page projects in East Bradenton around 1013 26th st E
Cliques in East Bradenton is KTM, Backstreet, Ghetto Starz [Old clique]
A n**** from West Tampa died in Palm river back in 2017 and the person who did it stay in the area so I’m sure the hoods got rivalry LONG LIVE JOHNNIE B 1994-2017
Highland Pines (49th) just got into a shootout with Carver City a couple weeks ago in New Tampa. Trae2Kreeper (49th) and Cheezlu (carver city) both died
Yeah somebody from Highland pines (Robertcooley – life sentence) killed somebody from child’s park so they beefing too
East Bradenton are nickname the 3s and there some rappers from there Youngin26,BackstreetYG,RoadRunnaRondo,Li Mupa
Shermest block on the Map is 2450 how tf they beef with n****s from Palmetto ? Lol don’t get me started on Suga creek boyy 77th munyun baby
Madison Park around Grant Street to the train tracks in Plant City issa Plant City hood that also rival with Maryland heights (1900)..
GG (glizzy gang) is a Sulphur Springs click..
2450 aka Meridian pointe or MPblock of East Tampa rivals with Exit 224 Youngins of Palmetto
JOG in 32nd street rivals with SOB of West Tampa and 2kreep/KPG of Tampa Heights and Robles Park
Parker Street in Lakeland another hood that’s going through Gentrification…
Sulphur Springs & Nuccio both beef with 2-4 (College hill)
Pinehurst another Plant City hood between E Alabama St and E Alsobrook St
Highland Pines rival child Park in ST pete
Amaryllis Park in Sarasota (Untitled) rivals Palmetto
Washington Park (1200) allied with Palmetto and West Bradenton
Luh Roach352 is a rapper from Palmetto
Crashoutgitt Kwon is Heartbrokenkid Kwon ACTUAL rap name
CSG (Crashout Slimey Gremins) is a Palmetto click rival to KGB and OSG
and Allied to BMB (Baxkdoor Murda Boys) of Greenwood in Clearwater FL with Ridgecrest ties
How 2450 beef with Exit 224 ? Ik about 1900 and Sarasota beef bc n****s was dying behind dem hoods but 2450 ain’t up score
Lmao plant city.. Chicago makes these hoods look like choir boys..chicagos where the REAL gangsters come from..satan disciples nation..all hail barksdale.
ah, where the st. pete hoods at? just moved up here they keep saying gateway is the hood I am in.
46th street is one of the few hoods on the north side of St Pete
2450 is Merdian pointe not 12block and they beef with Palmetto florida clicks Exit 224 Youngins and Crashout
also College Hills beef with Sulphur Springs , 34th and 43rd they not allied nomore .. Amaryllis Park in Sarasota they beefing with Palmetto and its clicks and citizens alliance for progress is a Tarpon Springs hood
KGB is Plant City click (1900) rappers from there is 1900jrose (deceased) and pookafrom1900
Madison park is a plant city hood near grant street around the projects
Hood: Palmetto aka Jook City in Manatee County, Florida
Hoods: Newtown, Uptown, NOE, Jackson Park
**The heart of Palmetto is based around the community of Memphis**
Cliques: 0519 CrackerKeith World, HostageGang, YCG (Young Crashout Gremlins) OSG (Original Savage Gangsters), Exit 224 Youngins
Beefs: Sarasota(Amaryllis Park), 1900 Plant City, Progress Village, 2450 (Meridian Pointe)
– OSG beefs with KPG of Robles Park & Tampa Heights, KGB of East Plant City area and SOB of West Tampa
Allied With: West Bradenton, Washington Park(1200)
– YCG is allied to BMB (Backdoor Murda Boyz) of Greenwood & Ridgecrest in Clearwater, Florida.
Home to rappers Shell$hock, Crashoutgitt Kwon, Palmetto Raheem941 & Luh Roach352
Tampa hoods don’t beef with yall lil bro
When PV beefed with Palmetto? Lol Ik SoB beef with some palmetto niggas but damn and niggas from MP sherms just like the ceka issa hood everybody from every hood be moving into 🤣
Meridian pointe beef with few n****s from Exit 224 bc it was a fight and 2450 told Exit 224 don’t come back round there nomore unless they want fight again
SOB is a West Tampa click with PV and Port Tampa gang ties so Carver City beefs with Port Tampa
Cross Busch,Sulphur Springs,Nuccio were once allied to College Hills/Belmont Heights(24) and 34th Camanche but they fell out and are now rivals
Ik someone said Town N Country not a hood a while back but They have a K4K clique and beefs with Cross Fletcher after the Halloween Ybor Shooting Town & Country home to Rapper TBY Rell , and Cross Fletcher is home to BaybeE (deceased)
Tallevast,FL A historically African American neighborhood, Tallevast has for many decades been left underdeveloped and underfunded.
Oakhurst and Columbus court beefs and
Rappers from 33rd is Bertofromth33
The 410 33rd Ave E Bradenton Apartments aka 33rd
Washington park used to be called Lincoln Heights
washington park and west bradenton are allied with palmetto exit 224 youngins , and YCG young crashout gangster allied to a clique in Clearwater BMB backdoor murda boyz in grenwood they also beef with KGB in East Plant City & Maryland Heights projects
Page Apartments located between 9th Avenue East and 13th Avenue East Bradenton.
East Bradenton aka the 3s is the nickname in the neighborhood
Oakmeade Apartments built in the 1970s. Backstreet YG from there *add the pic of the apartments*
Madison Park is another Plant City hood it has its own projects called Madison Park homes just highlighted north of W Grant St and Waller St and south of the Railroad Tracks and Pinehurst is of E Alabama st and highlighted at E Alsobrook St they have KGB Killa Gangsta Boyz and 1900 ties…
Hood: Palmetto aka Jook City in Manatee County, Florida
Hoods: Newtown, Uptown, NOE, Jackson Park
**The heart of Palmetto is based around the community of Memphis**
Cliques: 0519 CrackerKeith World, HostageGang, YCG (Youngin Crashout Gangsters) OSG (Original Savage Gangsters), Exit 224 Youngins
Beefs: Sarasota(Amaryllis Park & Gillespie Park/Chico Town), 1900 Plant City, Progress Village,
– OSG beefs with KPG of Robles Park & Tampa Heights, KGB of East Plant City area and SOB of West Tampa
Allied With: West Bradenton, Washington Park(1200)
– YCG is allied to BMB(Backdoor Murda Boyz) of Greenwood & Ridgecrest in Clearwater, Florida.
Home to rappers Shell$hock, Crashoutgitt Kwon, Palmetto Raheem941 & Luh Roach352
Dr Martin Luther King Park aka ”1200” a hood in West Bradenton
Washington Park is a small historically Black residential community in East Bradenton. The community surrounded Lincoln Academy, a public school established by G.D. Rogers in the early 1910s, and the eastern portion of the neighborhood was known as Lincoln Heights. The area was a center of the African American community of the towns of Bradenton and Manatee, with businesses lining the busy thoroughfares of Bradenton’s Central Avenue (now 9th Avenue/Martin Luther King Ave East) and Manatee’s Central Avenue (now 9th Street East). As industrial businesses developed in the area such as Tropicana, the neighborhood became home to the local workforce. It eventually became known as Washington Park. It is believed to be named for the Washington family, led by patriarch Walter Washington, who moved to the neighborhood in 1920 and opened the Washington Grocery Store in the 1950s. In the 1990s and 2000s, Washington Park was the site of redevelopment led by local government and residents and several new homes were built. Community leaders continue to work for community revitalization
Hoods in East Bradenton: Washington Park,Everest Gardens,Lincoln Village,WD Sugg Apartments,Norma Lloyd Park,Oakmeade Apartments and the 9th
West Samoset one of the oldest black neighborhood in Bradenton the whole neighborhood is being gentrified it’s generally bound by 13th Avenue East to the north, 27th Street East to the east, 15th Street East to the west and to the south by 44th Avenue East and 36th Avenue East. Built during the 1900s make sure the add the pic of the neighborhood
Old Projects used to be active in the day in Sarasota through the 90s and 80s. The Projects are being gentrified and Rappers from there are Rayy Dubb,Blowin Bandz Youngin,Jay Dubb in Newtown
2 things to update for Palmettos history CYG (crashout young goons) is allied to BMB backdoor murda boyz in Greenwood ,Clearwater Fl and beef with KGB a 1900 block Plant City clique
Crashout Gitt Kwon is heartbrokenkid kwon new rap name
Spin4LilDavid ShootlikeCrackerKeith is the motto for all Palmetto cliques
Tampon springs is wigger city but issa few black ppl and young clique members who get active the ghetto parts is the areas around Tarpon springs elementary and citizens alliance for progress also wick city (greenwood has a clique called BMB backdoor murda boyz with alliance with a Palmetto clique CYG crashout
young goonz who beef with KGB killa
gangsta boyz in 1900 block Plant City
There’s ghetto part of Tarpon Springs around Tarpon springs elementary and citizens alliance for progress that’s mixed wigger and black
College hills /24 and Sulphur Springs,Nuccio, 34th Camanche fell out of alliance and now have rivalry
College hill/24 new rivals are sulphur springs and Nuccio
And Town & Country now beefs with Cross fletcher town & country home to rapper TBY rell
East Bradenton is home to the Football Player Dominique Cromartie Rodgers,BackstreetYG,Youngin26,Li Mupa Mook,Casinoo Keem and RoadRunnaRondo.
West Samoset one of the oldest black neighborhood in Bradenton the whole neighborhood is being gentrified it’s generally bound by 13th Avenue East to the north, 27th Street East to the east, 15th Street East to the west and to the south by 44th Avenue East and 36th Avenue East. Built during the 1900s make sure the add the pic of the neighborhood
When y’all update the map few things to add :
KGB (Killa Gangster Boys) is a Plant City click with 1900 ties they beef with MSD (Murda Stackin Demons ) a Palmetto and West Bradenton click, and City of Tarpon Springs .
1900 / Maryland Heights Projects in Plant City beef with a hood in Lakeland Webster Park South
And City of Palmetto Exit 224 Youngins motto saying is “Spin for Lil David , Shoot like CrackerKeith” and Crashoutgitt Kwon is Heartbrokenkid Kwon new rap name
Lakeland hoods area Paul a digg , webster park north lake wire
Everest Gardens is KTM it’s used to be Avalon Apartments built during the 70s Rappers are from there is Casinoo Keem
Oakmeade Apartments is Close to Everest Gardens rappers from Oakmeade is BackstreetYG
PridePark14 is DoverLocos All Nortenos sets and beef wit sureno13 sets
Town n country cliqued up now beefing with nhc (cross Fletcher)
15th durty game and cross fletcher are Allied
One thing about the city Palmetto all the cliques have one saying in common that’s “SPIN for lil David and Shoot like Cracker Keith”
Y’all should talk about some of the hoods in pasco county
Pasco sweet asl ain no hoods there
Bayshore Gardens, Bradenton
It was built around the 1950s and it’s a oldest white community on the west side the neighborhood use to be fields for growing tomatoes
The other part of it)))
MSD Murder stacking demons to palmetto fl who beef with KGB killa gangster boys of Larrick ct in plant city and change heartbrokenkid Kwon to Crashoutgitt Kwon
Manatee Mineral Spring Park is one of the oldest Park in Bradenton it was recognized as a stop for escape slaves oldest community in Manatee County.
the raq should be shifted closer to busch gardens
what about south terrace park
Grove Terrace Apartments in Venice,FL it was built in the 1960s but was it demolished in the 2000s
Temple crest is a hood in Tampa , das considered da east, da real Raq, 50th and Busch is not the Raq, that’s just the poor part of temple terrace, ion know what these ppl be tellin u but they be cappin
That used to be the 4way a while back and that bih used to wildn
Bruh temple crest is pie no hood shot goin on ova there
Washington Park is 1200 Home to a Rapper name Young Bub
PridePark Oneco they are Devor Locos and All Norteno1️⃣4️⃣ set and beefing with All Sureno Sets
Hoods in East Bradenton: Washington Park,Everest Gardens,Lincoln Village,WD Sugg Apartments,Norma Lloyd Park,Oakmeade Apartments
12 Ave W and 7 St Ct Bradenton is 1200 Home to Young Bub the hood is close to Rogers Projects
Washington Park is 41MMG/CCG Home to Slim Cooley and BIG PE$0
Crashoutgitt Kwon is a rappr from Palmetto and his rapper name isnt Heartbrokenkid Kwon nomore.
LARRICK COURT in Plant city larrick LN thats part of maryland heights projects (1900) they click is KGB killa gangsta boys they also beefing with the clicks MSD murda stacking demons out in Palmetto and Exit 224 Youngins
308 12th Ave W Bradenton The neighborhood was gentrified and it’s close to Rodgers Projects oldest black community
Pine Village is a small apartment complex build around the 80s
Lincoln Village was used to Love Apartments B4 it was demolished
Im glad you updated palmetto but you forgot to add the click MSD murda stacking demons with Ties to East Bradenton and beefs with KGB killa gangsta boys out in Plant City near 1900 and Turkey Creek and the Dover area gangs tgw 3 latino gangs Norteños 14, Sur 13, Dover Locos MSD and OSG clicked Up and Heartbrokenkid Kwon new rap name is Crashoutgitt Kwon.
West Samoset one of the oldest neighborhood in Bradenton the whole neighborhood is being gentrified it’s generally bound by 13th Avenue East to the north, 27th Street East to the east, 15th Street East to the west and to the south by 44th Avenue East and 36th Avenue East. Built during the 1900s make sure the add the pic of the neighborhood too.
South Bradenton was known for its businesses in the area the whole neighborhood is mostly Hispanic and White the whole neighborhood is going through gentrification also the oldest community in the middle of Bradenton
Steve Lewis Communist next to Lake East Apartments the whole neighborhood is getting gentrified and the oldest black community
Old Projects used to be active in the day in Sarasota through the 90s and 80s The Projects are being gentrified and Rappers from there is Rayy Dubb,Blowin Bandz Youngin,Jay Dubb and the Blowin Bandz Label in Newtown
Martin Luther King Park in West Bradenton 509 9th Ave W the whole neighborhood close to Rogers Gardens
112 11th Avenue West Love Park
There some hoods on 580 too. Coming in on oldsmar.
What they go by? And which areas of 580? Ik there’s a clique ducked off between 580 and sunset on Hercules. DBD (Death Before Dishonor) but not sure who they beef with.
East Bradenton is a area known for its crike and how active it was back in the day and now its active today one of the oldest black community Rappers from there is Youngin26, Li Mupa Mook, Road Runna Rondo,Rockett and Joe Blacc also take a picture of it
Lincoln Village used to be Love Apartments but it was redeveloped
WD Sugg was built around the 80s my fault
Garden Walk Condos I heard it got crime prostitutes and drug dealers
There is alot more active spots And i def think maps need to be adjusted.
WD Sugg Apartments or the Sugg is at 2002 Martin Luther King Ave on East Bradenton and it’s close to Everest Gardens the Sugg was known for violence throughout the years and was active Built during the 60s or 70s
It was build around the 80s
Town & Country beefs with Cross Fletcher now and has a click K4K after the shooting in ybor town & country is home to TBY RELL
Progress Village members have ties to SOB squad of West Tampa some 8200 members rep SOB
Pv got ties to evb in Tampa some how some way like frl north,east,west allat idk how tho 😂🤷🏽♂️
Hood hoppers
You can blame Rayquan for that shit he shot up Durant High School prom afterparty
Nigga you late ???????? Since 2020 Them PC boyz was on them palmetto niggas ass
Palmetto Florida Exit 224 Youngins 4 Life 1900K Fuck Plant City Rubonia , West Bradenton , Palmetto STAND TF UP! #LONGLIVECRACKAKEITH 03/24/02-05/19/20 #LONGLIVELILDAVID 01/12/04-09/04/22 #FREERAHEEM2029 Bro was 18 with 8 years been jammed up since age 16
DumbSteppa rapper from Noso North Village in Oneco
Lol who do we speak with to correct the Palmetto & Bradenton history? because this is lowkey embarrassing lol no offense. But cmon dawg. Even the mapping is all wrong. You can’t google or youtube any of the places featured on here and bring back any valid history. I’d like to seriously correct that though. I’m even down to show y’all around and give a TRUE deep dive into the real history Manatee County aka Murdatee County.
I make the changes, let me know what should added
Palmetto nigs was Brawling with Plant City 1900 block members at the strawberry festival I heard and at Tampa JDC Back in 2018-2019 and the white boy that died named Cracka Keith he was really the leader behind his own click EXIT 224 YOUNGINS
Someone gave y’all bad intel about Mantee County. These jits don’t know shit about Palmetto or Bradenton, if they are calling it “Palmghetto”. That’s what the white people call it to try to offend us. There’s a reason why we throw up 4’s and lock 4’s when we dap up. This is a 41 territory. Always has and always will be. If they aren’t under the 41 umbrella, that shit is not real. If they didn’t make the newspaper about the affiliation, that shit is not real. It’s probably just a rap group full of literal kids that are trying to step out into the streets. But don’t let these “Palmghetto” jits brainwas y’all into forgetting Murdatee County’s entire history. From 41 Boyz, to Sho Off, to IBC. Too many lives lost for mfs to act like our history never existed, because some jits want some bullshit notoriety. Because 9 times out of 10, they are from Parrish or Ellenton, if they call our shit “Palmghetto”. If your GPS doesn’t say “Memphis” and you tryna if you not from Newtown, Uptown, NOE, Jackson Park, etc and you claim to rep the 4, then 99% of mfs are gonna laugh you off the streets. Cause we know you cap.
Everybody from every hood use to wanna hang in Carver City!!
Take a picture of Treesdale Apartment and Bradenton Village
King’s Forest is the name of the hood across mlk from sugar creek(empire pl, thames pl, wallis pl, cromwell dr, berkley dr,downing cir, fawn cir, Tudor pl, & sane pl)
OakMeade apartment use to be active back in the days
Noso North Village on 3488 9th St E a small apartment complex
Pride Park in Oneco multiple shootings be happening in the park
Everest Gardens used to Avalon Gardens built in the 1970s it’s was a dangerous block back then in the 90s and 80s and it was remodeled in the 2000s and now it’s called Treesdale or Everest Gardens
Osais Community Center mostly black and Hispanic around the area and it’s known in Samoset next by K & S Discount Store the full with run down houses
Steve Lewis Community next to Lake East Apartments the neighborhood is full of boarded up houses and the half is being gentrified right now
1: Nobody calls that The Raq, not even people that stay over there, 2: Cross Cross? Lmao 3: 12Block… Must be a new name because we simply called it MP when we was running shut over their as gitts 4: Change The Deuce name to 32 or Coon 5: Nobody calls the Springs The Zoo lol wtf 6: Y’all are missing a few more places.
The raq is def a hood area
Let’s not forget the KGB killa gangster boys and YGz Yung Gunnas from whole Plant City and hopewell gardens who has fued with MSD murder savage demons of East Bradenton (allied and has ties to OSG) and the Dover area has 3 latino gangs Norteños 14, Sur 13, Dover Locos (also OSG and MSD rivals)
Lecom Park is famously known for its stadium and games was active back in the day
Neighborhood close to Church of God of Samoset
Washington Park is a historical place in Bradenton and a old black community back in the day and whole lot a black owned businesss is in there
Pine Village Apartments is a small poor community it’s was built in around 70s or 60s or 80s it’s known for crackheads for being there
Also Joe Blacc and The East was infamous and had a lot of talent
Rappers from East Bradenton is Li Mupa Mook,PTC Rockett,RoadRunna Rondo,DumbSteppa
the duece (32nd) has rivalry with sulphur springs and robles park members be in c blacc
MSD (Murder savage demons) also has Ties in Palmetto florida but is an East Bradenton click allied with OSG their rivals are the KGB killa gangsta boys of Plant City centered south of 1900 round hopewell gardens and few areas around turkey creek and main beefs are latino gangs Dover Locos , Sur 13 and Norteños 14 out in Dover
Cross Busch got rivalry with progress village
Bradenton Village II the second part of the projects and the neighborhood close to it
Manasota Villas in Bradenton
Lecom Park
What gangs are in terrace park/da raq
There isn’t, it’s just a hood area
Dbg cog thf rdg sns oks it’s alol and there all clicked up they beef with bh(24) cross Fletcher West Tampa cblack some even beef with Jackson heights 29 Robles 32 Tampa heights n there’s a couple of hoods called mblock one on the north side(8100 mulberry st I think ynd and ctb be there idk) one in the East side (meridian point) and in down town (mobly park) they got beef with all them and grant park but they come from east side the north and the south some n are in jail currently but there active they beef with more like ynd ctb ynic otf kpg gbg tsg 2kreep lnc nhc gyg rpk rvt cc(central Court) all most the whole tampa but its alot of them n there dangerous… its hoods alllllllll around tampa that have beef literally on the south West east north n there not known but there active n people is getting shot behind this like alot it was a hood beef one time with the raq and a unknown hood outside of tampa called ap nd they moved into tampa north side terrace park nd cope land they weny at it for yearrrrrs the kids was all n the beef n getting shot it was terrible but then ap got hit wut charges and the raq around 2022 but 2019 is when everything started so the new generation is going at and the split up some still claim the raq they still be down there (dbg cog thf oks sns rdg) nd some still be in cope land(the clicks were otb otg ots) n some are still at war but it died down
tampa heights and robles park is not da west.If anything they central tampa
That’s if anything it’s East Central Tampa not West Tampa respectfully
Tampa street is what separates the East from West but n blvd is central Tampa who ever said the interstate separates the east from west WASNT lying at all it’s just Tampa heights and Robles stop when you pass it
Washington Park Neighborhood in Bradenton 108 9th Ave by Lincoln Village
Roger Gardens Projects was notorious for drug and gang violence and was the oldest black community
Y’all know gangs in terrace park/da raq
1900 in Plant City is Maryland heights projects they beef with sulphur springs of course and Palmetto Florida and West Bradenton
BG,Tampa park,CPV,zoo,24goyams, 34th comanche,43rd they all together
Not nomo 😂 shii happens 🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
Gsnaxks and 23 Meezy from the Ceka, 2Kreep from Robles, Lathegoat from Tampa park, Krazy Al from grant park, Buck sosa from progress village
Ceka is also home to Comedians Lito aka Mr.West Mfn Tampa and Deontejones1996
There’s another clique from the deuce called JOG(Jump out gang)
NHC, OMB, 2GX, Gangway are all cliques from cross fletcher
In carver city it’s not Lu gang, it’s Lu mafia
Pine Village in Oneco,Bradenton it’s called manatee housing authority
Progress village 8200 beefs with the whole Palmetto Florida, osg clique beef with KPG clique in Robles Park & Tampa Heights and SOB clique in West Tampa …. West Bradenton are allied with Palmetto Florida but they also EverythingK
Manatee County Housing Authority Pine Village in Oneco
what’s ccb new tampa ???? i checked on google maps and it be lookin mighty suburban????
Somebody made that goofy ass shii up man????
That’s not even a gang that’s some squad some rich white boy made up to look tuff bc he wanted to look hood or something ????????
East Bradenton is home to rappers like Li Mupa Mook PTC Rockett and RoadRunnaRondo
nuccio/courtyard ???? 56thbaby
Raq shii
courtyard not no mf busch gardens area, its 56th/50th just a lil north nuccio dats it.
Expand the raq to border Busch gardens and adventure island
Grant Park had a nickname called 92 ENT back in 2000s
Cross creek boyz mid class people got gangs too
but it’s the goofi people who think their suburb is hood
I sent photos to an email, idk If it’s da right one
media@kulturevulturez.com is the right email
Check it
bro yall i be tellin him to expand the raq to busch gardens and he ain’t doin it
Im going to do it, I just keep forgetting
The raq not no mf busch gardens raq 56th/50th bloxk just a lil north of nuccio on some east side shit we not none of dat bucsh shit
be quiet the raq be on /above busch and bordering busch gardens dummy
Robles and Tampa heights is consider Ova East , BG (Central/ Tampa park) is consider the south and Mobley not a hood
Mobley park got n****s from the hood who be out there
Can we be real and agree that south Tampa ain’t hood and the Chico hoods ain’t no hoods either, list the actual hoods that got history in the city
Palmetto beach used to have history of crime both property and person crime. But yeah wellswood,Egypt lake and Alexander park they neighborhoods with no gangs or proverty or criminal activity.
A hood is a hood. Make it make sense?? Tc has plenty history ijs .
There some projects on Bradenton it’s on 1299 26th E
Another hood in West Bradenton it is in 801 10th Ave and located by Martin Luther King Jr Park. Lincoln Village it used to be Love Apartments but it demolished it’s at Bradenton
I meant to expand the raq to Busch gardens on the east. To include the other side of 46th from Wilma to linebaugh
There a hood in palmetto villas and the neighborhood is getting gentrified. And also there a neighborhood it’s called Kingston Estates in Bradenton. A hood in Sarasota is 23rd and Dixie. There a hood in Bradenton called Norma Lloyd park and right by to the east.
Tampa heights and Robles still beef but they share a clique in common called KPG them members beefing with the OSG members out in Palmetto & West Bradenton
You forgot Lake East Apartments in Bradenton and Pine Village in Oneco. Don’t forget about Bradenton Village it’s used to be Roger Gardens Projects
There’s a hood in da east, Meridian Pointe apartments, it’s called 12 block
Lol wtf ???????????? i was wondering wea dis was at , ain’t no damn way!
West Bradenton & City of Palmetto are allied OSG CLIQUE also got rivalry against a clique called KPG (Robles Park & Tampa Heights area)
Wellswood, Egypt lake-Leto, Alexander park area are all Hispanic hoods of Tampa
West Bradenton allied with Palmetto Florida the rivalry with plant city still continues 43rd St W to 26th St W & Manatee ave to 17th they have Wiggers and Hispanics.
Lacoochee, Florida is a hood in Pasco county, Dade city area
the raq should be expanded up to linebaugh and across to border adventure island and busch gardens
French villas apartments is a hood in Kenneth city beefs with the shady oaks apartments and MOT clique from childs park
There’s is a hood in Kenneth city by St Pete called shady oaks apartments/Ashford Bayside
It’s call the oak
Beefs:childs park,harbordale,auburn park,3rd Ave and the wick
Carver city got ties to 32nd, they was called trill coons
I remember that chxt bacc in 2011 – 2013 and that’s why west Tampa ain’t fw 32nd most of the niggas that went to Jefferson was from 32nd , 34th area back in 2012
Why west Tampa don’t F*** with with carver city ?
43rd St W to 26th St W & Manatee ave to 17th (West Bradenton) should be highlighted they cliqued up with Palmetto FL with the OSG clique original savage gangsters and are rivals with 1900 plant city mostly every youngin in that area OSG
Sarah street is a block now
the raq actually in tampa
Tampa heights and Robles park is not the west, if anything they’re central Tampa. Once you cross the Columbus bridge u not in the west no more
Progress Village don’t beef with the city of Palmetto no more just 1900 plant city does and they beef with north Tampa aka the zoo also West Bradenton is cliqued up with Palmetto FL there’s an area around 17 ave w & 26th st w to 43rd st w called OSG (original savage gangsters) part of the members are from Palmetto FL and stay few areas in Tampa they beef also 1900 blocc Plant City and YGz home of OSG Melsavage
College hill (24 or Belmont heights) got rivalry with West Tampa & Grant Park and Temple Terrace aka the raq
the raq not temple terrace its temple crest we still east tampa ????
Tampa heights and Robles Park should be highlighted black they both on the West side of Tampa interstate 275 is what separates East fromWest
No the f*** it’s not
They actually right bc once you pass the freeway i275 that’s when the streets start becoming East
Nigga the west side is everything before u cross the river the interstate don’t divide that shit wtf, they central Tampa before they west Tampa, u n****s don’t be knowing what y’all talking about
the raq is in tampa dummy
Wasn’t what I was talking about they said i275 separate East from West but ok
No n**** u stupid asf, the river separate the east and the west retarded ahh jitt
yall can check the tampa boundries
Palmetto beach is a hood, in the ybor area. It’s a lot of Hispanics over there
West side being heavily gentrified. Also Tampa heights is going thru the gentrification process
There’s a block called 3600 around Sarah street in the college hill area. CBG 4X and then claim 3600 now
Oakhurst – NuchieWorld, Macsquad
Columbus Court – Jayway
Uptop – Lonniegang,deionworld
Chico side (habana ave – north Dale Mabry) SOB , 1018
West Tampa got Cliques likes MacSquad for Jmac, 1204 or Lonnie gang for Lonnie, Jayway for 23, 1018 or SOB for TraeB, Odr(only da roe)
South Tampa just doesn’t give hood for me I can’t explain It.
U probably cant tell now but port Tampa over by Robinson use to be rough back in the day
Would love to know about Rembrandt they completely got rid of that area and it’s history (gentrification) sucks!
How the f*** carver city started beefing with progress village
The SOB clique with West Tampa n****s have some members that from 8200 and you know carver city WASNT with that
Cblacc is Robles Park allies bc most members from Robles live in cblacc
The Raq beefing with cross fletcher. TSG (Belmont heights) beefin with 444 (Jackson Heights). Robles park is cool with 32nd street. Tampa park beefing with The ceka. West Tampa and Robles park cliqued up. CBG and Cross Busch gang 2 different cliques. CBG be in 43rd and 2-4. 1900 block beefin with sulphur springs
1900 beefing with the City of Palmetto too and Palmetto and West Bradenton United
Carver City is being heavily gentrified but them members still be out there tho, there’s a clique called “No love”. The young niggas in Carver City beef with a clique from west Tampa called “SOB”
SOB is 1018 for a dude name traeB who got killed going to mcds
childs park is the worst hood in st pete, if u are a out of towner beware and keep head on a swivel, theirs constantly shootings, they rob eachother and people they never seen, the recreation center can’t have one night without a shooting, THE PARK AFTER DARK IS HORRIBLE
West Tampa is the ugly side / ugly cut & crazy cut
Progress village beef with both Carver City in Tampa and the city of Palmetto
RVT although not as active as back in the day Riverview terrace still has tension with Sulphur Sprangs (ongoing beef since back then) and had a large fight with cross fletcher a couple few years ago
Beefs: Sulphur Sprangs
BSG (Broad St Gangsta’s)
Palmetto nickname is Jook city also
Palmghetto is home to rappers Shell$hock , Heartbrokenkid kwon & Palmetto Raheem941
Cliques/Gangs : 0519 CrackerKeith world, HostageGang ,osg (Original Savage Gangsters) Exit 224 youngins
Beefs: Sarasota , 1900 block plant city , Progress Village
Cool with: Most Tampa hoods , West Bradenton
Palmetto has never been “Palmghetto”. We have always been 41 and PNolia, or the original name, which if Memphis.
Tampa park and carver city are cliqued up
22nd and Cayuga is not called the blocc it’s called Cblacc
Ain’t no crips or bloods only from up the road
Palmghetto got a squad called EXIT 224 youngins
This shit cap af lmao. Ain’t no such thing as Palmghetto. You either from the 4 or you not.
Palmetto doesn’t have beef with anyone except 1900 block plant city because a rapper name Shell$hock (who is from Palmetto) had a friend name raekwon who caused chaos at durant high school prom after party and palmetto &; west Bradenton got a gang called HostageGang and 0519 ,OR KEITHWAY (LONG LIVE CRACKER KEITH) that what started the rivalry
Progress village beefing with palmetto too I been hearing about it
West Tampa is located from West Columbus drive to west Main Street vertically and w habana ave to North Boulevard horizontally
East south st pete hoods
-Bethel heights/da bricks
clicks: OtmBle
allies:8hype/6bloc,auburn park, and more hoods throught the east.
Beefs: Childs Park/Dub ave
clicks: 8hype/6bloc, barlett park, p4k, Pnr,onetre/thirteenth ave heights.
allies:Bethel Heights,Auburn park
beefs: Childs Park/Dub ave
-3rd ave
allies: hoods allthrought st pete
beefs: pyn beefs with Bte and Fto
-Jordan Park
allies- hoods all throughout st pete
beefs-hoods all throughout st pete
West South st pete hoods
-Childs Park/Dub ave
clicks:bnb,ynic,oty,kbm,shady side, ygs,tre6
allies:3rd ave, jordan park
beefs:ygs and tre6 branch off as a renegade crew and hoods all throughout south east st pete.
st pete was a ruff time during 2000s and early 2010’s, it settled down a little but theirs still static in city with childs park being the most dangerous rn. bethel heights top hitters are all jailed.
What about Jamestown/park
Gotta highlight Nebraska Avenue, that’s the most notorious street in Tampa. That and 40th
Nebraska Was Popping When I Lived In T-town Fasho. Yassss
That was a wild ass area, with all the money getting poured in the area is changing rapidly. All rich yuppies from UT and New Jersey transplants
I’m from Palmetto Florida aka palmghetto rubonia we beef with south Bradenton and clicked with west Bradenton and west Bradenton full of wiggers and sex money murda gang members
We clicked up with palmetto we beef with plant city
1900 block in plant city, centered around Alabama street, they’re beefing with da Zoo
PV & CBG beefs as well. Cbg is a click between 24 & 15th called Cock Back Gang , the other CBG stands for Cross Busch which 99th & The Raq
Tampa projects/Apartments
Robles Park
Central Park (BirdGang)
(Knocked down)
Tampa Park
North Blvd Homes (West Tampa) (knocked down)
Oak Hurst
Oak Village
Columbus Court (Ceka)
Central Court (Tampa heights)
Rembrandt (Knocked down)
JCourt (43rd)
Jackson heights ( 34th n lake)
College Hill Homes (22nd Outlaws)
Ponce De Leon Courts (24 Goyams)
(Both Knocked Down)
Moses white (Nuccio)
Riverview Terrace (Rvt)
Sulphur Springs is also commonly known as”The Zoo”
34 comanche is ebloxk
22nd and Cayuga is nick named da blacc. 32nd is also known as “the deuce” Nuccio is nicknamed “Da O” Carver City is also known as Zone T or Trillzone 34th is nicknamed Ebloxk
The official boundaries of the Historic Ybor neighborhood are I-4 to the north, 22nd Street to the east, Adamo Drive to the south, and Nebraska Avenue to the west.
There is a small set right off 29th on 19th Ave (Next 18st park) called “19Huncho”
Grant park sets are 53rd Mafia, 5ive 4 Boys (54) , Shady 5th (55th st) Grant park main beefs are with 444 , Nuccio, mbm, Cbg & they also have strong ties with 49th backside
43rd main beefs West Tampa & Robles , associates with a small click on 42nd Palifox,Cayuga in the Northview hills community
29 aka Y9N young 9 N*gga 29 is cordial with Jackson heights
North Tampa
– Cross Busch (CBG,I4, The Raq, Team 200, 99th)
– Cross Fletcher/ Fowler (51/50)
– Sulphur Springs ( Drak, 12/17,K4B)
– Riverview Terrace ( RVT)
South Tampa
– Central Park ” BirdGang ” (700, PHB, 30 boys)
– Tampa Park
– Palm River 58th, Gz
– Clair Mel 78th, Green Ridge
– Progress Village 82nd, Sampson park
East Tampa
– Tampa Heights “Ten4”, Central Court
– Robles Park 400
– Dirty Game 15th, GFM
– 24 Goyams ( Trapshyt800, EBK )
– 29th Lake
– 22nd “Da Block”
– 32nd YCG (30th, 35th)
– 34th Jackson Heights, 444
– 34th Comanche, MBM ( 1006, RoseGang)
– 43rd (“42nd” williams park)
– Nuccio , Cashville
– Oak park 52nd
– Highland Pines (Front 2100/ Backside on 49th)
– Grant, YGz
– Sugar Creek, Munyunn Gang 77th ( Hood across st from fair ykyk)
West Tampa
– Oak Village 1204
– Oak Hurst, Ro bloxk
– Columbus Court, Ceka
– Main street
– Uptop
– 4 way
– Press Box ( Across st from Blake)
now everything more broken off through sets
It’s also another 22nd off of N. 22nd st On E. Cayuga st.
22nd E Cayuga St is “The Block” ( Not active as far as beef)
.43rd street claim A4Tre
.Sulphur springs claims K4B
.Robles park claims 4KB
.32nd street is nicknamed the Deuce
. 34th and Nuccio both claim .Rosegang and 1006
There’s another hood called the Raq. The area is 50th and Busch.
Carver city is home to Trillfam and Lu gang. Other hoods in West Tampa are uptop and 300 block which y’all have highlighted but could also be in the west Tampa description. There’s also another old hood on da east side called Mobley park, close to 7th avenue I’m pretty sure.
There use to be an apartment complex in west tampa called Tampa Presbyterian village, right off of Main Street and north boulevard that got tore down years ago, I think it’s worth mentioning, it was literally right in front of blake high school, should be able to find it with google maps if u switch the date
Grant park is beefing with 43rd, Sulphur springs, and Nuccio
Sulphur springs has beef with cross fletcher, West Tampa, 34th and grant park
Jackson heights also got beef with West Tampa
Carver city was known for beef with west Tampa. Also river view terrace is north side, not west
Palm river is home to TomG, Taleban dooda from 43rd, Roboy and Exit 42 from oakhurst
U accidentally put Roboy and exit 42 as being from colombus court and not oakhurst. Also colombus court is known as da Ceka
How you forget 43rd 32nd columbus court . Also 34th was beefin with 32nd
32nd n Ellicott / Caracas