Map of Phoenix Gangs

Full Tour of the Phoenix Hoods

In the largest city of the state of Arizona resides a number of Phoenix gangs, gangs like Bloods and Crips, and Hispanic gangs like WBP/Doble Gang, Phoeniquera, and many more. These gangs are located in the Phoenix hoods of the city’s South Side, West Side, and small sections of the East Side in neighborhoods like Maryvale, Garfield, and South Mountain Village.

Scrolling through the map get a chance to view some of Phoenix’s most reputable hoods, history of the many Mexican/Hispanic and black communities of Phoenix, sections of the city’s most notorious Phoenix gangs, and much more.

Phoenix Hoods & Gangs Map

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A city with over 1.5 million people, and growing, is largely predominantly white and Hispanic. The city’s black community is not truly existing as there are black Phoenix hoods scattered throughout the South Side and sections of the West Side, primarily in the city’s Maryvale neighborhood. The Hispanic population dominates the South Side and West Side, while also having a small portion of Glendale and Phoenix’s East Side and North Side.

Phoenix gangs date back as far as the early 1900s, but today’s modern day gangs began to form during the 1970s and 1980s, with some having history dating to the 1960s. Bloods and Crips migrated from California around the late 1980s and 1990s, if not mistaken. Even though Hispanic gangs began during the 1960s, most created their presence in the streets during the 1970s and 1980s, gangs like the WBP, also known as the Doble Gang and several others are among the first Mexican gangs in the city.

As mentioned the black community, which accounts for about 7% of the city’s population, is somewhat nonexistence, even though there are small black neighborhoods, but mostly on the South Side and scattered throughout Maryvale. While blacks have been in the region since the 1800s, with many experiencing racism throughout the 1900s, the black population has slowly grown over the years, especially as Arizona has become a transplant community of out-of-towners relocating to the Valley from places like California and dozens of cities in the Midwest.

Despite being near the border of Mexico, the Hispanic population began growing between the 1920s and 1950s. Like blacks, Hispanics did face discrimination, but eventually there numbers grew to becoming almost the predominant group in Phoenix. Today, the Hispanic population is mostly on the West Side and the South Side.

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